The Moment in English Short Stories by Parag Baxi books and stories PDF | The Moment

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The Moment

The cool breeze was blowing and there was a sudden dip in the temperature. The effect of snow fall in the Northern part of India had affected Ahmedabad. The temperature was below 15deg cent. ,and that was a low temperature for Ahmedabad.,

Disha called out loudly,” Vadil*, come inside, or else you will catch cold’.,

A 65 year Old gentleman, named Durgesh bhai, stood up from his chair, kept outside in the open space in his flat’s gallery and slowly walked inside the bed room., He put his walking stick next to his bed and went inside the wash room to wash his hands and have his lunch.,

Disha, served him food on the dining table, and Durgesh bhai looked up and narrowed his eyes, in Khanna style and said, Disha, you are the best cook in the world, now that Damyanti has left me., You know what I love to eat and how it should be cooked.,

Vadil, I am cooking for you since last 5 years, after masi #left all of us., So there is nothing new, only you like to praise me every day and want to see me happy., I like that., She smiled affectionately.,

Durgesh bhai smiled his customary smile and concentrated on the food on his plate., He loved food and knew how to cook also., But after he was widowed, his son, who lived abroad had made such an arrangement, that Disha, would take complete care of Durgesh bhai , and be in the house from 8.00AM till 8.00PM., She left at 8.00PM and went to her house, where she lived with her husband and little daughter., Fortunately for Durgesh bhai, Disha was a very good cook and also had developed a beautiful relationship with Durgesh bhai., Durgesh bhai, himself was a retired Professor and was well known in his Literary circle., His knowledge of history and Arts made him a sought after speaker in various forums and he enjoyed this adulation.,

Damyanti, had been a housewife throughout her life, but very loving and patient., Durgesh bhai, was very hyper and a charmer too., Damyanti had always been at his beck and call, and knew what he wanted and when., Her death was a big loss to Durgesh bhai , as he was in many ways dependent on her., But Disha, had taken on her responsibilities so efficiently, that Durgesh bhai ,now saw her as a Family member itself.,

The daily routine was set, as Disha came at 8.00AM, made tea for Durgesh bhai and then served him his break fast,

A maid came to keep the house clean and attend to the washing of dishes., Disha would cook food and tend to every small requirements of Durgesh bhai., She also loved to be near Durgesh bhai as he had a good knowledge of History and various other topics ., As she could not study much due to her family’s financial condition, she would lap up every piece of information Durgesh bhai gave to her.,

12.00PM was lunch time and 1.00Pm to 3.00PM, Durgesh read himself to sleep., He woke up and had a good cup of tea and then from 4.00Pm to 5.00Pm he gave tuitions to a boy and a girl , aged around 12-14 years, who resided in the next door flat.,

The tuition would be of English subject and he was also good at essays and such projects, which was a great help to both his students., The brother –sister duo were twins and so were in the same class., This made things easy for Durgesh bhai, as he did not have to prepare separately for both the students., The twins were named Ishant and Isha., Both were very nice kids and sincere and disciplined., Isha had grown up faster than Ishant, who looked like a small boy.,

Durgesh bhai was always very animated when he taught these kids and took genuine interest in their studies., The results were always very good and so the parents of these two kids were happy with Durgesh bhai.,

Disha also liked to see Durgesh bhai happy with the kids and that he could pass of some time in their company., Durgesh bhai made it a point for them to read the Times Of India daily and once a week they would all together watch an English movie to get their pronunciations right., This was a good exercise and a game too.,

Durgesh bhai’s life was set within the parameters of his daily routine designed lovingly and caringly by Disha., She took utmost care of Durgesh bhai like her father and never got angry with him., But she would chide him many times and would put up a show of anger just to get him to do what she wanted him to do., Taking medicines was a task for Durgesh bhai and Disha had to coax him, to do so., But other wise Dusrgesh bhai was very obedient .,

Today, Durgesh bhai was feeling very low and sat silently in front of Damyanti’s photograph for quite some time., Disha observed this and kept quiet and hovered around in the background without breaking the silence., she let him be with himself for quite some time, and then after a complete half an hour or so, she gently took his hand and led him to the drawing cum dining room for a quiet breakfast., Today Durgesh bhai did not praise the food, but ate slowly and silently.,

She made small talk with him and then went inside the kitchen to complete her chores.,

Today was second Saturday ,a holiday, so the students would come in at 11.00AM for their tuitions.,

Today they were to watch an English movie, but Ishant had stayed back in the school for extra classes and only Isha was there., She had brought a pen drive from her friend.,

Dada, can we watch , The Titanic today?

I hear it is a classic movie.,

Durgesh bhai-was a bit absent minded today, so said, yes do watch., It is a good movie., I will be in my room, so you can watch it alone.,

Isha was very happy and she went ahead and plugged in the pen drive in the socket and switched on the TV.,

Disha was worried for Durgesh bhai as he didn’t seem to be feeling well., She went inside the room and asked him,” Vadil, are you not feeling well?

