What feels within in English Spiritual Stories by Ekta M Kamlani books and stories PDF | What feels within?

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What feels within?

Trust your inner feelings as the outer world is ruled by it,,, work on your ethics, walk on your words,,, trust what feels inside

If you happen to see an object shining outside but your heart says it is not, then yes it is not.

Guts, intuitions is what will lead you to the right path.

No matter where you are today, it's okay to worry about future but don't let that worry spoil your present, that feeling is valid but trust what you really feel, listen to your feelings.

Never spoil your present in the worry for your future. Just keep on doing what is needed to be done for what you want, spend your every single minute for it, give it the top most priority in your life, every single second must be spent for only your goals.

Then you see how you feel within, do what you say, never change your words, speak wisely,,,

Your soul knows everything and hence sometimes when you are in utter confusion, you get a solution from within, a solution in dream, in some or the other ways,,,, appreciate it, follow it and then you see how relaxed you feel.

To strengthen your inner voice, you must learn to calm yourself for 5 seconds , in those 5 seconds, there should not be any thoughts , just focus on present and see miracles happening for you...

Work when you feel to but don't let this ruin your schedule, but when you feel to take rest, do so...

Work when you love to, work when you like to, but this should never mess up your timetable.

Go with it, what feels within , no matter where you are today, if you really desire you will reach where you want to...

Work with ethics and determination, give your 100%, be a master whom no one can defeat, walk with your head high only if you have achieved what you were talking about , be the doer not just the speaker...

Problems will arrive, society will pitch you on your back but you keep following your own path , never change it for the sake of others, ask for what you want, never suppress your feelings, wants, speak what you feel,

Suppressing your desires can make you unhappy, work as you need , live fully , forget about society, no one will come to you when you die...

Fulfill your expectations, achieve what you want, life will be fair to you only if you understand in what means you want it to be fair with you...

Connect with yourself as much as you can, express yourself as much as you can, what you want will come to you subject to the condition you never leave that path ...

Truly trust your institution, see what you actually feel within about any situation, try to act accordingly, be calm, have faith, yes you will panic but that's ok... But don't let those panic attacks ruin your day...