Sleep on left side- health benefits you might not be knowing.... in English Health by Anuja Kulkarni books and stories PDF | Sleep on left side- health benefits you might not be knowing....

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Sleep on left side- health benefits you might not be knowing....

Sleep on left side- health benefits you might not be knowing....


Everybody needs a good sleep. Sleep is very essential for healthy body and healthy mind! Do you know, how you sleep i.e your sleeping position plays a vital role for keeping the health good!! On this note, have you ever noticed on which side do you sleep? Mostly you might have not noticed it and this is the perfect time when you have to check your sleeping position for getting a better sleep and healthy body and mind.

Study suggests that, people who sleep on their left side are prone to have a better sleep and in turn healthier body and mind as well. So If you sleep on your left side, you definitely will be grabbing the health benefits. The root is from the Ayurveda, which is originated in India. It supports this fact that sleeping on left side is a good idea.

But you might be thinking, why sleeping on left side is so useful? The fact that it may be good for our digestion, our backs, and even our hearts due to the positions of different organs. Here are few health benefits which you can gain after sleeping on left side-

1. Digestion problem? -

Digestion of the food that we eat is the most important for getting a good and calm sleep. And when it comes to digestion, sleeping position matters a lot!! It is just the matter of gravity. More specifically, lying on the left side allows food waste to easily move from large intestine to the descending colon. This in turn may help easy bowel movement after waking up. And you can start your day on a healthy note. Sleeping on the left side allows the stomach and pancreas to hang naturally. It is because, Our stomach lies on the left side of the body, which can keep the development of pancreatic enzymes and other digestive processes humming.

2. Want to improve Heart health? -

For having a healthy life, the heart health is very important. And you must be knowing that out heart is in the left side. So sleeping on the left side has a good connection with the heart too! It will again give benefit of gravity. If you sleep on left side, your heart will pump in a better way and which will result in good functioning of heart. It the biggest advantage of sleeping on left side. Also, Sleeping on left side, improves the blood circulation and that results in healthy heart. So if you want to have a healthy heart, sleeping on left side is a good idea!

3. Want to reduce heart burn?-

Many of you must be suffering from heart burn problem. If you want to reduce the heart burn, you should sleep on the left side- study tells. According to study, it is found that if you sleep on left side, it can help reduce acid reflux symptoms. And this is because out stomach lies in the left part of the body. On the contrary, if you sleep on right side, the heart burn symptoms might increase. But if you keep a practice of sleeping on the left side, you will see positive effects in almost no time. Next time, If you’re struggling with heartburn after a meal, try taking a 10-minute lie-down on your left side. And you may see magic happening and heart burn vanishing!

4. Having a backache? -

Due to hectic lifestyle, many of us are complaining about backache.. For that a simple remedy is sleeping on left side. If you don't agree, just give it a try of sleeping on the left side and see the magic! People who suffer from chronic back pain may benefit from switching to left-side sleeping. That’s because sleeping on your side can relieve pressure on spine. And it will help to reduce backache and you may feel more comfortable. If your body is at ease, it will definitely help you to get proper sleep.

With all these benefits, you may agree why sleeping on left side is beneficial.. So try sleeping on left side to improve health of body and in turn mind health will be improved. And still if you are unsure about sleep positions which may be best for you, it’s always a good idea to consult a medical professional and clear all your doubts.


Anuja Kulkarni.