Rajlaxmi - Royal on the Test in English Short Stories by Prashant Vyawhare books and stories PDF | Rajlaxmi - Royal on the Test

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Rajlaxmi - Royal on the Test


this story begins from 1850 when India was under British rule, lots of Indian ruler families comes under British government rule and one of the family was of Maharaja Vikram Singh of Meher Gadh Riyasat, Prince Vikram Singh was son of Famous King Vijay Singh who fought with British to capture the other Indian Royal’s and that’s why British Officers have More Respect for Maharaja Vikram Singh and it automatically comes for the Meher Gad’s Next Throne Maharaj Vikram Singh who was the successor after the death of Maharaj Vijay Singh. But Vikram Singh was different in Breed, although Maharaj Vijay Singh fought for Britishers, but there was a reason, because they want to protect the peoples in Meher Gad. Britishers kills and treat brutally if any ruler doesn’t support to them and if any ruler lost war with Britisher’s. So, Maharaj Vijay Singh was strategically aligned with British Forces, so they can win other Royals, but, they save that royal territory people from brutality of Britishers and help those royals to get under the British Rule with Minimum Loss. But, once unfortunately in a War they have shot badly by enemy forces and after that they died due to some unknown reason, and their Yuvraj Vikram Singh come into the position of his Father,

Maharaja Vikram Singh was of Young Age but he was very well and precisely nurtured to be a Best King by his father and family members, they was expert in so many foreign language, they studies in British royal school of London, They was Trained under the Best Indian, French & British trainers of Weapon and Fighting Technique, but they also know the literature, and medical knowledge, they was Trained in Warfare Management under their Chief of Army Daulat Khan who was one of the best worrier of Meher Gad Riyasat who along with Fighting Technique was told to teach Patriotism for our country to Yuvraj Vikram Singh by Maharaja Vijay singh, so due to this unique upbringing Maharaja Vikram Singh become best of the best ruler and also British attracted towards them like his Father.

Maharaja Vikram Singh was tied marriage knot with Brave and Beautiful Doughter Sanyoginee of their Riyasat’s Prime Minister Mahavir Singh

Queen Sanyoginee and King Vikram Singh have a Little Girl in the Time of MahaLaxmi Rituals in Deepavali Festival. So, they named her Rajlaxmi, she was like a part of heart for Maharaj Vikram Singh and the Sanyoginee, also all the Riyasat peoples get happy due to their Princess.

Princess Raj Laxmi was a Brave & Beautiful Girl like her Mother and Father, she also nurturing well under the guidance of Her Father and Mother, she was taught language along with Fighting & Weapon Using skills.

Maharaja Vikram Singh used to Go on Warfare just as like his Father with British Regiments, He also Fought difficult war Positions with very Cavour techniques and also like his father he helps the lost king’s to be treated human and again established well under British Regime, So, he was gaining popularity everywhere, also even in British army the part of Indian Solders likes to work with Maharaja Vikram Singh due to his kindness and helping nature.

Some British Officers don’t like it, but they have no choice to accept it due to the popularity of Maharaja Vikram Singh Among their Army, they afraid of Mutiny, So British officers treat Maharaja with Very Respect and Honor.

Maharaja Vikram Singh was very kind in every Dussehra they use to go for Wars and till Deepavali they come back with Winning in it, and in Deepavali Festival he enjoys with his Family and peoples of Meher Gad Riyasat. They Have kept a very effective administration so the people under their rule must pay minimum tax and they will get the more benefit. And that’s why the peoples was so happy and it was going very nice into their kingdom, but one day they was called by British forces to fought war on Foreign Land, and as an Ally position he can’t refuse it, So, he prepare his regiment, and handover his authority to Queen Sanyoginee & his Army Chief Doulat Khan, and he went for the Warfare Mission,

He and His regiment fought that foreign War Bravely and finally they freed the land from outside invader’s and made it under British Rule, but that day was not good for the Maharaja, he was not aware about that his fate will making such a turn which will shook his routine life and family,

On That Foreign Land Maharaja captured lots of Gold and Precious treasure of that Foreign Invader’s, But the Caption of British Regiment Sargent Maglov, he was one of the Greediest Officer in the British Army, he was known for making Cruel plans to torture and mentally break the soul of enemy, so they do everything said by him due to the pressure.

