The final verdict... in English Drama by Dr Narendra Shukl books and stories PDF | The final verdict...

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The final verdict...

“What is your name?”the Public prosecutor asked the ferocious looking accused standing in the dock.

“Vicky Ustad” he replied, while biting his lips

“So, did you shoot the collector?”

“Yes, I DID!. . .”Vicky Ustad said proudly.

“But, why ?”prosecutor asked.

Vicky looked at the judge but, No answer given.

“I asked, why did you abuse the Collector Sahib?”,the prosecutor questioned firmly.

“I was paid.”Vicky said without hesitation.

“Who gave the money?”The prosecutor asked the next question.

He did not answer.He was constantly staring at the judge....Probably trying to identify something.

“I repeat, who gave you the money? The words of the prosecutor were firm now howeverfrowning of theprosecutor did not affect Vicky.Police, lawyers, judges and punishments were not new for him.

“Who so ever gave it, none of your business!You cannot be dishonest to your hawks ... I shot the collector. Pass on the sentence, quickly.I have no time to waste.”Vicky, a professional criminal responded without any sense of fear.

“You shot your own sister!” , said the prosecutor to shatter him.

“My sister???”His mouth opened in disbelief. “What are you saying, sir?I did not shoot my sister, I shot Miss Pande, Rakabganj’s Collector.”

“Isn’t Vikram Deshpande your real name? Isn’t Jyoti Deshpande your sister? Aren’t you the only son of VikasDeshpande?”The prosecutor shot him with several questions.

“Yes, I am VikramDeshpande, the only son of Shri Vikas Deshpande and my sister's name is Jyoti Deshpande....But, what does this have to do with the case?”Vicky asked with curiosity.

“Miss Jyoti Deshpande is deeply involved with this case, your honour...because Miss Jyoti Deshpande is the one who was shot by Vicky.”Theprosecutor said, pointing towards the accused. Vicky Ustad alias Vikram Deshpande still did not believe...“I.. I fired on my sister,Jyoti? .How is this possible ? ..No ..No ..This cannot happen!...she, wasn’t Jyoti, she was Collector Pandey. But..Maybe ...Oh !What did I do?” He was into tears. He wasn’t able to stand.He held his head and sat down in the dock.Meanwhile, hearing the family history of Vicky Ustad, the judge , who was till now going through the pages of the file..Shockinglyfor the first time, looked at the accused and raised her eyes in disbelief.“God!, it's really little brother. !.How can this happen? How can the cute, littlebaby ,I held in my arms become a hard core criminal?This unfortunate encounter of brother and sister after so many years?”All these questions caused a stir in her mind.She recalled...When Vicky was born, the complete house celebrated it with utmost happiness.All the relatives were called.Both, mother and father were very happy.After two girls, a son was born.Kamala aunt acclaimed her mother that the boy will rise above his two sisters.Grandmother also approved in firm belief “Obviously, girls, even after studying need to do house hold chores - they are meant to stay at home”. “Yes, you’re right! Boys are the real gems of the house. Dynasty runs with boys only.” ,Aunt said supporting grandmother.

“When Vicky grew up , he was sent to St. Xavier's ,the biggest convent school in the city for studies.He was in eighth standard and Jyothi in seventh. Jyothi and I used to study in nearby government schools.Gradually as Vicky grew older the infinite love of mother and father - made him stubborn and blunt.At home, he did not talk to anyone. He used to outspoken mother and father.Dad was fed up of his behaviour and sent him to Doon School , so that he learn some manners in hostel.But, he did not improve. He failed his tenth boards.The school teachers sent a notice to rusticate him from school.The notice also mentioned complaints regarding his conduct at school. Somehow Dad managed to get him another chance by pleading in front of Sister Lusata. But, destiny had its own plan .One day it was reported that Vicky escaped from school by physically insulting his Math's teacher.Upon hearing the news, mother almost lost her senses.Pleading before Dad to get back her son, Vicky..“ Please, get him back, I’llmake him understand, he will never repeat.”, she used to say this to dad daily. Father was also sad. My sister and I also cried a lot .Jyoti was preparing for the Civil Services by then and I was preparing for Judicial Exams.Dad left no stone unturned in finding Vicky.TV, newspaper, railway station, bus stand, in all public places, wherever public could be seen, Vicky's photo was put everywhere.But we were not able to find him....

