Meera - the fearless girl in English Classic Stories by Venu G Nair books and stories PDF | MEERA (The Fearless girl)

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MEERA (The Fearless girl)


(The Fearless girl)

Meera was on the way to her office, walking very fast as it is already late. Her Manager is very strict. 10 O’ clock is the exact office time and 10 minutes grace period he will only allow. Anybody reach after that time, he will mark him/her absent without any hesitation.

Meera, a 22 year old graduate girl is working in a private firm as Analyst. Her total family members including her is four. Her mother is a TB Patient and her one younger sister studying in 8th Class and younger brother studying in 6th Class.

Meera’s father died two years back and the total family responsibility come on her. Her father left nothing for the family instead some Bank loan burden on them.

In two years she has cleared all bank loans and saved her little house having two small rooms for her family.

Now a days she is facing one other problem. That a young man named Prateep of around 25 years age, who may be from a rich family, coming daily on her way to the office and telling that he loves her very much and asking her to become his girlfriend.

She has refused him many times openly, but he is mad with his love approach and coming daily on her way. She has then finally warned him:

“Look prateep, I don’t have time for your silly love affairs. The full burden of my family is on me and I have no time for such things. You please leave me alone or else I have to approach the Police.”

He left her without giving any reply. Even though she afraid that he may again come in her way. For two days he hasn’t come and she thought that the trouble is now over.

But to her surprise, she saw that he is coming towards her on the way. He kept his left hand behind his body and he started asking her again.

“Meera do you love me. I love you very much. Please don’t say no. please..”

She again said:

“Look prateep I had already given you my reply and don’t disturb me like this. I am already late to office. Leave me.”

Suddenly his eyes become red and he look her angrily. He then brought his left hand to front side, where he is carrying a plastic cane filled with petrol. He opened the cane and poured the petrol on her.

She was shocked for a moment as her whole dress and body filled with petrol and he took a match box from his pocket just to light up the matches to put fire on her, but to his utter surprise happened something different.

Meera without giving him any chance, she jumped on him and hugged him very tightly. He could not move atleast his hands from her. He afraid and started to cry.

“No…don’t do…”

The match box fell down from his hand on the floor, the same time she pushed him back with full strength. He fell down on the floor when his head hit on a stone lying there.

She immediately picked the match box lying on the floor and shouted on him:

“You dirty devil, before you kill me, now I will kill you stupid. Your body is also having fully filled with petrol”

More over she picked the cane and poured the petrol left on it on his face. Then she was just to start light up the matches without listening his cry “No please don’t do…. I want to live. I promise I will not disturb you any more.” she heard a voice from her backside

“Well done Meera…you have done a good job. “

Meera saw her neighbor, Geetha aunty who appreciated her.

“Wow Meera. Great my brave girl. But Meera you just give me the match box and I will do fire on him. Look you are the only earning person for your Family and I don’t want you to be in trouble. In my case I am alone.”

Now Prateep afraid very much because now it is sure that she will put fire on him and he will be in trouble. He begged with folded hands for his life.

“Please …Please don’t put fire on me. Leave me. I don’t want to die .. please…please forgive me.” He begged.

Geetha holding his neck hardly with her left hand and told:

“Then why did you try to kill this innocent girl for refusing your dirty love proposal. Is this your standard ..? Did your parents taught you like this ? No… no excuse to you, you have to die.”

At last Prateep fell down on Meera’s feet and begged for his life. Meera shouted:

“If you want your life back, go run away from here immediately and don’t show your bad face any more, otherwise…...”

Prateep without waiting any moment run away from there. Geetha appreciated Meera.

“Well done my brave girl. You have done a good job. Yes, every girl should have the courage like you to overcome such a bad situation. You are really a role model for our nation.”

“Thank you aunty, thank you very much. You came at the correct time.”

Geetha then told Meera:

‘Ok Meera, you first go back to home, have a bath and change your dress. Then you can go to your office. In the meanwhile I will inform your Manager that you will be late today due to some urgency.

Meera smiled on her and walked back to her home without any fear with full confident.
