Indian education system in English Short Stories by Jay books and stories PDF | Indian education system

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Indian education system

In our india no one tought us about real life world that how to deal with people, knowledge about money etc.

They all do is to teach us to mug up all syllabus and write it down in exams.

They don't care about what you have learned and understand. Students cant get clear idea about the things that they are studying. 

The main thing should be changed is to teach students the value of the things that they are studying.

For example,
           If they are learning maths then they should know where math will be used. math will be use in small things like if you go to buy some sweets say 400 grams and the price of the sweet is Rs.700/kg then how to calculate amount to be paid to shopkeeper other wise if you will be fooled.

Tell students that this or that thing will be useful to you at this place in your life thats why we are teaching you.

In engineering college faculty come start presentation and tell students to read and see the ppt and like this syllabus are completed.

They dont teach students about the real world situation. Only thing done is that you have to score more marks than others, otherwise you will not get success.

Main fundas should be get cleared and told students that you have to write in exam what you have learned not to write exactly like book.

Books are for reference and not for to mug up all the things written in book.

Books are for to clear any doubt and know deeply about topics. 

College should teach or improve students
   Communication skill
   Presentation skill
   How different situation
   How to control situations that happened suddenly
   Personal finance

Most of students don't know why they have taken the admission in specific field. If you ask them then they will tell that, 
My friend was doing this so i decided
My relatives said that this is best field

Students don't know their strength and weaknesses

College must tell the students about the scope of specific field and future of that stream.

College should tell the students that after completing this course you have this options to select and the benefits of each options and their future.

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T h a n k s
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 y o u
 w h o 
t a k e
 t i m e
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 r e a d
T h i s
a r t i c l e
S h a r e
y o u r 
r e v i e w s
o n
 t h i s 
a r t i c l e 
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