Gajab ni Duniya - The Yogi - A shortly Immense Life in English Spiritual Stories by Anonymous books and stories PDF | Gajab ni Duniya - The Yogi - A shortly Immense Life

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Gajab ni Duniya - The Yogi - A shortly Immense Life

Note: This article is too deep about what is possible in materialistic achievement with full of contentment. In this article there are full of chance to distract your understanding if you couldn't understand the perspective of writer with which he is writing. Read on your own risk.

Mostly we have taught that we can't satisfy by achieving materialistic possessions. It's half correct. Other half is we can only satisfy by right perspective to do, don't do or achieve things. So it means we can satisfied without any materialistic achievement. Just right perspective is needed.

Don't take these words literally but take it as it is.
First let's understand what we are doing when we want something to achieve.
First and most intelligent way, may few knows this, is to be capable to do that work through which we can achieve that particular thing.

Now let's go one level deeper.

Now what we are doing to be capable?
We are practising, increasing knowledge and gaining experience etc. Isn't it?

But still lots of people are doing same thing above mentioned. But very few can go on the top. Why?
The main difference between the one who achieves and other who doesn't is the level of own awareness. We will see how to increase our level of awareness later in this article.

See, There are infinite aspects of enhanced awareness but today we will see here one of the aspect of enhanced awareness.
It's, The one who achieves is able to lose what he has. It's called renunciation.
Renunciation of what he has, to achieve what he want.

So that means, we are bounded by what we have. We have fear to lose what we have in pursuit of what we want to achieve. That's why we can not go further in straight line to achieve what we want, most of the time. As I said to achieve something, the practical conditions are as important as conditions within us. Awareness is within us.

Now we will see what is called enhanced awareness.

See, this creation has happened by chance. Its another aspect of discussion altogether.
Now for you if you want to create somethig, then first clarity of wish is needed. Clarity of wish means what you want must be articulated in your mind.
So now in your perception this particular thing has to be there because of clarity of wish it's called concentration.

Now, Only thing needed is time to create. It's called patience.
So just wait and watch.

See, Just wait and watch doesn't mean that just seat here and wait of the thing to happen. If you do such then it cannot be happen what you want. Why such? Because energy can not manifest without any way. You have to find the way to create. Till moment you only got the energy to create through wish, concentration and patience. Still you didn't get the thing you want. So energy is working for you, but you have to guide it to manifest in certain way.

Now this energy will be manifested as soon as you apply it consciously not compulsively. Because compulsion is made by memory or mind. And memory is limited energy. So it can function only within certain limit.
Now how creator or energy works is not the thing. It just works, it's basic nature is to create.

Now let's see
If you don't wish then...?
Then automatically anything happens by flow. But if you wish then you can guide that flow to happen what you want in right way. Then Maximum possibility that right things will happen to you by life or energy.
This above process is of enhancing own awareness.

See, You can only wish by memory. If you can free your memory and just be there on the base of creator then it will do the best possible thing for you. You don't even have to think about that.
Here only problem is that you are going on the base of your memory but life is not about memory. Memory is something you can figure. But something you can't figure out in memory and that's the Life is all about.

Now the thing is if anyone is really intelligent then there should not be taken more time to realise that the life or the energy is aware or conscious itself. That means I am awareness itself.

You can only do things in which you can't resist yourself to do it. That means you can give everything to do that particular thing. But we have seen that now we are creator itself but we don't know what will be going on. But it can only be the best possible things for ourselves. This sense of trust on ourself or creator is called faith.

Faith is only best possible way to live life. Life can not be lived by calculation. So do what needed as per you then rest will happen by nature.

The one who knew this and is living life consciously in such a way is called #Yogi. Yogi is the one who is 24*7 living the process yoga. Life and the yogi is not different from each other. The yoga itself it means union, Union of the living one with the creator or the life or the energy. Till moment the problem was you didn't knew that you are the life itself for itself only. Now you are one with life. You are the life manifesting itself.

Now, I am the Life. What I experience is Life. Everything is Life. I am everything. I am conscious.

Ronak Thakrar