WHAT IS THE REAL MEANING OF SOCIETY? in English Magazine by Nandini books and stories PDF | WHAT IS THE REAL MEANING OF SOCIETY?

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What is the real meaning of society?

Let's start with a story; when a child is born in one's house the child first see their parents . when child grow a little then see the society . SOCIETY will give love to the child . No one in these world who don't like children everyone love children .BUT when the child grows up then , everyone one wishes to success for the child and when child failed in anything in life then the society who loves him will talk about him a very different manner they will let the child down . 

I THINK it's the time now to change the society; means the society should understand a different between success and failure.

In ancient india they didn't get a comfortable things but one thing they have and was remain is LOVE.

Now the society has to make a decision, society has to change now it's not about one or to community society it's about over society our INDIAN society Spread love don't spread hummor about other .

AND if the society will change then seriously I am saying that on even will do suicid or any other attempt in life. 

IN today's world we are in a huge competition and that's why the society matters a lot .

IF that child has taken drastic step then that child life and there parents life can be ruin.
IN today's modern era , DEPRESSION as become a common but it is serious also ; we the people of INDIA has to take a step .
WE need to make children reaslise that they are not alone ; competition is there in the world and it's the fact that competition will remain forever so it's not that the one's you fail will always remain failure. IN competition either success or failure both are equally important for children,it's a way the children choose about their life.

So children you also need to understand that sometimes society are  also not bad it's sometimes our thoughts are bad which makes the society bad in front of us. You need to be emotional strong first then only your life beautiful lesson will start.
AND , WE THE PEOPLE OF SOCIETY, has to realise that we have to change your mentality first about the children at different age we have to treat them differently and it's not only about the responsibility of parents it is also our responsibility to take care of children. 

I am not trying to say that the SOCIETY are bad ; sometime we see good society also so it's not completely neglected but it's a serious issue about the children attempting sucide; so we need a drastic change in our society. 

AND lastly I would like to say that we change our behaviour towards other but one thing you would never change is LOVE.

AND, "WHAT IS THE REAL MEANING OF SOCIETY ?" I am trying to convey that don't speak ill about someone because society are the part of social media and nowadays social media is everywhere so think first before writing and commenting on any one because that may create an impact of that person.

HERE I am not only talking about the children but also about others. Though I had written about children but it for everyone.