A glorious country - India in English Letter by Maitri Shah books and stories PDF | A glorious country - India

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A glorious country - India

A glorious nation with diversified culture, variant humans, abundance love, discreet emotions and magnificent beauty. All about a versatile country named India.

India, the name itself gives goosebumps to many of us. Today being one of the most incredible days, as we unite to celebrate the Independence of our mother nation “India”. The power of unity, the power of Independence and the power of Love for our nation is what unites us all today.

When I think about the country India, the first thing that pops up in my mind is “India” is not just a country, but more to it it’s a divine feeling. And the feeling of being an Indian makes life worth living. The roots of India are widely spread from North to South and from East to West. It doesn’t matter what part of India, a person belongs to. Culture and love spread across all the parts of India makes everyone feel like home.

When I hear someone stating India is not a great place to be living in, India is a dirty country, India is corrupted and Indians are cheaters. It creates rage in my soul to hear such things about my Nation. Yes, I agree that a few aspects of India are still not that great, we are still on the path of development. But, just because few people have created a mess, does not make India, a whole huge country “Bad”. And it’s our moral duty as an Indian to raise a voice every now and then when we hear devastating statements about our country.

The most amazing thing about our country India is that we go out of our every possible limit to help others. When we see someone in pain, we make sure to give them a helping hand. Humanity and brotherhood are visible in even the tiniest corners of India.

Talking about the set of different languages that we speak in India, even that seems no barrier in understanding. At times, the emotions explain it better than the words. In India, when a stranger visits an unknown place, the local tribe treat them with so much respect and love. It almost feels like we all are a part of one big family.

India is the only nation, where we see the widest range of cultural and moral values. Yet, it’s so surprising to see that in the end, all our different cultures abide by the same values. Not to forget about the talent seen in India, people with diverse and amazing talents reside in India.

This Independence day, together let’s take a pledge of making India the most wonderful country in the world.

Let’s make India independent of all the barriers that limit our country from being a great country.
Let’s walk hand-in-hand and make our mother Nation proud of us.
Live for India, Live by India and Live in India.
There’s nothing more proud than being a proud Indian.
India : A Country of Pride and Respect, Love and Care.