PRE REMINISCENCE - 1 in English Moral Stories by Daksh V Shah books and stories PDF | PRE REMINISCENCE

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" Really.........never thought........such a horrible accident could happen" said Ranjit to himself, deeply sobbing in grief, taking long breaths, totally bent on his knees on the ground, he was completey dressed up in his office work uniform, a business tycoon, but nothing was useful now. The scenario was really catastrophic around him, it was the time of dusk. People slowly growing in number around the BLASTED house. All the people coming running in crowd from the neighbouring bungalows.

The blasted house WAS of Ranjit, it was a huge bungalow of a very happy family. The bungalow was a part of a 'Row House'. They had named their bungalow as "EKTA" which was 2 storied and a Ground floor.

He kept on weeping so badly that the ground below him started to get little wet and salty. Meanwhile everyone gathered around the house, the house was on fire really bad, huge flames flickering in the Wind God's presence, ashes from the fire erupting from it and falling on the ground like a Snowfall which is nothing but just painted black.

The skies, particularly above the Row House area, getting darker and darker, and simply darker, full of clouds made of high Carbon Monoxide, really harmful for health. Produced because of partial burning of things.

The most horrible thing, really not to be described but................the separated body parts of Ranjit's family members. Where Ranjit was knelt on his hands, from there he tried to control his grief, stop crying and get up. And so he got straight back, still on his knees, and looked to his right. Firstly, everything looked blur like he was underwater which happened because of his tears but then he cleaned his eyes.

And the moment he cleared his eyes and looked for the clear vision................ then the only thing he did, that he just wished he had not opened his eyes.

" Ohhhhh! In the name of God" his voice vibrated so much that half of the people if would have heard him would not have understood him. " No.......God......." he lost his breath so he took a real big and deep breath. " Please.........tell me this is a" and he again burst out into a large cry. Anyone would have burst out.

Even you would have, if you would have found your dearest, your one of the loveliest persons in your life, wife's torn up hand from the shoulder. The worst part was that this day was the exact day for his ANNIVERSARY to turn 36. His these long years spent with his wife, Vratika, and he himself of 61 years, would obviously make him recognise his wife's hand because of the Ring in her finger.

He was getting weaker and weaker, minute by minute. Getting more and more mad about what was actually happening with him at that moment. He was so sad that he started finding his wife........or maybe his wife's torn up body which he was not knowing. He crawled on the ground, sweeping through the pile of dust and ashes, his face slowly getting unrecognisable due to dirt.

His madness or maybe his true love or his destiny, don't know what it was which did both, killed his whole family and which made him find his wife.....................................'s separated head, Vratika's hair were still on fire. Ranjit quickly extinguished it, still crying, till now he had slowly and steadily started accepting the truth that maybe his whole family was dead.

With the passage of time, he started finding different body parts in the piles and hills of dust, walking everywhere like he was drunk and maybe yes, he was drunk in his grief for losing his whole family. He found some legs, some hands, some torsos, he recognised all the parts, and 1 head till now. He had become mentally so sick that all the time he had been carrying his wife's head with him.

Meanwhile all this had happened, everything a bit far from his bungalow, around 2 cricket pitch distance away, where he was alone, the public had gathered around his house had also called the Fire Brigade. No one till now had noticed Ranjit but the public made so much commotion that maybe loudness intensity would have been greater than any Ganpati Dhol group. But nothing affected Ranjit, and why would anything? He had lost his.............maybe I'm none to describe that.

He got up and walked here and there, in dozing steps, finding his family, when he found a very dark purplish - red colored ground, very far from his house, so the amount of ashes fallen on the land was getting less because of which he was clearly able to see the ground and things on it.

But this thing, he was not able to recognise what it was, and at that moment that thing suddenly moved or jerked itself. Whatever it was, was almost of same color as the ground was as the ground was in purplish color. Ranjit when the body moved, got a little bit shocked and took few steps behind. He suddenly had stopped crying and was getting more and more serious.

His brows were highly curled into the slit between his eyes. Quite tensed, sweat went down from his neck. Finally he dared to go ahead and check what it was. As he went ahead, the thing again nudged but this time, Ranjit kept on walking, determined to know what it actually was. And to his revelation, the thing was none other than his REAL BROTHER, Shivendra.

Shivendra was still alive or to be particular, then partially alive, totally weltered. Shivendra's body was separated from the abdomen portion into 2 parts, lower and upper. His both legs and certain waist part was connected with the chest and the upper head body only through the intestinal tubes.............................but was still ALIVE. Shivendra coughed and when he rotated his head towards where Ranjit was standing and there was when a smile came across Shivendra's face. He was very happy to see his brother before dying.

As Ranjit got sure about who the thing was then again broke out into a cry. And sat down beside him. Shivendra speaking one of his last words " Oh my dear brother! You................ (coughs) you could have saved us......................" and with a smile, he passed away. Ranjit left in a very great trauma " What? No, no, no, could I have saved you all? What do you mean? No, Shivendra?" He was really not understanding what was going on, he lately realised that Shivendra had died. Shivendra was the last one of his family whom he found living and now he had lost the hope that he could get any of his family members back. He was crying like nothing and feeling sad like anything.

" What the hell is happening here? Who on the Earth...........(sobs) would have done this destruction! Is this an ALIEN MISCHIEF or what!". He was sitting beside Shivendra's body when in no time he heard a cripple sound coming from behind like dust and pebbles are being dragged on the ground. The surface near him started shaking and vibrating slowly, and then Ranjit looked behind to discover what it was, but from his inner side, he was a bit frightened.

And when he turned, his grandson, Pranav's childish head floating in mid air, Pranav was hardly 2 years old, his other body parts were missing. But suddenly Ranjit heard some more noise from all the other sides and he found that from everywhere Pranav's other body parts came flying in air and joined to his head making a full Pranav.

Ranjit backed off stumbling on the ground when Pranav spoke in a ghostly tone " You and only you are responsible for all your family's death". Pranav like a spirit was hovering above the ground, small flames emitting from his eyes when Ranjit asked in confusion, trauma, shock and what not "How?..........." and there Pranav in his deep voice while in actual life, he even wasn't able to properly, shouted in a very shrill voice " I will show you" he opened his mouth full of very sharp teeth like a tiger and flied very fastly to Ranjit's face, covered his face totally like a cloth put on his face. Pranav put his both palms on Ranjit's eyes because of which evrything blacked out...................

To be continued in........