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Play With Numbers Part - 11


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 48

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about two miles west of Amesbury and eight miles north of Salisbury. It is one of the most famous sites in the world. It has so much to do with numbers that some mystics have called it a prehistoric computer.

Stonehenge was a place of burial from its beginning to its zenith in the mid third millennium B.C. related to an ancient system of numerology and celestial divination that used to belong to a prehistoric Celtic style culture known as Annunnaki.

Just in case you are not from this planet and have not heard of Stonehenge it is basically a circle of very large free standing boulders that surrounds a series of several hundred burial mounds.

It's been estimated that it was built for 1500 years 2900 BCE (in the Middle Neolithic Age). The oldest part of the site consists of a circular bank and a ditch that is about 100 meters in diameter. 100 is of course a nice round holy number that symbolizes wholeness. Inside this circle there are 56 chalk holes that are about three feet in diameter. These holes are known as the Aubrey Holes.

One of the most significant things about the Aubrey holes is the way they are arranged. A CBS documentary on Stonehenge that ran in sixties ran a computer analysis of the circle and found out it was a very special location when it came to marking moon eclipses that occur in a repetitive sequence of 19 years, another 19 years and then 18 years.

When numerologists add 19 and 19 and 18 together they reach the number 56. A black stone was moved around the circle in sync with the passage of moon cycles.

This meant that every 56 days the stone would arrive at the center stone, also known as the heal stone and tell us exactly the day when a moon eclipse would occur. The fact that Stonehenge is so efficient at marking the movements of the moon and sun have also had it nicknamed the Eclipse Computer.

Of course the awe factor in all of this is that the monument itself is so prehistoric. The question absolutely is how this uncannily accurate stone computer could have been created in such a unique geographical location miles away from any stone quarry? The dating of the placement of the rocks tell us that it could not possibly be the work of the Neolithic tribes that lived at that time. It is one of the biggest mysteries in the history of mankind.

The numerology that predicts the rotational frequency of the movement of the sun and moon that is inherent in the structure of the central circle of Stonehenge is very sophisticated and also theoretical support for the idea that aliens once visited our planet and used the site as a S.I.D. or Stored Information Device.

The erection of the upright stones surrounding the Aubrey Holes came a little later in history - around 2,500 BCE. These freestanding stones are called the Sarsen Circle. The circle is exactly 100 feet in diameter.

Any numerologist or astrologer would immediately ask him or herself why thirty upright stones were erected on this site. One theory is the need to reduce the mathematical system down to twelve.

In essence a circle is 360 degrees. If you divided it by thirty you get the number 12. The number 12 was the sacred root number of the Annunnaki civilization.

The Annunnaki civilization was ruled by twelve months that were in turn ruled by twelve great Gods. This culture also was responsible for dividing the twenty four hour day into two twelve hour segments - one symbolizing day and the other night. This culture also created the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

The thirty Sarsen upright stones are harder than granite and weigh about twenty-five tons each. The big mystery behind them is that they were mined at a quarry near Marlborough Downs using tools that could not have been possibly invented by or available to that very primitive culture at that time, once again supporting the idea that Stonehenge's construction had something to do with aliens. Furthermore the Marlborough Downs quarry is over twenty miles away from the site so this also begs the question of how these primitive people transported these twenty five ton boulders all that way.

The other eerie thing is that the final construction placed each upright stone into the ground, forming the 100 foot circle with the top level of all 30 stones extraordinarily attaining the identical elevation.

The tops of these uprights were linked by a continuous ring of 30 horizontal Sarsen lintels, curved to follow the circumference of the circle. These lintels were anchored in place by ten pin an hole joints and cap stones.

This construction technique also appeared later as part of the construction of many temples in Egypt, Greece and Rome. Those structures were rectangular, rather than the circular shape of Stonehenge.

Do you have trouble finishing what you start? Maybe that has something to do with the "special letters" in your name.

Then a numerologist refers to the "special letters" in your name they are usually referring to the "Cornerstone and Capstone" letters in your first name.

The Cornerstone letter is the very first letter of your name and the Capstone is the very last letter.

The first letter of your name reveals how and what you generate things in life. The last letter of your name reveals your capacity to "walk your talk" and become accomplished in life. For example in the name Anne the Cornerstone letter is A and the Capstone letter is E.

Here is a listing of all the letters in the alphabet to help you interpret how your Cornerstone and Capstone letters affect you. Remember that this method is used in your first or last names only.


