Foe or friend - FOE OR FRIEND in English Moral Stories by ABHILASHA KUMARI books and stories PDF | FOE OR FRIEND - FOE OR FRIEND b w 1 2

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In previous story the chief has kidnapped UDAY and his friends to perperate crime for him.UDAY agreed to execute it , but on the other hand he wanted to decieve him. They have to act in two steps, 1st is kidnapping 2nd is robbery.

After all the drama of evening they all are now in a room.

AJAYstarted cursing UMANG "i don't believe he decieve us he like our besties how can he done this?"

Stop crying AJAY ANIL said "but ADITI how you come here who give you the address?"

UMANG said that you all are kidnapped here so I come with him to you free.ADITI answered

"O really! see we are all are free with your help. "Stupid"can't you inform the police. what you think yourself a super woman."screamed AJAY

Stop it she is here to help us and you are shouting at her, at least she is here for us, otherwise none of our family cares about us.ANIL said

I am sorry guise i just wanted to make you free from here any how. ADITI apologise.

you don't need to explain any thing UDAY said.

Don't worry about your mother she is allright i met her before i come here she is weeping for you so much.why you guys are saying no one cares for you.

hey! how many days we are provided to execute the plan ANIL changed the topic

we will escape from here don't worry. "how will we" everyone asked. "double-cross" them UDAY said.

They have been provided only one week to and perform it and they have to make two plans 1 escape plan and 2 decieve plan.

they collected all the details through his crooks ready to execute the plan but the problem is to took ADITI with them. she is still not allowed to go out so UDAY decided to make per mission for her.

He told the chief that they need ADITI's help in computer.

What is the need of that in kidnapping?chief asked

TO distract guards especially cameras which is now common in those high class schools.he said "She is good in computrs you know that.

The chief agreed on his arguments, but he ask for the explanation of plan immediately. " Explain me properly otherwise forget her" he growled.

UDAY narrate him that they should enter in the school normally and AJAY and ANIL went to office for new admission form and I and go to staff rom change and went to her classs to to call her to principal office in between AJAY and ANIL make principal faint and we both take her to office and fiant her then we leave that staff clothings there come out simply as her relatives.

That way I train you to make this disgusting plan.wait today we wiil execute it tommorow. the chief comanded. "Why" UDAY asked. Are you fool don't you know tommorow is functions it is easy for to work don't you cosider it .the chief bawled

You trained me for what, see this is my planabd I know how to execute it you not need to enter fair.

"I will enter fair,chief shouted DON't forget I am your kidnapper not partner. Do what you commanded that will be good for your friends understand." Kidnapping will be done tommorow and take UMANG with you.

"What? UDAY asked why"

Do what I said the chief commanded.

Guys we have to change plan immediately."UDAY said. Why?everyone asked. UMANG WILL be with we have to kidnap her now.UDAY explained.

What said ADITI, what are you saying UDAY, we are not doing this. We have planned not to harm her. And now you are going to kidnap her.

I have to protect my friends more than that girl. See I have a new plan ADITI WILL ESCAPE FROM THERE in between. "I am not going to do this" she said. See ADITI one of us needed to escape from here." You are the best one to go back to your family.

Next day they all are ready to execute the plan with UMANG some more gundas. "Come with that girl, anyhow."the chief warned UDAY "and listen keep your eyes on her(ADITI), her family complain about her missing to the police. he said to his deciples. And one more time I warned you don't try to escape from my trap, Understand, you better understand and then after a huge ravan laughter he allowed them to go.

They reached the spot the in the getup of students.Yhat crooks remain outside but UMANG entered among with them.

ADITI said UDAY "see they know my parents they will find me easily.

UDAY said "you have to escape from here any how and listen you directly go to the police. There you will be safe under their protection. And now go to computer room.

I don't know any hacking wacking you know that.

I know just go and distract him make him out of the room and leave everything to me.

As she entered the that guard shouted "what are you doing here don't students are prohibited here."

ADITI politely answered " SorrySir I am ADITI a new addmision here, actually Shukla sir has send me to remind you about the sound system of program.

That guard go out of the room and ADITI entered she cheked the list of participants and also block the camera towards green room.

In the green room She found UDAY "ASHI has not participating in the program. She is sitting with her parent it is difficult for us to do this."

What are the names of his parents is any of them participated or not?"

"Yes, He is Ram of std 9th. they share same school vehichle."

"That's good go and tell her that he is calling her and take her along with yourself." And listen you have to flew from here from that path" UDAY said

Don't kidnap her UDAY. let her free naaaa!ADITI demanded

"we don't have any other option" UDAY refused

ADITI did the same, from the corridor she handed her to AJAY they reached in a green room where ANIL capture her and UMANG injected a drug to and she become unconscious after that they packed her in a sack. And they go out to make a way to take her out.

Aditi don't wanted her to be kidnapped so quitely she goto her parents inform them about the she told hem to be calm. she goto tat room and send ANIL to UDAY outside then she made her free and replace her with two dummies adn some stuffs lying there. And then they rush from there through the back door s UFAY planned

When they shifting the bag it was revealed that ASHI was not there. That crooks packed them in the van and start searching both girls.

ASHI parents along with ADITI directly approach to police station and inform every thing to police.

Police came in actin and visited that factory along with ADITI but it was late They al vacate the place. However police get some evidencbut all are useless. The can't find their next location.

ADITI is now in her family. She wanted to visit Kholi to meet UDAY'S mother but She is helpless Her Family put restriction in her outing. She is now in her family.

One day she got the chance to visit kholi. Her mother was looking miserable. ADITI narrated everything happened to her and then She asked "Why they choose them only and how they know everything about them and why UDAY is like their cream of crop?"

Your answer lie in my past and I think now you should know it.

My husband is alcoholic. We are poor and some how managed our living. but day by day he become cruel and more cruel. He don't give us money and also takes my in come. I don't want to UDAY know about his father's evilness and also becauuse of money problem I send him to my maternal home.when he is about 5 year old.

Day passed I persuaded him to leave alcohol but he never liste to me i stop to give him money all I secretly send to UDAY for his studies. His father become a friend of these Gundas he indulge in all illigal crime such as kidnapping thefting etc. One after my mother's death my brother send UDAY to me and refused to keep him with. I begged but he refused and return

After his coming his father become good for some day he lives at home and don't drink and playing with his son I think his son will change him. However when I viited sometime to my matrnal home he also play with his son very peacefully. I started cursing myself why I seperate him with his son may be he leave alcohol in the love of his son.

One day he send his son to market and then he totaly become a deviolHe has a deal tio sell me to a party in some 3 lakhs When Igot know all this I totally denied. then he capture capture and started beating me, I fought back an in this hustle and bustle I hit him wit a lathha that stuck his head and he got spot death.UDAY saw all this he saw me murdering his father and from that day he hate me and goto those gundas he only listen them he thought that they are only good friends of his father and only who cares for him

But The reality is under the presure their loan his father had done all the crimes they make him to do that and after his father they also make my son like them I many times say him they that they are bad poeples but he don't listen to me he just hate,he just hate me. then he cried and cried

Don't worry Aunty your son is now only yours he is a good one now and he hates that villians. ADITI soothed her mother

You are reight beta but I just afraid what if they agiain make him like them"

"I wiil bring him back Aunty don't worry" ADITI vowed.

how wiil it happen for this wait for some time I will tell you in the next part untill then good bye have a good day