My Love - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Sai Kumari books and stories PDF | My Love - 2

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My Love - 2

Chapter 2

Neha !! Still how many patients are there ? Saanvi questioned.

Mam !! Only one patient is there, she replied.

Okay then call the patient, she said. Neha nodded and called the patient. Today was a hectic day for Saanvi. She was taking the sessions who were depressed all the day.

Saanvi is ignoring her mother from one month. So that's why she was doing her job till late nights too. She started ignoring her calls and even Jatin too.

After some time the session was completed, she took a deep breath closing her eyes. Every time she closes her eyes she remembers about the talk they had that day about her father.

“ Aunty !! You should tell to her. She has right to know about it, stated Jatin.”

“ I know Jatin , but why I said to you is because if she knows about this her heart will break into pieces. That's why I didn't said about this, replied Asha.”

“ But aunty !! Some or the other day she will eventually will get to know about this. So, before she knows by someone it is better to tell by yourself.”

I wanted to tell about this from past 2 years, but I don't have courage to face her and tell. If she knows about this, I don't know how she will react.

Aunty !! all I can say is first tell her calmly. And she is disturbed about something too, She is ignoring my calls. Did anything happened ? Questioned Jatin.

I have talked about her father Jatin, before I die…

Aunty!! He interrupted concerned.

Giving a small smile Asha continued “ If I say or I don't say at last everyone has to meet God. Though you deny but it is the truth.”

Saanvi is angry with me because I took the topic about her father. I want her to meet her dad. From past few days I was thinking about my dad and I felt and a question was running in my mind didn't Saanvi want to meet her dad or not ?

What she said aunty ? Jatin asked.

“ I expected that she will be excited but to my surprise she got angry and she said that I should not talk about him, said Asha.”

“ Maybe she wants to meet her dad aunty, but her ego might be stopping her. Because you were a independent women and she also became independent so that's why she might be not accepting her father.”

Jatin phone started to buzz interrupting their conversation. He lifted the call as it is from hospital. After talking for five minutes he hung up saying he will go to hospital.

What is it Jatin ? Asha questioned.

Aunty I'm having a emergency call and I should go to hospital. I will make my move aunty then.

Okay beta !! Drive safely !!

He smiled and said okay. Aunty !! Take rest I will talk to Saanvi tomorrow. Don't worry. Asha nodded and he left to hospital.

Saanvi opened her eyes and looked at the watch to see the time was 3 0’ clock. She looked at her surroundings as she was not in hospital. She knew the surroundings well but still she was in asleep and her eyes were dizzy. She forcefully wanted to open but she couldn't and went back to sleep.

The next day Jatin was talking on phone with someone . He talked some time and walked towards bedroom. He opened the door to see Saanvi coming from washroom.

Good morning Saanvi !! He wished cheerfully. She wished him back and sat on bed.

Did you sleep well ? Questioned Jatin.

Who took me home ? She asked not replying to him.

I had a emergency call from hospital that I should attend for the surgery and then after that I knew from the staff that you are still in your cabin. I came to your cabin and you were sleeping, so not disturbing you from sleep I took you to my home.

Thank you Jatin she said. They were silent for some time. Saanvi get ready and come I will prepare breakfast.

No need Jatin !! I will come and prepare you go and get ready Saanvi said walking towards the door.

He grabbed her hand and kept his finger on her lips saying “ No more arguments, go and get ready I will do the breakfast.”

Not having any choice she nodded and went to fresh up. Jatin went to kitchen and started preparing breakfast. After some time Saanvi came down and sat at the counter to have breakfast. He served breakfast and they started to eat quietly.

Saanvi !! Can I ask onething ?! He said while taking a bite from sandwich.

When did you start taking permission Jatin ?

He smiled and said “ just now madam !! Can I ?” she nodded.

Why are you not going home from past one month ? I know you from childhood but you didn't did this before ? Jatin said.

I have priorities too Jatin and I want some quality time to spend some time alone, she replied.

Really ? He said.

“ Jatin !! I know Mom should have told you to talk . So , I know you very well. Now talk to me directly. What's the matter ?”

I know I should not be talking about your personal stuff but I am asking this, Why don't you meet….

Meet …?! She said curiosly

Meet your father ? Jatin said slowly.

Did mom talk to you about this ? And one more thing this is not personal, you are my family, Saanvi said.

Yes Saanvi, aunty is worried about you and she wants you to know about your father. Why don't you accept her wish. She talked with me about this yesterday, he replied.

Jatin !! You know right how much I cried about my dad. But now I don't want to know and I don't want to meet him. I am clear about it, she said.

But Saanvi !! I still know that you want to meet your dad , but now why you don't want to meet your dad ? He questioned.

Saanvi was silent as she doesn't know what to answer him.

“ I know Saanvi !! You don't have an answer for this. So, go and talk with auntie, she is worried about you. If you don't want to talk about your dad then keep it aside for some time, but now go and meet.”

She nodded while Jatin smiled. I still remember you didn't introduce Anjana ?! She said with a wicked smile.

Oh no !! The devil is back !!