Both, Mom and Dad fell sick due to the incident.First father and then mother, left us alone.Even when they took their last breath, they waited for their beloved son, Vicky to come.” And today when Vicky is standing in front of her, alleged of being the culprit, who is accused of shooting his own sister.The Judge after wearing her specimen lying on the table said, “ - The Court Is Adjourned Till Monday”

The court was packed with crowd on Monday.Today, it was a case in which the accused was the brother of the same judge who had to pronounce the sentence.However in cases where the accused has a family relation with the judge, the case is transferred to the court of another judge on the defendant's application.But the situation here was exactly the opposite. TheJudge was famous for her neutral justice throughout the city.Therefore, the Counterparty’s lawyer had no objection in this regard. Today, Vicky Ustad alias Vikram Deshpande stood in the courtroom as a gambler who lost everything in life.He had realized today how it feels to have lost your family.He also knew that the judge sitting on the chair of justice in front of him who was none other than his elder sister, Sagarika.

Do you have any other sister” the prosecutor asked, breaking the silence in the court. Yes, sir I have one more sister,Sa ..g..”Vicky's voice broke in front of his elder sister.Public prosecutor turned towards the judge and said “ Take a look, the case is clear. The culprit, Vicky himself is accepting that he fired on the Collector Miss Jyothi .Thankfully that the bullet missed after just touching Miss Jyothi's shoulder..Otherwise anything could have happened...But, your honour this does not diminish the guilt of the accused, Vicky.The accused is a criminal offender, so I request the court to give severe punishment to the accused, Vicky Ustad alias Vikram Deshpande. That's All Your Honour”. The Public prosecutor sat on the chair facing the front.After accepting his crime by the accused , the defence lawyer had nothing to counter the plea of the public prosecutor. So he did not ask any question.

Upon hearing of the escape of his sister Jyothi, Vikram felt better. He joined his hands to thank God .Tear rolled down his cheeks.

“Do you have anything to say about this act of utter selfishness?” TheJudge asked the accused, Vicky. “Yes, mam I have something to say but not in mydefence.I am culprit of many dreadful crimes.I do not know how many homes have been destroyed by me.Millions of people are homeless because of me. I do all kinds of work.This Collector...What is her name....? yeah! Miss Jyoti Deshpande, wanted everyone in Rakabganj to abide by law.The colony built by the famous builder Seth Deenanath , the same Seth Deenanath, whose money is used to fund all political parties; who fulfils all the whims of the officials; who is a part of all illegal works;By calling the same Seth’s colony as illegal,this collector wanted to demolish it.She was also trying to pressurize Seth Sahib with the help of media.I threatened her a lot on the phone , but she was too honest to be I shot her!People in the society call me punk...But, I am the master for my friends-Vicky Ustad.But, till date, no one has ever tried to know how the only son of inspector Vikas Deshpande who is famous for his honesty and sincerity became Vicky Ustad from Vikram Deshpande. But today i want to tell the truth. I want to tell this toall the parents who love their sons more than their daughters they are the ones, who are responsible for making criminals like me. They fulfil each and every desireof their son,theylet go ofevery mistake, every sin they commit, thinking that they’ll understand as soon as they grow up because according to them their sons are the so called heir of the family.If dad would have scolded me on my poor result,if mother did not cover up my mistakes then today this Vikram Deshpandey would not have been Vicky ustad. Today, I beg every parent that they shouldn’t discriminate between their sons and daughters.Do not give so much freedom to your son that his mental and ethical development and he becomes slave of his unnecessary whims. Bad habits of inculcated during childhood , makes a person mentally paralysed in the future.”

He bursted into tears. The judge also had tears in her eyes.Gathering herself, she said –“The Court Is adjourned Till Next Day.”

That night Vicky's elder sister, Sagarika went to bed without sleeping .She was one of those judges who is always ready to do anything for the sake of justice.Oh,What kind of situation has come today.On one hand, it was her own brother, and on the other, her duty. She closed her eyes.That day she had to choose between her duty and family. All sort of thoughts were running in her mind-“Not at all Sagrika, Vicky is your only brother , You dressed him up for school, when he was a child.He is the same Vicky without feeding whom you couldn’t sleep. After your parent’s death, you’re his mother and father.Remember,What did mother say before dying?-Take care of Vicky . Today,Vicky’s life, your own brother’s life depends on your decision”,thinking about all of this , she slept unknowingly.

The next day, as soon as she sat on the judge's chair, she forgot everything.The Judge gave her final verdict -“Vicky Ustad alias Vikram Deshpande is a criminal. He himself confessed his crime.He said clearly that he tried to kill the collector, Miss Jyoti Deshpande. The court convicts Vicky to be guilty, but the feeling of repentance in Vicky Ustad cannot be ignored. The law gives every criminal an opportunity to improve.The aim of the court is also to improve the society so that it becomes a better place to live in.Therefore, the court declares five years of harsh punishment to Vicky Ustad alias Vikram Deshpande..

..... And then a sister resigned from her post....

Dr. Narinder Shukla

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