Battle flowers, stems and leaves in English Moral Stories by Omprakash Kshatriya books and stories PDF | Battle flowers, stems and leaves

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Battle flowers, stems and leaves

Battle flowers, stems and leaves

The loud wind went. Shake the flowers. Bump into the thorns. His petals were ripped off.

The flower was screaming, '' Hey ugly! What does it do ? Get away. "

Pick up the fork He looked at the flower and asked, "What happened brother!"

"Hey oh! Who speaks to brother? Ever seen your face in the mirror? "Flowers, in the pride of its beauty," look at yourself first. Where are you black bangle fork Where I am beautiful and fragrant flowers. "

The fork was realized for his mistake. He should have saved the flower. But, due to sudden wind, his attention got wandered. He collided with the flower.

When he remembered, he said, "sorry brother!" The wind suddenly ran. I did not care By the way I was protecting you. But, by mistake, "the thorn said something before him." Let it remain. Let it be Was protecting. It has to be protected. You have become a beggar from the protector, "saying the flowers began to fight with the thorn.

This thing did not look good to the leaf. She said, "Hey brother! Why fight among yourselves We are members of the same family. We do not fights fighting. We should be shaking. "

The flower did not look good in the leaf, "Let it be, let us become a Patel and give it to us." Ever seen your face in the mirror? "Flowers end it. The fork became silent after listening to this. He understood that the flower has become proud of its beauty. Therefore, he is not going to listen to anyone ahead of his pride.

The leaf said to the need to explain the flower, "Look, flowerbhai, you are beautiful. Be fragrant, but this kind of behavior ... "Now the leaf had not been fulfilled that the flower tears in the middle and said," Your behavior does not look good. Do you want to say this? "

"Yes. I want to say this. And this is also true, "The leaf wanted to explain it again," It is one thing to be beautiful and it is another thing to be good. "

The flower does not look good with the resemblance of the leaf.

"What is this serum?" Flower made a mouth.

The stem felt that the matter would increase further. It should be stopped. That is why the stem was said in the middle, "Sert means that behavior is the way of conversation."

" Oh, is that so ! Then it is you, "the flower looked towards the stem and said," Then I should say, who is the fool who is speaking between the conversation of two people. "The leaf said," Do know This is what a person speaks among people. "

The trunk felt very bad He understood that it is a proud flower. It will have to taste now. Tane thought. I make my body crooked. The entire plant will fall to the ground. This proud flower will be destroyed in dust. This thing became known to the root.

She said, "Stems brother! Do not do that. Otherwise, the entire plant will be damaged. "

Stacked up But, the anger of the leaf was not calm. She said to the flower, 'Brother! What do you think of yourself What is your utility? Just bloom for a few days Then you destroy ... "

The word of the leaf was not complete that the flower said, "I am older, I have to teach and explain. Ever seen its utility, "Flowers defy the leaf," What is your utility? Only animals can fill you with stomach? Just what else! "

Hearing this, the leaf became angry, "O fool! What do you know about me What is my usefulness? You do not even know that I breathe with the cymbals located under my leaf. I have a substance called green goat, with the help of which in the presence of sun and water, I make food for everyone.

"Because of this food you are all booming," the leaf said, "If I stop doing all this, then all of you will be destroyed."

Hearing this, the flower said, "Hey go. Turn off Who said you to make food? "Flowers defy the leaf.

The leaf got annoyed. He stopped doing all his work.

The result was that the stem of the plant stopped getting food. He got soft The roots have weakened. They stopped taking nutrients and water from the ground due to lack of food. Leaves, more flowers than the stem were all soft. It stopped getting nutrients. He got nervous.

" Hey ! My life is nervous. I will die. Somebody deliver me nutritious ingredients. I'm dying thirsty, "he said hanging. But, the leaf did not listen to one thing of that. The flower shouted for a long time. He understood that the leaf, stem etc. are all angry with him.

That's why no one is listening to him. The leaf is also silent. He was more upset than the most. Then the flower felt that if this was the case then he would die of hunger. Then he said to the nervous leaf, "Sister! Forgive me. I did not know that all the components of the plant were connected to each other. All are necessary for each other. If an organ also stops working, then the work of another stops.

"You have stopped making meals and breathing. Look at the result of this. Fork, stem and I am also dry Indeed, it is good to have a good look. "The flowers were said to be fractured.

Seeing this, the leaf realized its mistake. He started doing his job. From this the plant started receiving nutrients. The stem became straight and hard. The roots started taking the plant by taking water and nutrients.

With this the plant became healthy. He got his tired power again. He got stronger again

Say that since then all of them got a lesson. Then these flowers, leaves, stems and roots never fought together. They all knew that if they fought together, they would have lost their lives.
