The waves of Life in English Drama by Sai Kumari books and stories PDF | The waves of Life - chapter 1

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The waves of Life - chapter 1

" What happened to this girl?! I don't know what she is thinking. Everytime she is zoned out looking out and thinking about past. If she will be like this mom and dad will get upset." Priya thought looking at Sindhu while  driving the car.

" What are you thinking Sindhu?" questioned Priya while steering.

Sindhu brushed her tear stained cheek and turned towards her replying " Nothing Priya!!"

  Heaving a deep sigh Priya said "  I know you are weeping silently and thinking about your family. Am I correct?"

  Sindhu nodded silently while Priya continued " Look !! I'm not saying what you did was wrong , but what did you get leaving your family and living here from past five years? What did you get being away from your family ? Tell me Sindhu ? What did you get in return? "

Still Sindhu was silent not responding to her questions. " I know Sindhu this will be hurting you. But I can't see you like this being sad and miserable, and mainly mom and Dad. They are worried about you."

  " I can not say anything about this Priya!! They are safe that is what I want,Andi don't want to go " Stated Sindhu making Priya  frown.

Sindhu !! What you said came from your mind not from your heart" said Priya stopping the car.

  " What I said came from my heart," Sindhu said stressing each word and got down closing the door furiously.

Jagadeesh Rajput , their dad opened the door to notice Sindhu hurriedly  walking in  and climbed  the steps  while Priya was calling her.

Sindhu !! Sindhu !! she started calling her to give explanation while entering the living area.

    Mr. Rajput noticed that something is wrong between their daughters, he gave what happened look to Priya. Priya sat on the couch closing her eyes  while he also took a seat and waited for her response.

" I asked her to go to India " Priya said making her dad gasp.

    Are you joking Priya? he asked  disapprovingly.

  Dad !! I'm serious. She was weeping from the start,  I know I shouldn't have said like that, but I couldn't see her like that and  she said she doesn't want to go back," Priya replied shrugging.

Oh no !!! Priya! She is miserable dear and why did you say like that, she might be hurt, her dad said.

    Sindhu in her room locking  the door and sat at the door on floor buried her head  in-between her knees and started to weep silently.

She brushed her tears and walked towards the wardrobe and opened the upper shelf. Sindhu took one black bag closing the door, unzipping it   and took a book that is a dairy, and it is somewhat old. She started to turn the pages and stopped at the middle of the book to see some photos.

" Mom !! she cried while touching the photo. I miss you all, I want to see you mom and I want to sleep in your lap," she said holding the photo tightly.

    " I hope I can see you all and live with you, but some thing is stopping me mom."

   She closed her eyes thinking how they were happy. She remembers a saying what her dad said

  " Sindhu !! Listen !! Problems are like clouds, they come and go , but we must stay strong like a sky."

Sindhu  have heard this saying from her  dad a lot of times, but she didn't know the meaning before, after she came to know the meaning she is not with them. Like all daughters she too loves her dad, she can say he is her superman.

             Listening to Priya and her husband's conversation prameela came towards them and sat beside her daughter.

    Sindhu is sad and how can you talk with her like that dear. I know you wanted to help her but ...

 Priya interrupted in middle saying Mom!! there is nothing, I only said her to meet her family. I know she wants to go to India and meet them, but she is stubborn enough not to listen to her heart.

  Her mother heaved a deep sigh of  and said " don't worry , I will go and talk with her, she assured them and walked towards Sindhu room.

    Sindhu !! Sindhu !! Called Prameela knocking the door.

   Sindhu brushed her tear stained cheek and hurriedly kept the bag in the wardrobe and  opened the door while her mom walked in.

" What are you doing Sindhu ?" she asked.

Nothing mom !! I was just ... just .. she was thinking want to say while her mom interrupted saying " Sindhu!! don't tell lies."

     Sindhu  replied lowering her head, " I was crying mom."

    Prameela lifted her chin saying " I know dear, and I am sorry because of priya."

    No  !! Don't say sorry to me Mom !! what she said was correct but I was thinking something else and was furious with Priya," she said rubbing her head.

It's okay Sindhu !! now keep this stuff aside  and freshup, I did your favorite dish, so come down quickly dear, said Prameela.

   Okay mom !! she replied., while her mom went downstairs. She had a bright smile on her face. Jagadeesh and Priya were relieved as Sindhu was convinced with her.

  After sometime they all are having dinner and Sindhu apolized to Priya too. They all are having silently then Mr. Rajput interrupted saying " I forgot telling ,  our Life hospital will be finished with in five months."

   " Wow !! that's great news dad," Priya and Sindhu cheered.

     Five years ago Jagadeesh went to India  and he saw the poor people suffer, he wanted to build a hospital and give them treatment at a low budget. He even  talked with Prameela and she agreed with her husband.

After two years of struggle and hardwork he got permission to build the hospital with high facilities and good care. He is happy as his wish is going to become real.