Letter to MYSELF in English Letter by Sagar books and stories PDF | Letter to MYSELF

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Letter to MYSELF


YOU are the person who can drive YOUR life in the direction YOU want.

Don't listen to anyone. Because, everyone has made you to listen always. Now, it's your turn to get up and start working on your own.

Rewind and look at the "YOUR" version at various levels of time where you have shown courage with full energy and performed unprecedently exceptionally excellent which cannot be matched.

Bring out the better from the best to the bestest and if require be a beast or bull or anything wilder that ignites the fire within.

Its' the fire within that keeps the upgraded versions upcoming one by one. KEEP THAT FIRE IGNITED!

From an insomniac to the fanatically insane person for growth, progress and success; is all what you want to pursue and become.

Just implement for a month. See the change. You would definately achieve.

Believe in THYSELF.

To be continued.....


'Everyone, at one juncture or another, faces lack of motivation in themself for accomplishing any particular goal, be it study related, business oriented or job related; everyone is in some race which they are aware of about, and therefore running so hard to keep it on track to achieve & receive the worthy fruits after accomplishing their goals, long awaited. But, what if that fire is not kept ignited which keeps one moving. What if a person drops down the thought of achieving his goals. What if a person stops running behing his aim. What if a person gets distracted from the track or prudently getting distracted more than often making it a hindrance to achieve the desired goal. And, lot more aspects. Now the answer to all these 'What if's', is simply one worded. It happens due to the lack of MOTIVATION. So, it is very necessary that there should be a motivating factor in everyone's life. Everyone should feel motivated. Motivation is required to be boosted more than often to keep the pace in the race high. Therefore, whatever the form it may be in, but the ultimate aspect is the presence of motivation in ones' life. I found it apt right now, to boost the MOTIVATION by writing a letter to MYSELF and in that context it is before you all.