Presence of God in English Spiritual Stories by Parth Panchal books and stories PDF | Presence of God

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Presence of God

Presence of God

Since we took birth in this world, Opinion of people who are living in this earth planet is present of god. Even every religious book claims of exist. Gita, Quran and bible are physical evidence about god. It has been saying all three books are written by god himself to put humans in suspicion and that is the black magic of god. Every chapter of Hindu religion book Geeta was spoken by lord Krishna and Arjun. Through this lord revealed important of spiritual knowledge.

As per one statement of albert Einstein, “When I read the bhagvad-gita and reflect how god created this universe everything else seems so superfluous” that is the strong magic of gita and strong proof of god exist.

Einstein who is renowned scientist and probably those who belongs to science world doesn’t trust on this kind of spiritual and truth which is effect of god through some of pages of books.

God is in heart of trustworthy, no discrimination among humans at all so lord Krishna had agreed to drive pandava prince Arjun’s chariot.

Shabri mata’s sincere devotion for lord ram shows that lord never see whether his devotee lives in a palace or humble hut or rich or poor. Neither see cast or color but we showed new rules for us which is only Hindu can go to temple or Muslim can go to mosque. There should not be any kind of obstacles in form of rules between devotees and god.

Are dangerous disease and heart attack creation of god? Is God doing all this nonsense? What those are fool who goes shiv temple every Monday or those who goes mosque every Friday.

Every night we set alarm in mobile why? We have a trust on our god. He will wake us up that is sure. There is always invisible man around us to protect us. He leads us towards right path.

Science says everything which is available in this planet has to have beginning but what about god. God has no beginning at all.

According to shiv puran shiv has no beginning even he has no birth and end. Nothing is smaller nor bigger then shiv.

Shiv is the great atman, because he is the atman of all. There is no great atman than him.

In god era, He was always around to save us like in mahabharat but in current era?

We should fight alone for us, Don’t depend on others. Always speak truth and fight for truth only. If you fight against truth as karn did in Mahabharata. Don’t forget Arjun is always there to teach them lesson.

If you can’t see any way to come out of trouble pray to god.

Lord Krishna says: “Come to me! I will take care of you”.

According to the scriptures, the virtue performed on the day of Akshaya Navami never ends. On this day, whatever auspicious task such as donation, worship, devotion, service is done, their virtue is attained to many births.

Mother gives birth to child that means for child god is in form of mother. God can’t protect all at same time and listen pray so mother is the golden creation of god.

If you hurt mother, you are hurting god that clears god is always us.

Every natural processes is dependent upon the moves of god.

According to bible god is involve in natural world.

Meditation, devotion and worship are the way to talk with him that means the god is ruling in this universe.

In hindu and muslim religion, we believe there is a god inside mother but in Christian there are seven names of god.

He is everything in those names like peace and so on..

Everything is in god’s hand. He is the creator of this universe. From your birth to die whatever you do. Everyone’s luck has already been written by god’s hand. We are just tools of them. God is the game and we are the players.

He knows who will win the game and who will lost but before that he wants you to hardwork, love, care and respect.

Jesus love to his mother, Love between Krishna and radha, Love of Krishna and meera. Krishna had loved to radha and meera also loved to krishna and that is the change of human. Change is the law of universe.

We loved to our parents and our parents loved to their parents it doesn’t means our child will definitely love us that depends on our deeds. How and how many times you have hurted to creation of god. How many times and how you said lie and truth.

With whom and how you betrayed? All these are counted when you are died. Either you are sent to hell or heaven.

What you want is not always what you need. God has already given as per our ability and need so why do we need to be sad.

Lord Krishna says, “Whatever has happened, has happened for good and Whatever will happen, will also be good“.

If god himself is taking care of us, why do we need to be worry.

What we need to do is live the life as instruction of god. He is always with us as friend.

Happiness and sorrow are part of life and god went through this.

When we are in trouble we just need to remember one thing is,

Jesus says, “You need me”.

If the kumbh mela is visible from space far away where Hindu devotees are taking a "holy dip" in the Ganga river.

Earth is also one planet which is created by god himself for human life. If god is visible from space where no one live, this planet is the creation of god so there is no question about presence of god.

God resides in every human form, in everything that is on this planet.