The Story of a Womb in English Letter by Maitri Shah books and stories PDF | The Story of a Womb

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The Story of a Womb

The story of a womb who is pleading for its survival, for its existence and for its life.

A prayer to my To-be-Family,

Inside your womb and inside the hidden comfort, Suddenly I feel uncomfortable. Mom, is everything okay? Am I okay? Are you okay? Am I troubling you? Mom, why do I hear screams outside, why is everything chaotic? Mom, I want you to answer me, before its too late. Do they hate me? Why do I hear them saying I am a curse? Mom, answer me, I need you, I can’t see you crying, please stop. Mom, is being a girl, a ‘CURSE’?

Dad, don’t you, grandpa, grandma, brother love me? Except for my mother, Why do you all want me to go away from your life? Am I that bad? Here, in her womb, I can hear everything, please stop blaming me. My heart aches to hear the disheartening feelings that you all have for me.

Few more days and then my existence will be destroyed even before I step out in this beautiful world. Before my last breath is taken away, before I am forcefully snatched from my mother’s womb and before she is forced to stop loving me, my dear family, please hear me out once for my mothers sake.

Daddy I have always looked upon you as my only Prince and the only King of my life. Daddy, I promise I will be a good daughter. I will never ask for any dolls or any clothes. Please Dad, love me a little more, I want to be under your shelter and I want you to rule my heart and not destroy it.

Dearest Grandpa and Grandma, I know you both love brother a lot. I have heard you saying he is the heir of our family and you are proud to have him. Grandma, I promise I won’t ever bother you, and, I will help you out in all the house chores. Grandpa, I won’t ever demand anything that belongs to brother. Grandpa, I will never ever let you down. All I need is a little space in your heart, please do not call me a disgrace.

My loving elder brother, please make everyone understand that I want to be a part of this beautiful family. Brother, for once, look at our beautiful mom, don’t you see her tired eyes? Don’t you feel she needs your help? Her eyes are begging for help from you, she wants you to be a man of words. Please be a man that she needs, that every girl and every woman needs, and save your sister. I request you to take a stand for the lady who has brought you in this world.

My dearest family, I deeply request you to not pluck me from my only comfortable place, my mother’s womb. Let me please blossom for a while and I promise I will colour your life with all my strength. I want to live and not die.