Rainbow shattered in English Moral Stories by Omprakash Kshatriya books and stories PDF | Rainbow shattered

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Rainbow shattered

Rainbow shattered

'' Beautiful rainbow. '' The blue sky shout Then the blue smiled smile, "Well said brother! Blue is blue all the way. That's why it looks beautiful. "

The sky also boasted at its height.

"You are right. If there is no blue color then the world's work will not work. That is because of all our work. "

It was not good to say the green color like this in blue.

"Hey brother, why are you making your mouth sweet?" Suppose you are good But this does not mean that you are the best in the world? "

"These are just the same. If I am the best and believe in myself, then what is wrong in this, "The blue color was proud of itself," Where look, I see only myself. "He began to build a bridge of his own," Look at the sea All the water of blue is blue. Look at the sky, blue is visible as far as blue is seen. "

The green color could not be silenced by listening to his words, "Hey brother, you are not the best in the world. Take a look at us too. "The green color shone with the words of blue," Look everywhere on the house. It is my own empire. If you do not have green pudding then nobody's work will go away. "

"Nice!" Said the blue color, "Seeing the blue water of the sea. He is the most part of the earth. DO you know. Water is only 70 percent on water. Then you tell me whether my existence is more or yours? "

The green color was going to be silent, "The first thing is that the color of the water is not blue. The other thing is that there are many flora in water, which is green in color. Kai's color is also green. You do not know this thing. Otherwise you do not call yourself superior. If you see, no work can be done without vegetation. That's why I am the best of the green colors. "

When red was reddish She was kept silent in yellow, "Brother! Do not be too reddish. Keep listening to these things. But when the green color began to prove its superiority, the red color did not stop.

" Dear brother ! In which world do you live? Just look at me, look at the red carpet, "the rising look." How is he red lal If he gets angry then there will be no green and no blue. "

"Wow Brother! Where have you come from? "

"I am also part of this rainbow," red color sings, "from red tomatoes to red salvage, my rule runs. If I am not, then the world will die hungry. Why can not someone's food be made without red flame? "

The green color on it also became red, "What do you think yourself? If chlorophyll present in my green leaves does not produce food, then the oxygen can not be created. Then how can you water without oxygen? "

Even before the red color says something, the sun started screaming before it. Clouds shadowed with warm heat. Vapor drops disappeared in the air. IndraDhunas started to die Then the colors of green, red, yellow etc. felt that their existence would be erased. Then he asked the sun's ray, "Didi!" What is happening to our colors as you come? Do not we have any existence? "

Sun beam smiled when you heard this, "Perhaps you do not know people in your own way. Otherwise you were not fighting among yourselves? "

Now the bar of yellow color, "What do you want to say. Please explain to us in detail. "

"You are looking at me. I have made you meet with seven colors. "


"Yes, that's right," Kiran said, "Now do that. You all get stuck on this circus wheel one by one. Suryakiran pointed towards white chakra of paper. The colors of the rainbow quickly got quickly removed from the sky and were stuck in the chakri.

Suryakiran, saying, "Now I rotate this wheel." He started churning the wheel.

Everyone saw that when the chakri, which was burnt with seven colors, was turned very loud, the chakri started to look completely white.

" Hey ! We became white, "said all the colors together.

"My color is white. I mean, I am made up of seven ragas. When I fall on something, that thing returns to any one color by absorbing all the colors according to its nature.

"The color that the color returns, it looks the same color."

" Oh, is that so ! This does not mean there is no color of anything. For this reason, all things are black in the night. Reason, there is no ray of light at that time. Therefore, with no light, that thing does not return any color, hence black appears. "

The rainbow was shattered as it was said. All colors were also calm. They knew that their existence is in the coexistence.
