Stay healthy... in English Health by Anuja Kulkarni books and stories PDF | Stay healthy...

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Stay healthy...

Stay healthy...


Staying healthy is everyone's concern these days.. Everybody wants to live a perfect life.. but when you think of staying healthy you mostly end up in changing eating habits... But only that is sufficient? Think for a while.. staying healthy not only means having healthy eating habits or healthy body.. it also includes healthy mind and good thoughts!! Staying healthy includes both healthy body and healthy mind!!! And always feeling good about yourself... For staying healthy you need to concentrate on your thoughts and convert negative thoughts to positive ones.. You might not be aware- People who are pessimistic have a nearly 20% higher risk of dying over a 30-year period than those who were optimistic. So for living a long life, being optimistic is very important.

For living a positive life, you should take all possible small steps to enrich your life with positivity..

1. Always be optimistic in life-

Life has ups and downs.. Sometimes, it's very hard to come out from bad thoughts. That time, just say to yourself, "This also will pass.. After night there is a new dawn.. " If you tell these things to yourself, the mind agrees to that and it helps you to come out of any bad situation.

2. Always see the bright side of the life-

Life is full of colors. Sometimes, things happen according to choice and sometimes it doesn't... But many a times the life is showing the best side of it. So when you are a bit sad or upset that time remember the good things that had happened in your life. It gives extra energy to come out of any situation.

3. Live in a healthy environment-

Most of the times, people around you influence your living. So always be choosy when you spend time with people. Positive people always inspire everyone. If you strictly follow this, it will automatically keep your mood fresh and positive.

4. Always remind yourself to be happy and optimistic-

Only we know ourselves better than anybody else. So Instead of waiting for anyone, it's always a great idea to be our own guide! We can hammer ourselves to be happy and optimistic. Try doing this everyday and your life will change in a miraculous way!!

5. Stop worrying when you decide something-

I have noticed.. many a times, I decide many things but when I start heading towards my goals, I feel some worries. And obviously, that affects my performance.

It should be our practice to stop worrying about anything. Trust on existence plays an important role.. When we want to do something, there is no point in having a double mind in that whether would be able to finish off the task or not.

6. Say no to stress-

Stress has become a part of day to day life for almost everybody. It is observed that, when we take too much stress about almost everything, there are many hurdles in completing any work...."Would I be able to finish off my before the deadline ends", "Will I get promotion?", "Will I , it affects physical and mental health which in turn ruins the life. So it is always a good choice saying no to stress.. For that many techniques, such as, meditation, yoga, tai chi are available so that would definitely help us to overcome the stress.

7. Don't forget to say thank you..

Saying thank you and showing gratitude towards everyone helps to add more positivity of one's life. It is observed that people who show gratitude towards everyone are more happy than others. So without thinking much, show gratitude helps to improve the quality of life which we are living.

8. Daily exercise, sleep and food-

Exercise , sleep and food we eat affects every aspect of our lives. So it is an obvious thing which should never be neglected.

It is known to everyone, that if we don't get proper sleep, the performance on next day, gets affected for sure. Due to busy routine, most of us don't pay attention on eating and exercise as well. So if you want to fill your life with positivity, don't forget to add these basic things in life.

I know, most of us don't pay much attention on these things. But from today, start following daily exercise routine and fill your life with positivity.

9. Last but not the least- keep smiling-

It's a famous saying, "An apple a day, keeps doctor away.." similarly, "A laughter a day, keeps doctor away" is also very true... It is proven that those who don't forget to laugh throughout the day, are very positive and happy! It is said, laughter is the best medicine...

When we laugh, endorphins are released which reduce the stress, and make us happy!! When you smile and laugh, a number of physiological changes occur in your body, mostly without you being consciously aware of it happening. So whenever possible, don't forget to laugh and smile to live a very positive life.

Staying positive always is in our hands.. instead of blaming others' if we concentrate on one's life, it will definitely be useful for everyone. Living in the moment and understanding importance of life is also very important for a good life. If you want to live a happy and healthy life, do not forget to add a pinch of positivity to the life!!!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anuja Kulkarni.