Howl of The Grey Wolf - The Struggle - 2 in English Love Stories by Griffith साहिल books and stories PDF | Howl of The Grey Wolf - The Struggle - 2

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Howl of The Grey Wolf - The Struggle - 2

It wasn't a dream afterall. He was going to meet her today. Yet it felt so unreal that Griffith was struggling with a thing he didn't thought he would ever struggle with.

He was struggling on the most crucial fact any youth of 20 would face, that was "What to wear?" Yes, it was childish but the saying "Make a good first impression" was making him shake in his boots at this early hour.

It was 8 AM now and he knew she would be awake by now, so he chose the easiest way out of his dillema, 'why not ask her?'.

"Hey" he texted and sat back on his chair awaiting her reply. Now he wasn't expecting a reply straight away but he also had nothing else to do so he was just glaring at their chats of the plan they had made from the day prior when he noticed the 'online' title changing to 'typing' and just like that Irene had his attention.

"You sure are up early!"
"Well can't say I had much sleep."
"Because of me?" She asked though already knowing
"Oh no, just the excitement for today."
"Don't let your imagination run wild mister, we are yet to meet." She replied trying to tease him.
"I know, I know. Now an important question, what are you wearing?" He pressed send and there was an unusual wait before she responded.

'is she struggling with the same issue? Or am I just being too childish?' he thought to himself and approved of the later as he started typing and awkward apology to her when a reply came.

"Blue maybe, not sure yet. You?"

He deleted the apology and replied, "Black Tee I have in my profile." It was his favorite/Lucky tee afterall.

"Can't you wear anything blue??" She replied with some supercute emojis.

"I don't have anything blue right now, half of my wardrobe is Black, the rest is majority in Red and yellow with a good portion of Grey."

"What are you Spiderman? What kind of guy doesn't have a blue clothing?"

"My kind maybe?"

"Ughh okk what do you have in Grey?"

"My full sleeve, plain grey tee?" He replied with a bit of anxiety this time.

"Umm how about a Red Shirt?" She responded at the speed of light.

"Ok listen, I have an Idea."


"Why don't we wear whatever we want? Just to keep it a surprise when we meet?" And juat like that it was a hopeless try to save himself from the embarrassment.

"Okay, whatever floats your boat mister." She replied Saving himself to nearly drowning himself in the awkward pause that had followed.

Did it made it easier or hard? Well a good 33 minutes later, he picked out his grey t-shirt after all.

The Annual Gotham Literary Festival was held at Gotham Central Hall today. It was basically book heaven for any reader and he was looking forward to it so badly. But now, it was something else he was looking forward to altogether. He usually visits events like this alone, as hunting and gazing books on himself was easier. Not much of his friends shared his taste of reading afterall. Sharing the idea with her was something he did in the heat of the moment but now it felt so right. The fest was going to start at 11, it was an hour journey from his place through Metro.

9 AM and sitting in his room ready and excited already now he was getting anxious, ' should I call her again?' , 'Will she actually come?' , 'Do I look fat in this tee?' were some of the things hitting his overworking brain.

He decided to reach early, as it would take her at Least two hours to reach there and this wait in between was just making him anxious by passing minutes. 'With so much books around me, I should be okay' he thought to himself as he left his house.

Walking towards metro he was looking down at his phone, thinking about calling her or at least texting her that he had left, but instead just opened her display picture several times until entering the station.

The train was rather empty so he got a seat easily. Plugging in his headphones he started playing his playlist to keep his sanity.

"Wait, wait, wait, this is my first date in 2018!!" A thought hit him out of blue making him smile. This was the necessary motivation he needed to text her.


"Heya, supp monseiur?"

"Well I'll be reaching Central in about 20 minutes."

"Isn't it too early? It would still take me about 2 and a half hour to be there. Don't you dare shop books without me!" And this message actually made him smile even harder.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you. I'm great at waiting." Something he wasn't proud of until now.

"Aww aren't you the cutest now!"

"Depends when you actually see me."


"Nope, let it be a surprise."

"Alright, lemme get ready now, I'll catch up with you later."

"Aye mam" and just like that he reached his station as well.

Walking out of the train, he started his playlist again, a bit cheerful songs this time around.

"Here goes nothing." he told himself as he walked towards the venue.