IMPERFECT FLOWERS - Chapter 3 in English Drama by Sai Kumari books and stories PDF | IMPERFECT FLOWERS - Chapter 3

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It was dark as they were immersed in the project work. They didn't knew what time it was.

Their teacher Suman noticed the time was up and so, he asked them to leave .

Sia and Ravi collected their stuff and packed in their bag. They both bid bye to her friend Rima and to their teacher.

They are on their way to their homes. It was cold as it is December.

Sia! do you think that we will get prize? he asked breaking the silence.

Umm...I don't know Ravi! But I'm confident in presenting the project. And the thing is that... they give marks to presentation too, she responded.
He nodded agreeing to her.

How about Sahil then? How can he leave his lovely sister for a week? he asked.

Suman sir convinced him Ravi, But I'm thinking about him from yesterday onwards. Though he says he is fine outside, he only controls for some time, and after that he brust out into tears.

After mom and dad passed away Naani and me were only for him. He is attached to me so much that some times he gets angry if he doesn't get time to spend some time with me.

Though I'm focused on project but all my mind is on him. And I'm concerned about him more as he would be mischievous some times with Naani.

Don't worry Sia. He is grown up, he will understand you more than anyone. Though he is mischievous he is good boy,  So, don't worry, he assured her.

The walk was chilly to them as they didn't wear their sweters. The weather was up suddenly.   Cold breeze cut on their bodies making them shiver.

The both are neighbors. Ravi house is after two houses. His house was covered with a compound. They have two tractors and so many fields. He is one of the rich people in that village.

Sia house has a fence and little garden at backyard of their home. She bid bye to him and opened the gate and closed it back. Removing her slippers she kept the bag on the high platform.

She got freshup and started to do the chores, to clean the vessels.

Sia! what are you doing? When did you come? Gauri asked.

I just came back from school Naani! and where is Sahil? she enquired as she didn't see her brother.

He went to Lakshmi home as I gave him some errand to do. Take some rest child. Why do you stress so much, I can do this right?! she spoke gently cupping her cheeks.

Naani! Think that I'm in debt to you! she spoke not even glancing at her.

you silly girl! she smacked on her shoulder making her screm.

Arghhh... Naani! why did you do that?

How dare you say your indebted to me? you can't say like that, she warned making her nod in agreement.

Naani!! did he troubled you? she enquired.

No Sia! he helped me you know?   He is grown up a lot, he understands everything dear, she said with a smile.

She completed her work and fell on bed to take rest for a while until her brother, Sahil comes back.

Gauri sat beside her and made her keep her head in her lap. She stroked her granddaughter hair as she closed her eyes.

Naani!! How were your in-laws to you? she asked making her surprised.

why are you asking like that Sia?
Nothing Naani! I just wanted to know how they were to you, she spoke.

yes Naani!! Sahil said while coming in.

Did you gave it to Lakshmi Sahil? she inquired.

Yes, I did, he responded and jumped into the cot placing his head in her lap.

As he came Sia bought two plates with food in it. As they both fed him and they to ate along with him. She started to tell while feeding him.

" I can say they were bad but not cruel. At that time it was common in every houshold. There were times in-laws used to kill the innocent daughter-In-laws who didn't bring money when they asked every now and then."

Really? Naani! Did they kill them? how? asked innocent Sahil.

Gauri stroked his hairs with her wrinkeld fingers while she spoke," some were so money minded people Sahil. They used to torture alot and I can say I was blessed to not to get those types of in-laws."

Then why did you take papa here Naani? Did Grandfather beat you? he raised another question. Sia was in deep thoughts.

" No, he didn't beat me dear. We got married at the age of 13. But my mother didn't send me to their home until I turn 18. They made me learn all the work at home, so that I can do everywork at my in-laws home."

But... Didn't your mother made you study Naani?! he asked again.

Taking a deep breath she answered," No one used to send to study Sahil. Only work at home or in fields.This was our routine."

" After 18 years I went to my in laws home and in one year your father was born. Everything Changed for me. They treated me so well that as I gave birth to a son!"

Naani! when I was born, papa was happy? Sia questioned making Gauri glance at her.

"Of course dear! he was so happy and excited to take you in his big hands. you were so tiny that you fitted in his one hand. He had a spark in his eyes when he saw you!" 

Really! didn't he get that spark when he saw me Naani? Sahil inquiered.

She let out a small smile kissing on his forehead," He has that spark when he saw you too my dear."

Did he? he asked again to make sure of that.

"of course, he had Sahil."

Then what happened Naani? Why did you took papa away from them? Sia was curious to know.

" After your papa was born he started to come late to home. Even my mother in law started to get worried about that, as if he had done anything bad then family name would be gone."

" When my son was 6 years old, he used to be irregular and he used to come once in three months. He didn't cared for me or my child. So one day I asked him what was going on while he entered in to home."

He was quite and sat down while I started to serve food in his plate.

"Gauri! you can talk later just let him have food," my mother inlaw spoke making me angry.

"Please! this is between us aunt! let him speak today. I want to know what is happening around me? He isn't responsible even for his child."

"  I am having a affair with another woman and I'm going to marry her tommorow," he declared making me flooded in warm fresh tears.

I had so many questions running in my head.

"Didn't we get married in front of all the relatives to have a blissful life?! Didn't he promised to spend the rest of the life with me? He cheated on me from past five years. I was so blind that I couldn't understand why he was coming late. I was working all day in kitchen, doing chores, or playing with my son, but now he said he wanted to marry another woman."

" I couldn't take it. The fights went on for 3 months and one day he came home marriying that woman."

" Don't worry Gauri! you have your position as first wife and you will get all priorities from me," he said making me irritated.

That's all, I couldn't take it anymore. I slapped on his cheek, breathing heavily. I yelled at him that how can he say those to me."

" I didn't thought you would get an another women in my life Eshwar! From today onwards I have no relationship with you! - I'm taking my son away from you. I can't be here, who cheated me!

My mother in law was the one who was stopping me. But I didn't listen to her, I took my son along with me and we both settled here, Gauri spoke and noticed both the children sleeping peacefully.

pecking on each other she made Sahil sleep properly and covered them with the warm rugs.

Suman! do you think aunt will accept you one day again?! his wife Hema questioned while arranging pillows.

Umm... I don't know Hema! She didn't tell about this to Sia or Sahil I guess! he responded.

But she should tell to them Suman! It won't be good if they knew this from others, she added.

yes! you are correct, but ... she is still not believing me I think so?

But... Suman!

Mom was hurt because of me Hema! what I have did was now I'm repenting. Vishwa is blessed to have mom at his side. I don't know how he died and I didn't think in my life that he left me alone here.

Hema placed her hand on his shoulder pressing gently while leaning on his shoulder.

Sia is a intelligent girl Suman! I am so captivated by her. How understanding she is, though some times she behaves weird, but she is a gem Suman, she spoke making him proud.

Hema! did you pack Rima's and my clothes? he asked.

I will pack in the morning Suman! washer woman will get tomorrow.

Fine; take rest, he said and they both slept after some time as it was hectic for both of them.