Dreams of a star in English Love Stories by Sweetday books and stories PDF | Dreams of a star

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Dreams of a star

      It was a midnight, the raindrops were running to  touch the ground and I was standing in my balcony watching this beautiful view . But wait  !!!!! Is there someone sitting  alone in this heavy rain.After waiting for 2 hours I went down to see that girl.  "Hey you, young girl dont you  think its enough for a day to enjoy rain " . The girl replied " who are you ?? And leave me alone  ". But i didnt want to leave her alone in this rain , So  i asked her again " what is your problem ???? I m here to help you ". Till that time rain stopped . The girl now turned towards me . I was speechless when I saw her , she has a very beautiful short hair ,a nice brown eyes and a cute smile on her face but this  behaviour of her make me feel scared because  she was sad and now smiling , may be she can be a witch or a ghost who wants to kill me. I have seen in movies that  a ghost is always a beautiful girl  . She got up and step towards me, my heart  was beating  fast . I was sweating that moment and she removed a knife from her bag  and step towards me :( . I beg in front of her " please please.......... dont kill me i m very innocent man  , pleaseeeeee" !!! . And then she started laughing " hahahaaaaaahaa haaaaaaa :) dont be afraid this knife is not for you and i m not a ghost , " . I stood up and said " you really scared me , oh god please dont do this again ". I was curious to know why she had a knife so  I asked her " why do you need a knife ?" . She replied " I am fedup of my life and i just wanted to quit it  thats the reason i had knife " . I started thinking in my mind how can a beautiful girl think like that?. I told her " i can help you out with ur problems , lets be friends ". She replied " Ahh.. okay" . Then i told her " its too late to go home if you dont mind you can stay at my house for a night its just nearby " . She replied " okay lets go " .

         We Reached home i gave her my clothes to change but then also she was cold so i wrap my blanket round her and asked her " would you  like to have coffee?" . She replied " yeah sure ". While i was making coffee i asked her " what is your name ?" She replied " Angel and yours ? . Raj . Your name is Angel its a cute name like you . Angel replied " yes it is
        Now My was coffee is ready !!!!!!! So  We both had  it together. While having coffee  she was looking into my eyes as she want to tell something . Her eyes was shining . I started thinking in my mind that i should ask her why she wanted to commit suicide ? because even i had tried to end my life and my friend Peter supported me . So I started asking question to her . Why do you want to end your life ? Dont you think at this age beautiful girls like you  should enjoy parties and boyfriends rather than sitting alone and thinking ways to end your life . She smile and replied " you dont know my story and when you know it you will also join to commit sucide ?". I replied "i have lots of time , my exams are just over so i m free and i would to love to hear your story ". She started telling her story about her life. " when i was 16 years old my parents left me in india with lots of money and property " . " ohhh its so sad". She replied with a smile " they are not dead they  went abroad to enjoy their life". Okay then? . "I was alone and at that age i wasn't very comfortable to be alone with huge money and property. In college i made friends one of my frnd name was jonny,  he was a good boy but i didnt felt him so attractive . He always used to follow me , After every lecture he used to be with me . One day i thought i might ask him why he do that . He replied:" i just like being around you " . I think he wants to be my friend so i said"okay ". After few days he said my friends that he loves me . Even i liked him but i am scared to love him because my thinking was if i love someone , god will take him away from me , like my parents they left me alone and went to enjoy . Because  of this reason i said him "NO". So i stopped  talking with him . But oneday He followed  me in my bus , he sat   beside me aand started  asking" what i did ? Whats wrong with you ? Why are you ignoring me ? . I was speechless and i didnt reply him at all . the days pass but one day . We both were againg together in a bus and  he said me " if you dont talk with me now , i wont be alive ". In my mind i thought he is just saying like every other lover . So i said "No" again and left the bus . The same night i got  a news that the boy who loved me ended his life . And the reason is me !!! Me and only meeeeeeee. Thats the reason i want to end my life and just want to do it ....:(. 
          So the boy died ? Angel replied ,"yes he did". Do you love him ? . "Yeah i doo." 
When u came home did u saw my face Clearly . " Nope ". I think its time to see . Angel looked at me . Surprised . "You jonny you are alive " . She rushes  towards me to hold me tight and a sweet kiss  on my chicks ,very sweet . She asked," but how "?. I went to eat cupcakes your fav so i was not in the bus and now i m with you .                           My story ends here you may  also fall in  love but see it is not a ghost >_<.