Who Controls the World ? in English Spiritual Stories by KAUSHAL GOPANI books and stories PDF | Who Controls the World ?

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Who Controls the World ?

Friends , what do you think , who controls the World ? What controls the acts of all the living beings ? Do you have any opinion ?

Friends according to me , all the acts of living beings are controlled by Fear. Every act that Human performs is due respect of fear from its consequences. Our every acts are reflected due to our fear. It is the fear that makes a child/student to study to grow ahead in the field of education. It is the fear that makes Human to perform tasks to earn money to sustain life. It is the fear that differentiates the deeds of humans, whether they are noble or destructive.

It would be hard to believe but "Respect for anyone " is some how the result of Fear.

The fear of God , ultimately make humans perform their deeds in right direction and restrict humans to perform Crime/harm in any way. Keeping in mind , Almighty is everywhere and he will not allow anything wrong happen in our life is our FAITH.

But don't you think , the very foundation of Our Faith , Our Trust is Our Fear. ?

"What people around us will think?" is infact the major fear that drives our deeds. And what to express if its all about " FEAR OF DEATH "? We keep ourselves updated in every field in this Competitive world and try to match the pace of the fast growing technologies. Don't you think it is the outcome of our fear , not to remain outdated.

Just have a deep thought about it. Our every actions from early morning to night , from the cycle of life to death , Don't you think , all our deeds we perform are actually the results of our Fear? Don't you think Fear is necessary. It is the fear that controls world and our deeds . It is the fear that controls the action of any nation towards another due to fear of its consequences at Global level. Don't you think the Fear of Hierarchy plays a very important role in different stages of life in Personal , Social or Corporate Worlds.

But on another hand Suicides, Frustrations, Depressions are also the results of Fear. We always try to keep ourselves in Positive Surroundings due to the fear of being victimized by the clouds of negative thoughts.

Friends, fear is necessary as it controls our deeds but it is rightly said from ages " अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् " i.e Everything in excess is always harmful. Excess Sweet causes Diabetes, Excess praise causes Arrogance, Excess Fear results in Crime. Excess Love , excess care , excess pampering , everything in excess is always harmful.

Fear is necessary as it bounds limit to any parameter of life , but we must take care that we are within the provided limits of Fear as "NO FEAR" or "EXCESS FEAR" causes Destruction.

Just have a deep thought about it.

With Love,

Kaushal Gopani ( KAG )