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Computer Part-1 - (Competitive Exam)

Inventors in computer programming and development

Charles Babbage: The Analytical Engine(1822)

Alan Turing: The Turing Machine
The English mathematician and computer scientist- provided a platform for formulating the basic concept of algorithm and destined the Turing machine, that was able to test the intelligence of a machine.

Konrad Zuse: The Z Series Computers
The German engineer, Konrad Zuse, in 1936, invented the first electrical binary programmable computer - the Z1. Z2 and Z3 were also introduced by Zuse in 1939 and 1941 respectively.

John Vincent Atanasoff & Clifford Berry: Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
Developed in the war phase of 1942, Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) was the world's first fully electronic digital computer.

The US Army: ENIAC -Financed by the US army and developed by scientists John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly, in 1946, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is considered to be the first mainstream digital computer ever made.

Father of the personal computer - Henry Edward Roberts released Altair 8800 on December 19, 1974

The first laptop or portable computer - IBM 5100 (1975)

The first Apple computer - Steve Wozniak designed the first Apple known as the Apple I (1976)

Dennis Ritchie : He created the C programming language

Brian Kernighan : contributed to the development of Unix, He is also coauthor of the AWK and AMPL programming languages.

Bjarne Stroustrup : developed C++ programming language.

Niklaus Wirth : developed PASCAL programming language

James Gosling : Father of the Java programming language.

Larry Wall : Developed Perl programming language in 1987.

Guido van Rossum : Author of the Python programming language.

Richard Matthew Stallman : foundi Free Software Foundation, developing the GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Emacs, and writing the GNU General Public License.

Bill Joy: co-founder of Sun Microsystems in 1982 along with Vinod Khosla, Scott McNealy and Andy Bechtolsheim.

Philippe Kahn : who is credited with creating the first camera phone sharing pictures instantly on public networks.

Important founders in the field of Computer Technology

Paul Allen : Co-founder of Microsoft Corporation along with Bill Gates, a leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications.

Bill Gates : William Henry "Bill" Gates III is an American business magnate and philanthropist. Gates is the former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, which he co-founded with Paul Allen.

Larry Ellison : Lawrence Joseph "Larry" Ellison is an American business magnate, co-founder and chief executive of Oracle Corporation, one of the world's leading enterprise software companies.

Larry Page : Lawrence "Larry" Page is an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur who, with Sergey Brin, is best known as the co-founder of Google. On April 4, 2011, he took on the role of chief executive officer of Google, replacing Eric Schmidt.

Sergey Brin : Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is a Soviet-born American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur who, with Larry Page, co-founded Google, one of the most profitable Internet companies. As of 2012, his personal wealth is estimated to be $20.3 billion.

Steve Jobs : Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs was an American entrepreneur. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc

Robert Taylor :Robert William Taylor, known as Bob Taylor, is an Internet pioneer, who led teams that made major contributions to the personal computer, and other related technologies.

Paul Baran : Paul Baran was a Polish American engineer who was a pioneer in the development of computer networks

Vint Cerf : Vinton Gray "Vint" Cerf is an American computer scientist, who is recognized as one of "the fathers of the Internet", sharing this title with American computer scientist Bob Kahn.

Robert E. Kahn : Robert Elliot "Bob" Kahn is an American Internet pioneer, engineer and computer scientist, who, along with Vinton G. Cerf, invented the Transmission Control Protocol and the Internet Protocol.

Important Questions for Competetive exam

1. Who invented Compact Disc?

Ans : James T Russel

2. Which day is celebrated as world Computer Literacy Day?
Ans : December 2

3. Who invented Java?
Ans : James A Gosling

4. Longhorn was the code name of ?
Ans : Windows Vista

5. Who is known as the Human Computer of India?
Ans : Shakunthala Devi

6. What is mean by Liveware?
Ans : People who work with the computer

7. Which computer engineer got Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?
J.M. Coetzee

8. 'Weaving The Web' was written by.....
Ans : Tim Burners Lee

9. What is Beta Test?
Ans : Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch

10. 'Do no evil' is tag line of ......
Ans : Google

11. First Indian cinema released through internet is .....
Ans : Vivah

12. was founded by.....
Ans : Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal

13. What is the extension of PDF?
Ans : Portable document format

14. Mows is a type of mouse for ........ people
Ans : Physically handicapped people

15. Expand RDBMS?
Ans : Relational Data Base Management System

16. Difference engine was developed by.....
Ans : Charles Babbage

17. is now owned by ......
Ans : Google

18. World's first microprocessor is .....
Ans : Intel 4004

19. What is SQL?
Ans : Structured Query Language

20. What is the expansion of COBOL?
Ans : Common Business Oriented Language

21. What is the expansion of SMS?
Ans : Short Message Service

22. Which IT company's nickname is ' The Big Blue ' ?
Ans : IBM

23. What is the full form of IEEE?
Ans : Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers

24. Who developed COBOL?
Ans : Grace Murry Hopper

25. Email was developed by......
Ans : Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (Ray Tomlinson)

26. Green dam is ......
Ans : Web Filter

27. What is the expanded form of CMOS ?
Ans : Complementary Metal Oxide Semoconductor

28. Who is Netizen ?
Ans : Net Citizen (Citizen who uses internet)

29. What is Scareware?
Ans : Fake antivirus softwares

30. When was the first smart phone launched?
Ans : 1992 (IBM Simon)

Important Questions for Competetive exam

1. Which Penguin is the mascot of Linux Operating system?
Ans : TUX

2. i pad is manufactured by
Ans : Apple

3. Which IT company got name from Sanfrancisco?

4. "Connecting people" is the tagline of ....
Ans : Nokia

5. What is IMEI?
Ans : International Mobile Equipment Identity.

6. What is e-zine?
Ans : Electronic Magazines.

7. What is the expansion of ASCII?
Ans : American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

8. Who developed first portable computer?
Ans : Adam Osborne

9. What is NIC?
Ans : Network Interface Card

10. Whose motto is "wisdom of mass principle?
Ans : Wikipedia

11. Who is the father of computer ethics?
Ans : Norbetweiner.

12. Which Indian state implemented 'Cyber Grameen' ?
Ans : Andhra Pradesh

13. What is a blog?
Ans : Online journals and diaries.

14. What is NISG?
Ans : National Institute of Smart Governance

15. Tic-Tac-Toe is .....
Ans : 1st graphical game

16. "Oruma" is Linux based software development by?
Ans : Kerala State Electricity Board.

17. ABC (computer) was developed by ?
Ans : Atanasoff Berry (ABC means Atanasoff Berry Computer)

18. GPS was developed by?
Ans : US Army

19. Expand SUN in sun Micrsystem.
Ans : Stanford University Network

20. 'Being digital' is a famous book written by ?
Ans : Nicholars Negroponte.

21. What is Blue Brain project?
Ans : Cloning of human brain.

22. Which famous web site was found by Jeffry Bezos?
Ans :

23. What is Cyber bulling?
Ans : Threatening through internet

24. Cyber-check is software developed by .....

25. What is pod slumping?
Ans : Information theft by portable devices.

26. In which year the first legalized personal computer sold in Cuba?
Ans : 2008(May)

27. What is three finger salutes?
Ans : Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del

28. In which year Microsoft Office was launched?
Ans : 1989

29. What is meant by Mouse potato?
Ans : It means a person who spends too much time in front of a computer.

30. Who wrote 'Just for fun' ?
Ans : Linus Torvalds. ( Just for Fun : The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary is a humorous autobiography of Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel)