a betrayal love in English Love Stories by Chandragupta Priyadarshi books and stories PDF | a betrayal love - a betrayal love continue

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a betrayal love - a betrayal love continue

I don't know what was not letting me sleep. My family and her family have a joint plan for visiting rajgirah on 1st jan. I have one more day to excecute my idea.  I don't even know whether she is coming to rajgirah  Or not. I have to plan accordingly. I was not even able to decide what kind of outfits should i wear for this special day,  I still was swimming in the sea of though where there was no end. After putting alots of effort to have some better idea but couldn't reach to any conclusion.  Now I got all exhausted after so many incomplete plans. 

Waiting for Monday morning. 
31st dec-2006
All the preparation were done my father have a car so we had no travelling problem.  All I needed was a good outfit because I had left most of my wardrobe at hostel. Actually there were no holiday for this new year as my twelveth board were about to start within 2 months and my syallabus was was yet to complete.  I didn't informed anyone and came home without any permission of hostel in-charge MR HAVE YU SIR,  it was not actually his name by the way he was nick- named by hostellers,  because while speaking English he often use HAVE YOU..." Apart from being a hostel in-charge,  he was a mathematicis  teacher as well. He was demon for hostellers and he was terror for students and a complete strict teacher,  he even used to fight for 50 paise with shopkeeper, everyone in the hostel was scared of him.I was good in mathematics so I became his favorite student,  many time he asked me to help him with checking of examination papers.  He had lots burden of  work and so he used to ask me helps many times.  So I asked him for the help to bypass hostel management for holidays for 3 days. Initially he show his rudeness and made me scare of consequences but after alots of efforts he got agree to let me go. He asserted how could you be out for for three days and no one will notice u,  if management get to know about this,  I can lose my job. 
I made many excuses,  I begged him to let me go. 
Finally he said what I was waiting to listen,  "go if u are in such emergency but u will be leaving on your own risk. I won't be responsible for if  any kind of incidence take place. But I can promise that I will try to hide you with every possible measures " 

On 30th Dec,  I woke up before 4 in the morning. Hostel main gate opening time was 5.00 am.  'Mr have you sir ' used to wake up at 5 am but I didn't want to wake him up anytime earlier. 
"Take the gate key, " He said.

"No sir I don't want you to take such risk,  u just manage my attendance I will mange my escape"