The Vikramaditya Secret - 13 in English Fiction Stories by Rahul Thaker books and stories PDF | The Vikramaditya Secret - Chapter 13

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The Vikramaditya Secret - Chapter 13


Poorva saw her cellphone ringing. It was call from Professor Dev Raval.

" Why Sir has called me at this time ? " She thought of herself. She picked up the call.

“Yes Sir. Poorva here “ She said with little hesitation in her voice.

" Poorva I am really sorry to call you at this odd hour of time of the night but the situation is such critical that I don’t have another option apart from calling you " Professor Dev Raval speak in one breathe.

" That's all right Sir. Being my mentor , you can call me at any point of time. You don't need to give me any explanations at any point of time Sir. " Poorva gave him an assurance.

" So what has been come in your mind that you have called me now ? " She asked to the Professor.

In reply Professor Dev Raval asked her a question " At present Poorva are you at your home ? "

" Yes Sir , I am at my home and about to take the dinner. " Poorva informed him.

" I am coming to your home " Professor Dev Raval said to her.

" You are always welcome Sir but what is the matter of such urgency may I know ? " Poorva asked to her mentor.

" That can not be discussed on phone. I am coming there right now " Professor said and ended the conversation.

Poorva raised her eyebrows and went down stairs for her dinner.

She said to masi " We may have a guest "


Kalpesh Gandhi was checking the CCTV footage of the Imperial Palace on his laptop.

Due to his social influence, he somehow has managed to get hold of the footage and now he was watching it to recall the incidents happened on that night.

He clearly remembered that he has taken the possession of what he was seeking from Mahaveer Shah.

He also knew that he has put that valuable prize in his leather jacket and emerged from the commercial complex.

He recalled that while he was going out from the gate of the Imperial Heights , he had a collision with Royal En-field Bullet which was entering in the complex at the same time.

Hence he was checking the footage of the CCTV camera to identify that Royal En-field Bullet and it's rider.

He saw himself running out from the gate of the Imperial Heights.

He came close to the laptop screen for better viewing of the footage.

There came an actual moment. He saw the Royal En-field Bullet. He also saw the collision of him self with the bullet. He saw himself quickly risen up and run away.

In one angle he identify the number plate and the registration number of the vehicle.

He note down the registration number in his note pad.

In the very next moment he opened RTO website to get the details of the owner of the vehicle based on that registration number.

He entered the details in the web site.

The RTO website confirms the owner of the Royal En-field Bullet is registered under name of Professor Dev Raval.