No, Disha . I am fine, only remembering my old days with Damyanti., so I was feeling a bit low down., Nothing to worry., You go to your work., he gestured to her.,

Ok., If you feel alright, I suggest you can watch the movie with Isha, as she will need your help.,

So saying she helped him to sit up and stared blankly at him.,

He knew, she would not budge from there, till he got up., she did not like him to be in any kind of grief.,

Durgesh bhai got up and sat besides Isha on the sofa and tried to focus on the movie playing in front of him.,

He was still thinking of Damyanti and he was still oscillating between the past and the present.,

The movie had progressed and he realized that this movie, although was a classic, but still had those scenes, which may not be apt for Isha.,

The same moment, the scene being played on the TV was of Rose, the heroine , in nudity being sketched by Jack, the hero.,

What happened to him ,was something he could not fathom, he felt Isha sitting erect with eyes glued to the TV and the scene playing in front of their eyes, and she had grabbed his hand and it was like he could feel her heart beat through her hands., It was jumping.,

Durgesh bhai looked at her face and his eyes for the first time wandered from her innocent face to her developing mounds, where her Blouse could not hold the erect tips and her eyes were wide open, so were her lips., her hands were holding Durgesh bhai’s hands tighter and she slowly mover neared to his body.,

Durgesh bhai could feel the heat of her body and his mind was going back to his younger days with Damyanti., He was going back and forth between his younger days and the present moment.,

Disha was sitting on a chair next to the sofa and was observing the change of expressions on his face and the way he had now clasped Isha’s hands., The scene ended and Isha came back to her senses., she rolled her tongue on her dry lips and tried to control the heaving of her breasts., Durgesh bhai was mesmerized by what he saw today and he slowly closed his eyes., he also wanted to control his breath and the feelings that he encountered inside his heart.,

Disha was a bit concerned, as he had never seen Durgesh bhai loosing his control.,

Durgesh bhai came back to the present and without taking his eyes off Isha’s face, slowly put his hands on her back and said., why don’t you go and have your lunch, so that you can come back and see the movie, and meanwhile I will also have my lunch., then we can sit together and watch the movie till the end., his eyes were sparkling with eagerness and greed., This was a new Durgesh bhai,which Disha saw today.,

As Isha left the place, promising to return to watch the movie, Durgesh bhai turned to Disha and said, Disha, let us have Lunch and then you can take an off today., I am not thinking of having any dinner today., I will just have milk and that should be fine., You have also not taken any day off in last so many months., so I think you can take an off today.,

Disha nodded her head and went inside the kitchen to serve him his lunch.,

The lunch tasted good today, and the buttermilk was very tasty with the masala and all that., he enjoyed his lunch and told Disha that she could now move on.,

Disha had her lunch and left the house at 1.00PM and Durgesh sat in front of the TV waiting for Isha to come and watch the movie.,

Isha came after 15 minutes and switched on the TV., The movie started to play and Durgesh bhai was on the sofa, while Isha was now sitting on the chair near the TV.,

Durgesh bhai called Isha to give him a glass of water and as she carried the glass of water, he held her hands and made her to sit next to him., Isha looked at him with curiosity and sat down keeping some space in between both of them.,

The movie was engrossing ,but Isha kept looking at her mobile., Durgesh was getting distracted by this and asked her to keep the mobile away., But she did not comply., Slowly the movie dragged on and ………

Disha opened the lock on the front door, with her key, in the evening at 4.00Pm ( time for Durgesh bhai’s evening Tea)l and she saw Durgesh bhai sprawled on the sofa, sleeping peacefully.,

She went about her chores and prepared tea and then placed her hands on Durgesh bhai’s arms,and slowly called his name., Vadil, wake up, it is 4.30 in the evening., You have been sleeping a lot today.,

Durgesh bhai opened his eyes slowly and tried to recognize her.,

As his senses came back, he immediately sat upright on the sofa and looked at Disha.,

Disha, I am doomed., I don’t know what happened in the afternoon, but I have committed a big crime.,

He slowly got up and stood in front of Damyanti’s photograph.,

Disha went and stood behind him., His hands were on his eyes, and he was sobbing silently., He was not able to stand also.,

Disha, I have committed a crime., I cannot show my face to Damyanti.,

Vadil , open your eyes, and let me serve you tea first., Wash your face and freshen up.,

Disha, I can’t even look at you or myself., I don’t deserve this love, affection and sympathy.,

Durgesh bhai went back and landed his body with a thud on the sofa.,

Vadil , what have you done, will you at least tell me?

Disha, look at young Isha and look at me , the monster.,


I think I was in a very monstrous mood today and my eyes were set on Isha., I could not keep any control on myself., I believe I did assault her., I am not sure what I did., But let me call Isha and apologise to her and repent for my sin.,

Vadil, Can you tell me what is your issue?

I only remember watching the movie Titanic with Isha sitting right next to me and then everything is vague.,

Vadil, did you find the taste of Buttermilk , somewhat bitter?

Now that I think of it, yes, it was a bit bitter., So what?

Vadil, sleeping pills do taste bitter.,

Vadil-Man is not a beast, it is the moment that makes him a beast, and so as a daughter would save her father from any evil, I also did what I felt was best for you., You went to sleep immediately after Isha gave you a glass of water., I had told her to call me up as soon as you dozed off under the influence of the sleeping pills ,so that I could come and lock the door from outside and Isha could leave for her home.,

Vadil, you are still the best Father, and Grandfather too.,

Durgesh bhai once again smiled Khanna style., and said,’ True to your name, Disha, you showed me the right Path., God Bless You.,’

*Elderly person

# Elderly Lady