My Love - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Sai Kumari books and stories PDF | My Love - 1

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My Love - 1

Chapter 1

The sun gives light to everyone on this Earth. If sun is not there, there won't be any living thing on this Earth. Every creature on Earth some or the other time is dependent on sun. Like sun I'm dependent on my Mom. All I know in this world is Mom.

I love my Mom like a sky that never ends. She is my shield and armor. She makes my day. All I can say is she is everything to me. But I witness Mom these days silent and anxious about something.

Mom was not with me from past one year. She was in village making the villagers study and fight for girl rights. She even got award for it.

She came back last week from village. I don't know why she is quite and silent. She is always and we share everything with each other. But now she is going through something , I can understand. She is not expressing it.

I don't know what to do. She was cheerful and enthusiastic before, but now she is like I can say she is dull. I don't know what she is thinking. She is lost somewhere. I should know what is happening with her today. That's why I'm completing my work early and cancelled all my appointments today.

Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Saanvi, meaning of my name is prosperity and wealth. And I can say follower and seeker from God or goddess. But my God is my mother. I'm a doctor by profession by specialization in psychology. So I'm a psychiatrist.

Completing my work I walked towards the receptionist and signed my leave. “ Neha !! I'm going early as I am having some work. So, please cancel appointments.” I said.

Okay mam, You can go!! She replied with a smile.

“ Ahh.. thank you Neha !! If Jatin comes here tell him that I have left to home.”

No mention Mam!! I will convey your message. Have a pleasant evening.

Thank you Neha !! And wish you the same too. I replied to her cheerfully.

Jatin is my childhood friend. He is also a doctor by profession. He is a neurosurgeon. I don't know where he left. He always tells me where he goes. I don't understand why he didn't tell me today. He will be getting punishment after he comes back.

I walked to parking lot and drive back to home. On the way I bought fruits and veggies as it's been so long I went to market. Today there is no traffic. This is my luck I can say.

Bangalore traffic is horrible. It's so frustrating to drive. For every five minutes there will be traffic signals. It takes half an hour time to my home but due to traffic it takes one hour. You can understand how it is in urban city.

I can see the sun set clearly and it's becoming dark slowly. The street lights started to on and it looks like the stars are giving lightingon street. The street foods aroma is spreading from the other side while the footpath stores are full with buyers.

Everyone are busy in their lives struggling to get rich and more and more Rich. But they couldn't understand that money is only a medium to buy the things not love and care from family. They all see money can buy anything and it can bring anything. That is in their mind, we can't remove it. It came by birth.

All these thoughts are running in my mind until I reached my home. This is my home,it is a two story building surrounded by different plants and flowers. It looks like a mini bungalow. Locking the car door I walked in to notice mom reading a novel. I slowly walked towards her and closed her eyes.

Sona !! I know you have come, now go and fresh up!! Mom knows my every move.

Mom !! How an you know about my presence?! I said hugging her from back.

She smiled and said “ Sona!! I am your mom and I have been seeing you from your birth and I know everything about you and I can know your presence too.”

“ But Mom!! You don't know about my mind right? You don't know how I think and what I think, ” I replied sitting beside her.

What you said is right, but can I know what you are thinking my dear!! She said pinching my cheeks.

Ahh !! Mom it hurts, I said rubbing my cheeks.

Mom!! That… that…

“ Why are you stuttering Sona?! What you want to tell just spit it out?! Okay!! So many times I have said I will listen whatever you say and I can give you any answer if I know. ”

Mom... Why are you different these days?! I can see you lost in thoughts. I have noticed so many times. Is there any problem ma?! I asked slowly.

I don't know how to say this Sona. I'm trying to tell you about this from past few days. But I don't know why I have become like this. And it's important to know about this.

What is it Mom? You are scaring me!! I said. What mom said I can understand. But still I don't understand what she wants to tell.

It's about your father Sona!! She said slowly not looking at me.

Listening what she said I fisted my hands. So this is what she wants to tell me. I don't know why she wants to talk about Dad. From my birth till now Mom had never took about this topic.

