a letter to no one in English Letter by Shreya Mahesh Patel books and stories PDF | a letter to no one

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a letter to no one

Dear no one,
Because  apparently now you are no one to me after giving you chance to be my everything.here it goes for you for the last i say.
The first time i felt this ,
i don't regret about why i met you i regret for 
why didn't i stay grounded with my feelings for you, why did i shared my views on you with those who i felt were my friends ,why was the beginning not that perfect as i imagined,it was not that for what i awaited soo long being single  for all time and that's the reason i mentioned 'for the first time i felt' in the beginning.

i really think this ,was it true what they said about you that how you insulted me without knowing me  and my status ,did you even asked me about it.
You know even i didn't knew anything about you, just your name and surname that was it what i knew but i never tried  judging you.
Later after everything went wrong without me getting involved in it...
All this time i didn't spoke a word and in return i heard soo harsh thing about me by you from others . 
Here i was stupid and an idiot who still texted you and wanted to be connected with you socially.And then you started giving Promises about your loyalty .Dear i never ask for that ,it's that thing which don't need any promise to show.still i thought it is your kindness and i started drowning in again .
Yes again i mentioned because i felt it's not love it's just attraction which is useless and I'm not that kind of person .
But let me say this You were a pro in this game of drowning people into you in which you made me a lose with zero score.
Why me if you knew i did not have any status then why did you made me your friend ,why didn't you said no directly,why did you kept me in option for this many years,why you did this to me it wasn't all my fault .i treated you as the way you started judging  me .
I love to be respected because i know myself .
I may not be beautiful outside but i know the beauty of my conscience which you made  deamed .
It was my bad time my lost couldn't even be described and in that you add a friendship of sympathy  which i didn't asked for.
It was my mistake why i talked to you,it was my mistake that i thought everything was clear ,it was my mistake i trusted you,it was my mistake i never judged you,it was my mistake i shared things with you and it was my mistake i felt something for you.
Better late than never things fall on right place teaching you about some stuff of life yes this course of life teached about like,love,loyalty and alot more things.
 Now even if you ask i can never be  yours anything again . 
If i could erase my memories i would erase the time when i felt something about you.
You was not meant for me but you taught many things about this.
Still my heart can't come over you because you are the first love i guessed huh!  but i will learn it soon.
Note this one thing You never motivated me till i knew ,you always made me felt low which I'm not and you always treated me where i never felt as your friend .
Could you answer this why did you did all this to me ,i feel  all this time like you were playing with my mind and alot with my emotions and i still feel the same.

After this if you say me selfish then it's fine but now I'm finally saying this i don't know you ;i cannot find you in my past ,not in my present and  never in my future.who are you?