Cupid Touch in English Love Stories by SaakshiK books and stories PDF | Cupid's Touch

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Cupid's Touch


"When you love someone ,you love them with whole of your heart. It has the power to heal you or to destroy you."

Shakespeare said ,




"You know the world isn't all sweet and bright like you think.", he really has very harsh view about life, I realise. 

"You know the world isn't all dark and unfriendly like you see.", I reply back with same amount of harshness and sarcasm in my tone. His eyes wide a fraction at my reply. If he think I am giving up that easily then he has a very long way to go. Afterall two can play a game.

"Touche", he mumble as his dark lips curves in a sinster smirk and his eyes sparkle in amusement and I guess challenge. He folds his arm across his chest and he leans on the doorframe by his shoulder supporting his body. I mimick his actions and his chest vibrates as he laughs and shook his head.

A shy smile automatically graces my lips by seeing him free like this. He laughs for a moment and silently stares at a distance as if remembering a sweet memory. I continue to study his face as lot of emotions flicker in his eyes in a flash. Sadness, loneliness, happiness, anger, amusement and most important love. I don't know what he is thinking but what I know is that it it most precious memory for him. 

Sometimes it's really hard to believe for me that this boy in front of me is a complete closed book and unreadable but then when he is like this, when he is being himself, it just feels so right and wonderful. 

"You are really.....",he starts to speak but I cut his sentence and continue to complete his statement.

"Amazing, perfect, beautiful, intelligent."

"Not this you idiot. But if you think then okay. ", he speaks sweetly and as soon as he speaks this my cheeks heat up as blush dust on it. I really need to control my mouth and stop spilling words like an idiot but I can't help myself when I am excited.

I smile apologetically and he shakes his head as if it's no problem. He really puts himself down too much but not for long. 

He gently lifts his head and touches my cheeks and it warms more under his touch. I look down quickly to hide myself from his view and my hair falls down. He brush his thumb against my cheek and speaks in the almost awe, "I really like this". I look up at him at his statement in confusion at what he said and smiles and removes my hair from my face gently as his fingers brushes my forehead. I look sideways trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as he touches my face or the way my cheeks heat up at his compliment. His other hand cups my chin as he forces me to look at his face. 

"Don't hide it from me. I can see it .", he teasingly said and I quickly pushed him away but he grab my both wrists and pulled me towards himself and lowered his head so our forehead were touching . 

I tried to pull myself away again but he held me tightly against his chest and hugged me. I smiled at his actions and hugged him back. 

"Keep doing this and you will fall for me soon." I mumbled in his chest as his arms tightened around me. I don't mind this position at all to be honest.

"I don't mind afterall you will be there falling with me.", he replied and I swear I really fell for him a thousand time again. He gently kissed my forehead. No doubt his words are correct and right. 

"No doubts." I spoke.

"No doubts." He promised.

And those words were enough to make me smile again like a idiot again. 