Sargent Maglov was known for a Fox Like Behavior, he plans 1000 steps ahead of his enemy, and this time he was eying on the Treasure Capture from the Foreign Land and his plan was to Loot this Treasure by capturing Maharaja Vikram Singh, and for that he planned a wicked trick, once the Maharajas Regiment

As soon as King Vikram Singh Enters near His Riyasat After winning in War. Sargent Maglov sends his peoples with a Fake Letter of Maharaja Vijay Singh to Bring Daughter Rajlakshmee that Maharaja Vijay Singh Is injured and he want to meet his Daughter,

And When the people comes with the Letter at Princess Sanyoginee, she talked with Doulat khan who also well knows about such war alike situations. So, they decided that Doulat Khan will go with them to protect her with a team of some trustworthy and brave Guards,

In British Army Camp one day Maharaja Vikram Singh was sited with his team, Suddenly Sargent Maglov attacked and captures them all when they all was without any Weapon, Now Maharaja Vikram Singh found himself caught in a Big Trouble, Sargent Maglov captures a treasure from them, but he found that it was very less than the information received to him about the actual treasure, So, he doubted that Vikram Singh Hided the actual Treasure so he started Torturing Maharaja and his Team Mates to Show the Actual Treasure, Maharaja & His team was brave, so they made a plan of escape, and they succeed it but to Save his Peoples and Misguide Maglove’s Army, He Again Captured by them and So, Maharaja Couldn’t make an Escape.

And one day as a Part of Torture Once the Rajlaxmee and Doulat Khans Team Reached a the Army Base, they attacked and caught by the Maglov and Rajlaxmi was Brought to the Maharaja Vikram Singh, Now it was time of Sadness, when Rajlaxmee Sees her Father Tied in Ropes and Chains and in unfair condition, she felt sorry for his situation and she runs towards her father grabbed him and started crying, Father what they have done with you, we should not forgive them.

Maharaja Vikram Sigh, was also brave he told his daughter to bring her ear towards him and he mumbled something in her ear, and she sudden becomes so much happy,

Cruel Maglov was looking the conversation of that Unfortunate Father and Doughter, he suddenly come forward, Pulled the Rajlaxmi from Vikram Singh and asked her what your father said to you.

Rajlaxmi was kid but she was so much cleaver to fool the person Like Manglov, so she said him boldly that Ask the kind Manglov Uncle that the Vikram Singh can’t leave alive for more time, So, he needs his daughter to stay with him only.

Sargent Manglov could refuse their request, but he was having another plan going in his mind, that he will keep close watch on Rajlaxmi and Vikram Singh, so one day Vikram Singh will reveal the Secret of Treasure with her and he will get the information automatically through his Secret solders.

And from that day Maharaja Vikram Singh And his Daughter Rajlaxmi was started staying together, One day as per their nee plan Doulat khan and his solvers escaped from the prison of Manglov and they hide in the nearby villages, they accepted various professional and they was waiting for the Maharaja to Escape from the prison and attack on Sargent Manglove’s army and destroy them, He can attack now also But was worried that Maharaja and his Daughter must not be hurt during their attack, so he prepared and decided to waiting for the time until the Maharaja and their Little Princess free from the Prison of Sargent Manglov

It was some weeks into the prison to Rajlaxmi, but she captured the hearts of all the prison guards by her gentle treatment and joyful nature, she speaks with almost all guards, and she captured their daily routing, she was also looking after caring her father, his diet and health,

Sargent Manglove was coming in between any random day and he was started giving harsh punishments to Maharaja Vijay Singh & Princess Rajlaxmi, he keeps them standing on hot sand of the desert so their feet burns, he used to put them hand down, or starve and keep them thirsty, but both father and daughter was looking for the best plan, and on one day Rajlaxmi AND Maharaja Vijay Singh Prepare a Cold Drink and she distributed it to all Prison Guards, that Day Sargent Manglove was also not available in the Prison, she gave Drinks to all Guards, and after some time they all get Un-conscious due to the mixture contains the medicine for unconsciousness which maharaja Prepared by himself as a part of their plan

and now today Maharaja and his daughter get chance to run away from that prison area,

The duo Father and daughter started running in the desert, till they don’t reach in a small town, they asked for food and stay a while, but nobody in the town cared to offer duo some eatables due to their beggary look, at last Maharaja Vikram Singh and his daughter get an offering made to God in a Big Stone Pot, which was in the area of a Big Temple, offering was included clothes and some food. So, they utilized cloth to change their gate-up to hide from British Army and they ate the food because they was very hungry and tired, now Vikram singh was looking at the big flower case kept in that temple ground, he asked his daughter that if anything happens to him, she must guard the flower pot because it helped them to survive, Rajlaxmi said yes to her father, due to tiredness they both go to sleep, in evening the Chief Devotee of the temple asked them to leave the temple due to angry temple trustee’s, so Maharaja Decided to go into town to ask for work and shelter. Maharaja came to know that a Dharam-Shala have a need of a caretaker and the emoluments will be food and shelter with some cash, so he thought it will be the best job for him, for some days they can hide their and then one day they can return to their Riyasat,

So Vikram Singh and his Daughter Went to that Dharam-Shala to check for that Job, the owner of the Dharam Shala was a Ugly and greedy Lady, she questioned a lot to both duo. But, now they were aware about such type of questions, So, they made the best satisfactory answers, the lady seems looking doubtfully towards them, but after a while she offered him a Job of Caretaker with two-time food and shelter for duo and she will be going to start paying him only when she found his work satisfactory.

