First Kiss, in the car! in English Love Stories by Parth Toroneel books and stories PDF | First Kiss, in the car!

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First Kiss, in the car!

1 - First Kiss, in the car!

It was a beautiful rainy season. A cool breeze was gliding on us. I and my girlfriend were on a long drive, to spend some romantic time. I stopped the car at the nearest riverfront. She blushed just by knowing my intention to kissing her. I smiled naughtily at her. She bit her lips while staring at me. I turned to her and held her hand gently. Cold breeze whizzed from the open window. Her wavy hairs slithered on her face. She grabbed long tresses blushingly—and tucked it behind the ear. She had plated light brown lipstick on her soft lips. Our heartbeats were throbbing to make next move… The surrounding climate was also helping us in our courtship. I gently caressed her cheek by my right thumb and gazed on her blushing lips. Our eyes were drunk in a lusty-love. As I leaned on to kiss her slightly parted lips… — I received a phone call….!

“Shit…!” I rolled my eyes and sigh heavily. It was my mom’s.

To avoid her calls I put the phone on vibrate mode and put it aside. I wanted to pick up her calls, but I didn’t want to disturb the romantic mood with her. I was waiting for this moment for many million years...!

Finally, we kissed in the car and went to the riverfront holding each other’s hands. The feeling of ‘being in love’ with her, I can’t put down in words. My heart was filled with ecstasy. I wanted to stop the time and wanted to live in it—forever!

God! That was the unforgettable moments of my life.

In the evening, I dropped her at her home. She gave a goodbye kiss on my cheek and said coyly, “It was the beautiful time spending with you, Mihir! Love you...!!”

We both smiled at each other and waved—to say goodbye. I stared at her till she disappeared from my sight. I noticed myself that—my lips were constantly smiling and heart was giggling joyously.

God!! I wish I could’ve captured that moment! Bowl of my heart was overwhelmed with the cocktails of all the beautiful feelings and emotions. I can trade my soul to live in that moment again…!

The phone vibrated. I got irritated and checked the phone. It was Mom’s.

I picked up the call with an annoyed voice, “Yeah….mom…! What is it? Why are you calling calls after calls!? Don’t you know every weekend I am busy with my friends…”

"I know very well, My Loverboy! But the weather forecast shows that your city has heavy rain forecasting in twenty-four hours. I was worried about you that you aren’t gone out with your friends to bath in the river. I just wanted to confirm that! You should’ve at least messaged me that you are with your girlfriend!”

“Awww, Mom… I’m Sorry!! You still so much worry about me! Love you, mom…!”

“Love you too, beta… Now go to your hostel and message or call me when you get there, Ok?” she said with motherly care and worry.

My lips smiled as I cut the phone. A suppressed stream of mother’s love flowed through my heart, and along with, I peeved on myself by ignoring her calls.


Mother knows everything where and with whom her kanudo is playing ras!!

2 - Couple at the hill station.

On the hill station, a delightful wind was blowing. A young couple was enjoying sunset view standing in a balcony. The wind was slithering on their smiling faces. Golden rays of sun and orange clouds were making the evening even more romantic. He turned to her and held her both hand. Both were looking at each other’s eyes—romantically. He kissed her hand softly. Wife blushed and her cheeks turned red—like a tomato!

He put his both hands on her waist and asked while staring into her eyes, “Darling, if you would want to give me something precious, then what would it be?"

His romantic way of saying made her lips smiled. She plunged into his heart of love and said, “If something precious I would want to give, then it would be a kind sight, so you can realize how much intimately I am in love with you.” And then she laid her head on his sturdy chest and hugged him.

Wife’s answer filled his heart with love—indeed, but he’d expected something else. He just smiled and eradicated that thought—shaking his head.


Any guess…??

3 - Unforgettable childhood memories

I vividly remember when my dad used to come home from work, firstly he would kiss on my mom's forehead with a warm smile. And then she would take his bag and give him a glass of water. I would run towards him cheerfully as my eyes encountered him coming—and he would scoop me up into his arms and kiss on my cheek with his wet ticklish mustache. When he started to tickle me on neck and belly I used to giggle in glee. We often wrestle playfully and he will always fake his defeat. He'll slump on the floor lying on his belly pretending he's dead. While I jumped on his back declaring my victory, he would get up out of sudden yelling, “BOO! GOTCHA!” and then he would tickle on my belly and I just could not stop giggling.

My mom would come into the room and serves us a hot tea and then my favorite local cakes. I remember all these because right now I just became a father of the newborn baby girl. I live in another town with my wife, so he is distant from us. A few days ago mom called me and gave sad news of him that he has Alzheimer!

There are days he remember us, some days he just goes out from home and walks out in another society or someone’s house. Mom feels embarrassed when everyone sees her taking her husbands home like a stubborn kid. The saddest part is, seeing my mom still clinging to her memories with him.

Every night before she goes to sleep, she'll be by his side just talking to him, caressing his hands while my dad stares at her like a stranger.

Life seems so good when everything is normal, but it seems very hard when life shows some grey sides.

Life isn’t fair to everyone, so don’t expect life to be fair.


Writer – Parth Toroneel