When I was a kid I saw my classmates with their both parents. But I was all brought up by mom. Some times I tried to ask mom about this but then stopped when I walked towards mom. I even cried several times about who my dad is.

Some people talked my back and started to comment, and some people talked rudely, and some show mercy. I have ignored all these and concentrated on my studies. I gave priority mostly to Mom studies and vice versa.

“ Mom !! If you want to tell you can, I won't ask you about this. So be cool.”

Sona !! This is your right to know about your father. I know what you went through from your birth to till now. If I won't tell now I'm nothing but just a person with no emotions..

Mom !! Don't say those words. Don't be so mean about this. I said interrupting in middle.

But Sona… Mom was saying something but doorbell rang. I walked towards the door and opened to see Jatin standing there.

Uhh !! Saanvi I called you so many times? Where are you? He started firing questions.

“ First tell me, where did you go without saying a word to me? ”

I'm sorry Saanvi !! I went to see …

To see? I raised my eyebrows giving a Stern look.

Sona !! First allow him to come in beta !! He can answer later about it, mom said.

He smirked and walked in while I was irritated with his antics. Huh !! Mom always escapes him. I said to myself and closed the door.

I sat opposite to him and looked at him sternly. But he ignored me and started to ask mom about her health. Now I'm so much pissed about him.

First he didn't even tell me where he went and when i asks him he smirked and walked away and now he is ignoring.

“ Hello !! Mr. Jatin still you didn't tell your answer?” I asked annoyed.

Umm... I went to meet Anjana. He replied shyly. I can say he is blushing.

Anjana?! Who is this girl?! Could you enlighten me ?! I said while Mom also interested.

Saanvi “ I think I'm in love with Anjana,” he said giving a shock for both of us. Me and mom looked at each other and busted into laughter.

Whoa !! This is a surprise for me Jatin. Oh man !! You are blushing like a girl. I said while pinching his blushed pink cheeks.

Ahh !! Saanvi!! It's hurting, he said while rubbing his cheeks.

Hahaha, I know it hurts when I pinch but you are so cute when you blush. So, when are you going to introduce your Anjana?!

In a couple of days Saanvi!! He replied. Just then his phone rang and excused himself to talk.

Sona… mom was about talk but I showed my hand not to talk about it now. I don't know why I am getting angry about it.

Saanvi !! I'm having a surgery so i am going to hospital, Jatin said.

Oh!! Is it Jatin. I don't know when you will have your dinner so have dinner and go, mom said .

Thank you aunty!! But I should go, it's urgent. He replied and went.

Mom wants to talk about Dad, but I don't want to know about it. I don't know why Mom is telling about it. Heaving a deep sigh i staggered towards my room to have rest.

The next day I went early to hospital as I was disturbed by the talk yesterday with mom. I don't want to make this as a big deal.

While I entered my cabin I saw Neha keeping the remaining files that are cancelled yesterday by me. She saw me and gave a wide smile and wished.

I smiled and wished back. I closed my eyes and heaved a deep breath. Taking the first file I started to read the patients. This patient is really so sadistic. Huh !! Why god me?! I said showing my hands up to sky.

All these men are like this only. First they come nicely and then they play with her feelings and then make her pregnant and leave. Don't know why people like them are living on Earth.

Keeping that file on table and took another file to see another sadistic person. Keeping that aside I saw remaining and fed up with the sadistic patients.

Neha!! Come to my cabin!! I ordered her from the all. She came after few minutes and she was scared. I can notice her how she is fearing.

What is this Neha?! Why are all the patients today who are married and sadistic?! I shouted throwing a file on the table angrily.

Mam!! I am sorry for not telling before. Dr. Das said to keep these files. He even said that you must take up these cases too. He requested Mam.

Ohh!! That's okay, I will talk to him later. I am sorry for shouting Neha. I apologized for my mistake. She nodded and left without a word.

I was not like this before. I don't know why I am furious today. I called Dr. Das. He said he had some important work. So he requested to take up those. I accepted his request.

He is like a godfather to me. He joined me in medicine and now he gave me this job by his consent. I respect him a lot. His wife is not well these days so sir must be being with mam. I should go and visit once.
