Dynamism of Life in English Spiritual Stories by Anonymous books and stories PDF | Gajab ni Duniya - Of Life Long Love Affair

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Gajab ni Duniya - Of Life Long Love Affair

Today we will explore and touch the deepest dimension of life. Which has no meaning in it and it's useless but still if we are not living it, the very life becomes useless. 

So first of all let's talk about, 'Why we are living life?'

What is that which drag us to live life. Either we are conscious or unconscious of it. But it is the only reason to live life after we have transcended our selfish meanings and reasons to live our life. Because we have already came to experience life choicelessly. It was not in our hand. But to find what is that, which we are constantly seeking either knowingly or unknowingly in our life, the only way to approach it is understanding and it is in our hand. 

Yes, to approach it is in our hand, but by reaching there through understanding the only reason which is all beings of nature are seeking and living it consciously or unconsciously. 

And that is Love. Yes, love is the only reality which has capability to transcend all our self centred purposes and reasons to live life. 

If you love then you can love the whole only. You can't love particular. If it, then it is transaction and transaction is business or mutual benefit scheme. It means juggling of values, not love. Love means no transaction, only stillness. 

Today we will explore how and when love happens. 

First of all clear that if anyone does love then it's totally matter of interest. Matter of interest is linked to action. While Love is not an action. Infact, love is out of all kind interest. Interest leads to choise and choise leads to selection. While love is not a selection. If it is a selection then it's a selfish transactional act. Then It is most worst kind of action when it is subjected to life. 

So let's understand when and how Love happens. In one line 'When you have none of the interest in yours or anybody's life or say, when you have no purpose to live life and that's why then when you see yourself and everyone as same and one, because of no interference of interest, then love happens.' Truth is, Love can only be happen, no-one can do love. It's beyond any kind of action. 

Love is so profound that it requires the whole human mind to disappear. When the whole mind is withdrawn from the one which can be known then on then human can love limitless. Because otherwise it will be selfishness to eachother. When purpose comes between two human beings, selfishness comes. Though in transactional world it is needed. It's just for survival. But I am not talking about that. I am talking about beyond selfishness, beyond mind, beyond survival, beyond space between two. That is our true formless form. Because whenever form comes, mind comes then purpose comes and all game of suffering plays its role. But to live full-fledged life we must understand life itself to the fullest. Then on then we can actually love eachother. Otherwise life will be just hide and seek game of intentions. In the game, win and defeat is just two sides of anyplay. So when you observe these two sides of anything like good-bad, right-wrong as one and only thing then you are living a full-fledged life. Then it's called love.

Love has everything you want by your self centred purposes but only self centred​ purposes to live life has no capability to approach love. Because love is beyond survival. It can be in survival but not limited to only survival. It has the deepest satisfaction that every human beings are seeking throughout their life. But to reach there we have to leave all our purposeful paths and have to go by pathless path of understanding, understanding of life itself. Understanding of the meaninglessness of the life. Because only our meaningful approach to live life is limiting us to have deepest satisfaction ever can experienced by human being. 

When you have understood that the very source of life itself has no meaning. Yes, Source of life is there and having flow of beginingless and endless continuation of life from it, which has no meaning in it. Then you can go by understanding yourself and life and you will reach here that yes, love is the one and only reality to live life. When you start seeing life existentially, only then you can easily leave your self centred activities starting from your thought. And you will reach beyond all self centred actions and be as piece of life itself. 

Yes, now self centre has became the piece of life itself. Now you have no limits, starting from your thought. You are life itself and love is only expression of you.

Now understanding itself has no place to live life. Because understanding is mean or way to approach love. But understanding itself is not love. Love is that which you can only experience. You can't figure out love.

So, when love happens, it can express to anyone and anything when perfect condition happens. So love is always there, who understands this. But as per situation it will express to different people in different ways. Love can't be in bond, it can only be in flow. So when such receptivity happens love expresses and conveys itself through us.

Now everything has become life and love has become expression of life. So, love and life now became non-dual. You can't differentiate these two. These two has no existence without each other. Love is for Life and Life is for Love. 

When love flows through us, it seems to be a different dimension of life altogether. Then it's out of all understandings. No-one can logically understand the expression of love. That means it is totally meaningless. It is not any psychology. It's a living reality. It can only be lived. We can reverberate with it. We can experience it. But it can never ever be understood or explained. It's beyond words. Like, ask the peacock, "What is the meaning of your dance?" Then It will, "Tehunkkkk...Tehunkkk....Tehunk.....!!!"??

