The Rainbow of life...2 in English Love Stories by Anuja Kulkarni books and stories PDF | The Rainbow of life...2

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The Rainbow of life...2

2. Aabha-a very helping girl.


Aabha was very happy in her college. She was very friendly so she made many friends. And in academics also she was very good. So she was always surrounded by friends. She was very helpful as well. She used to help everyone in solving any problem.. And not only academic problems but personal problems as well. Ruta was her school friend and she was very close to Aabha. She called Aabha, 'Tring tring..' Mobile bell was ringing. Aabha was reading a book and she was lazy to get up and pick up the call.. But finally she got up and checked mobile.. She saw it was Ruta's call. She became alert because Ruta never used to call her in the night... Aabha was a bit worried and picked up the mobile without wasting time.. and she started talking,

"Hello Ruta.."

"Hey Aabha... how are you?" Ruta replied..

"I am good.. How you doing? Btw, why you called me and that to so late? Is anything serious?" Aabha was wondering, why Ruta called her in the night.. and she inquired to Ruta.

"I am not doing good... I need your help." Aabha was listening to Ruta and she became serious. She noticed that, Ruta was sounding very low and Aabha could easily figure that out.

"Oh.. Actually I could understand it from your voice. You are sounding very low. What happened Ruta? What is wrong? I hope, nothing serious.. "

"I will tell you what has happened. But not on phone. Can you meet me right now?"

"Right now?" Aabha saw the time and she was surprised why Ruta is asking her to meet so late. "Is it so urgent that you need to meet right now? Have you not seen the time?"

"Yeah.. I know, it's a bit late to ask you to meet. its 9.55pm.. but it is very urgent. I need to meet you as soon as possible.. And I don't trust anyone other than you..." Ruta said.

"Thanks Ruta for trusting me . If it is urgent will definitely meet... Where should we meet?"

"We will meet outside your bungalow in your garden? I don't want to talk anything in front of uncle and aunty."

"That sounds good.. Even I would not like to converse when my parents are around. It becomes difficult to talk freely. By the way, when are you coming?"

"Actually I have come outside your house.. but the gate is locked so..."

"Oh... wait. I will come in 2 minutes. " Aabha switched off the phone and rushed towards main door. Her mother and father were watching tv.. Aabha called her mumma and just told her,"Mumma... I will be back in sometime.. Will talk when I come home."

"What happened Aabha? Why you are rushing so fast and where are you going?"

"Mumma please.. let me go. I told you, will come in some time and will tell you everything."

"Ok.. but do not run. Go slowly.."

"Yes mumma..." Aabha replied to her mom and she went out fast . She opened the gate and called Ruta inside. Ruta entered in and immediately said,"Thanks a lot Aabha. I really needed help. And as always you are helping me. But sorry. I called you so late "

"Don't worry... You wanted help and you always can rely on me " Aabha said, "Tell me, what happened?"

"Yes.. Actually could not understand how I should react and was a bit scared so thought of taking your advice.." Ruta replied.. "You might not be knowing, Mihir.. He is my good friend. From many days he is sending me sms saying 'I love you... will you marry me?' Of course after finishing my engineering. In the beginning I thought it was a prank but now I think it is not a prank. He is serious but I have not thought anything about marriage. So I haven't replied him.. but now I am scared he might come home to ask my decision. I think, he is very serious about marrying me "

"Oh my God... how anyone can take decision of marriage in 3rd yr of engineering? ha-ha.. sounds so funny ", Aabha exclaimed, "Btw, You too like him? You too have same feelings for him? You really wish to marry him and spend your full life with him? Is he so worthy? Just think once.. And then take any decision. It would be a big decision and should not be taken in hurry " Aabha asked many questions to Ruta.

"I don't know Aabha.. I am confused. Mihir is a good guy.. decent too. His family is good.. but still not sure about marrying him. I am not even settled in life and right now cannot take any decision. Decision of marriage is a big decision!"

"Well said Ruta. " Aabha replied with happiness, "Marriage is important but at the same time it is not the only thing in life. Good you have clear views about marriage!"

"So tell me, what I should tell Mihir? How should I convince him that right now I cannot tell anything about marriage? If I tell him no, I really don't know how he would react!"

"Meet him.. and tell him, you can't tell anything about marriage right now. Not replying him is not a solution. Then he might feel, it's a yes from your side. And that might create many complications . Never keep any decision pending. And try to convince him 'why you need time to think about marriage'! If he really loves you he will listen to you. And I am sure, he will agree with you! "

"Ok.. I know, right now can't think about marriage so will meet him and will tell him what I feel. You said it correctly, I should decide something. The ball is in my court And not answering him is not a solution " Ruta smiled and said, "Thanks a lot Ruta. I was very confused how to react to this situation. But as always you are helping me. "

"Don't be so formal Ruta. " Aabha smiled, "And tell Mihir as soon as possible.. Taking any decision hastily can be dangerous . I am sure, he will understand you. And there will not be any misunderstandings between you.. Important is tell him, you will remain good friends until you come to any decision. And do tell me what happened. "

"Sure... And very sorry for disturbing you in the night. I know, you sleep early.. but today I was feeling so uneasy so called you n asked you to meet. "

"Ha-ha.. Sometimes I feel, my habits are weird.. but can't help. Chalo, now I am so sleepy. ha-ha. I hope, you will sort everything with Mihir soon. and we will meet up again after you tell everything to Mihir! "

"Yeah.. now I also will leave. Today I am feeling relaxed.. So will sleep early. My tension has reduced. All thanks to you."

"It's ok Ruta!! Take care Ruta.. and good night. "

"Yea... good night.. you too take care. And once again thanks a lot. " Ruta smiled and left Aabha's house. Aabha went in and directly went in her room and slept

In few days Ruta called Aabha and told that now everything is fine between Mihir and her.. And they both became good friends as well.. Aabha was happy to hear it from Ruta. . Aabha was a very independent girl with independent thoughts. She never used to get influenced by anyone. One's again she proved that she is very helping and a firm girl . But she was firm with her decisions as well. Aabha had clear thoughts about her life. And that was the best thing about her.


Anuja Kulkarni.