Maharaja Accepted the job, thanked the owner lady and asked a favor to keep watch to her daughter, after some while the lady send Vikram Singh to bring the goods for the Dharam Shala evening food from Nearby Market.

Once Maharaja going to bring goods, in city market he found a heavy search was going on of British army, he was changed his looks so there was very less change to catch him, but once he finished his buying he stuck a sudden thought about his Innocent Girl Rajlaxmi, she was Cavour enough to hide but, the guards become used to of her personality, so they can easily identify her, and he was doubt on the lady may reveal their identity, So, he sudden rushed towards the Dharam Shala, and what a fate, his doubt was become reality, he found that the lady was taking Gold Coins from the British Soldiers and giving them His Daughter Rajlakshmee, She might become informer of them, and now his Lovely Princess Rajlakshmee was taken by the Both Armed Soldiers. Vikram Singh extremely wants to Go Run towards them attack and kill both, but he afraid for the safety of his daughter, so he decided safely walking behind them.

Fortunately Rajlakshmee Noticed him, so she asked something to the solders, solders says ok, might be Rajlakshmee was such an innocent and incapable girl so they felt that they can catch her anyhow so they allow her to go where she asked them to go, she made a straight hand and made a u turn signal to her father in a manner that she is playing something to misguide soldiers, King Vikram Singh understand that his daughters gestures and he sudden take a u turn and run in the adjacent lane to go near her, he rushed himself in a high speed he took in that narrow lane’s and reached to that lane where his little Rajlakshmee was waiting for him, he reached towards her, he picked her in his arms and started running, by the time with the running noise soldiers come behind them and as soon as they try to took out their guns,

Sudden a closed horse wagon stopped near to them, Wagon Driver Shouted Maharaj Vikram Singh ke Jai, Maharaj Please sit hurriedly in the wagon its made of Iron, they can’t harm you with their Guns, I am your Doulat Khan, Maharaj Vikram Singh Rushed into the Wagon they banged and close the door, the wagon took the shorts fired by the Soldiers, it was really safe and bullet proof, and after some time of riding Daulat khan reached to their Riyasat’s own army front where the queen Sanyoginee was Leading the Army, on arrival of Maharaja Vikram Singh and his Doughter Rajlaxmi all solders started praising “King Vikram Singh ke Jai”, “Princess Rajkalshmee ke jai”, “Queen Sanyoginee ke Jay”.

Now the Sargent Manglove Got the News of Escape of Maharaja and His Daughter, he becomes Mad and he decided to attack on Mehram Gad Riyasat but before him, in that Night Maharaja Attacked on British Army with Full force and killed Sargent Manglove, his army destroys his whole British fleet and looted them,

After some days they spread a news that all British regiment along with Maharaja Vikram Singh Vanished into that Foreign Warfare, and the Riyasat become first Peoples Republic under British regime where people were electing their ruling members among them and they were handling administration of the Riyasat under the Guidance of Doulat Khan and Chief Minister Mahaveer Singh , And Maharaja Vikram Singh, Queen Sanyoginee and Princess Rajlaxmi changed their lifestyle to simple Devotee Brahmin family in the same temple where they found their food and cloth during his escape from Mangloves Prison.

There was a Rumer’s in the region that that the Some Powerful person is conducting Guerilla warfare against British Army and making them weak, in behind it was Maharaja Vikram Singh and His Allies were running it.

Maharaja Vikram Singh failed to detect the information about his Doughter Capture by Cruel Maglov, but he came to know about the news of Maglov who eyed on the captured Treasure, his one person gives news that Sargent Maglov is going to attack on Treasure and Looting it for his own purpose and may harm the Maharaja’s regiment, so Maharaja prepared himself for the same, He Hidden the Major Part of treasure in one of his secret place and off course it is the Same temple where they installed that big stone pot over it to identify it and he keep only small part of treasure with him so he can save the major part of the treasure if they get attacked and in-case they lost the Britishers won’t get all the treasure because he was aware about their Cruel thinking’s and this treasure was used by Maharaja Vikram Singh and his family to keep continue the war against the British.,

Note: All the Character and places in the above story are fictitious, its pure coincidence in-case found any resemblance.

Email: vyawhareprashant11@gmail.com