Extracts of Two Letters in English Letter by Valibhai Musa books and stories PDF | Extracts of Two Letters

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Extracts of Two Letters

Happiness and Gloomy

An extract from a Birthday Greeting Letter to my niece residing in States:-

“My dear Child,

Today is your Birth Day. I, on behalf of our rest United Family here in India, pray to the Almighty God with the media of the Infallibles to favor you with His mercy and kindness to achieve both worldly and spiritual prosperities in your life.

As you may be aware of the Astronomical truth that the 21st June is the longest day having the shortest night of the year. In literary language, it may be said that the day is the sign of happiness and the darkness of the night shows gloomy. You would have understood what I mean to say. After all, the life is, in real sense, a life when there is the combination of both happiness and gloomy. Being interested in literature, I compare the event in such a way just as the content of this letter. But, as far as our religious doctrines are concerned, we should fulfill our duties with no care of results as the fundamental principle of the religion is ‘ To surrender ourselves to the will of God.’

Summing up, my views and ideas are like an open book and I allow you to communicate to whom-so-ever it may concern, I don’t mind.”

-Valibhai Musa

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The Steady Progress

Once, I had communicated a Congratulation Letter to our next door neighbor’s son for his grand success in his S.S.C. Exam. As per my counseling, he kept on his spirit in further college education also. Now a day, he is settled at Canada with his best performance in IT career. He did show his steady progress in his studies; but worldwide, there may be so many students who become the victims of ‘Wastage’ and ‘Stagnation’ to say, in Educational Term. After wasting time, money and energy for years, they people obtain nothing. Such Failures may be titled as Shakespeare’s play – Much Ado About Nothing!

Here, I represent some useful Tips from the said letter for those who may wish to benefit from:

(1) The grand success at initial level is not all in all.

(2) One must continue the same struggle and spirit in future also.

(3) Purity of intention and sincerity in action always bring good results.

(4) No doubt, it is said, “The good beginning is half done”; but it is possible that the ‘Half done’ may convert into ‘Undone’ also if the same spirit is not maintained.

(5) In literary words, it is suggested to such Primary Heroes to throw a wet blanket on the present achievement and look forward to new criteria.

Summing up, ‘Transfer of Training’ is a root principle in Psychology. Accordingly, the above Tips can be applied to various fields of life of an Individual. They may concern also to any backward communities, undeveloped societies or even nations if they want the steady progress. The base quality can acquire any shape suitable to necessities.

You know, “Necessity is the mother of invention’, my Dear Readers.

Let us depart, meanwhile…..

-Valibhai Musa