Cornerstone: You are ambitious, independent and are a natural leader. You know how to take charge.

Capstone: You know how to deliver on your promises. You have no problem striking out on your own to get things done if necessary.


Cornerstone: You are emotional, insensitive and a bit shy. You prefer that others take on leadership roles as for the most part you dislike being accountable if things go wrong.

Capstone: Your projects and goals often go awry because you cannot get past emotional hang ups enough to be effective. You take things too personally and the ensuing conflict prevents things from getting accomplished.


Cornerstone: You go on your gut feelings and often achieve your goals simply because you have an intrinsic way of understanding what people like and how things should be done. You are also not afraid of initiating a big goal that involves the cooperation of a lot of other people.

Capstone: You have a strong sense of humor and you learn from your failures. You accomplish most of your goals simply because you are so persistent and optimistic.


Cornerstone: You have no problem in initiating a goal but it has to be a practical one. You believe in doing a lot of research to see if something is viable before you plunge right in.

Capstone: You have the stamina, persistence and powers of concentration to steel you through any difficulties. You almost always succeed but when they don't, it is usually because you were too rigid or stubborn somehow.


Cornerstone: You don't like to start anything and often when you do it is on an impulse. You like to keep your options open at all times.

Capstone: You feel you must be in charge at all times or a project will not succeed. As you refuse to take advice from others, your projects often fail.


Cornerstone: You are kind and understanding but you often do not have the confidence to start anything on your own. You are most comfortable being a helpful follower.

Capstone: Your tendency to be self-sacrificing and put others first is often quite damaging to your own interests. Sometimes you sabotage yourself because others see you as a gossip or a meddler.


Cornerstone: You are a visionary, methodical and organized creatures who is not afraid to take on a big project. You believe that anything is possible if the right team is put together.

Capstone: Most of your efforts result in success, fame or wealth. The G last letter is evidence of someone very competent and reliable.


Cornerstone: You do not fear taking risks in business or love because you are a big believer in God or "gut instincts."You tend to be an entrepreneur and a loner that is not afraid to expect the best.

Capstone: You often sabotage yourself because you think that you can accommodate losses when you can't. You are only successful half the time because you rely a lot on chance instead of the facts.


Cornerstone: You procrastinate a long time before embarking on any project as it is very important to you how it will receive. You are not a great leader because you are often too nervous to perform.

Capstone: You often fail to reach goals because you fail to express yourself appropriately. You are also a bit accident prone and forgetful which also prevents things from getting done.


Cornerstone: You have great ideas but have a hard time getting them started. You procrastinate for ages while considering every angle of how the project could fail.

Capstone: You are overwhelmed easily so you rarely follow through on what you start. Depression or loss of confidence can also be a problem - you need to constantly think of ways of motivating yourself to keep going to get past this.


Cornerstone: You have a strong drive to be successful but your people skills often make others less than willing to cooperate with you. However if you can create a supportive team you are often very successful.

Capstone: Your negative attitude and indecisiveness often leaves you with a mutiny on your hands. Often your goals are too idealistic to be practical enough to achieve - you fail to remember that humans are fallible.


Cornerstone: You tend to intellectualize rather than do things so it is hard for you to get things started. You rarely initiate things because you are so indecisive.

Capstone: Your projects rarely get off the ground because you are very emotional and prone to accidents. You avoid the responsibility that comes with accomplishment and do not mind giving in to the competition.


Cornerstone: You are the slow and steady wins the race type. You are energetic and hardworking to the point of being a workaholic.

Capstone: Almost all of your projects result in success and prosperity. Your projects also end up being key to the support of others as well.


Cornerstone: You are intuitive, creative and love to brainstorm. However you rarely find the money or resources to build something that is great in life.

Capstone: You sometimes sabotage your own success by being rigid or opinionated. Addicition or codependency can also be blocks to success.


Cornerstone: You have the willpower, creativity and charisma to get others to follow you and get things down. It also helps that you are so patient and thorough when preparing yourself to meet a goal.

Capstone: You are prone to paranoia which can make you mistrustful of your team. You are also a very jealous individual that sometimes is successful and not well liked simply because you cannot reign in your competitive side.


Cornerstone: You are intelligent, knowledgeable and seem confident but you have trouble getting things started. You can also be too impatient to do research or wait for the foundations of an idea to take root.

Capstone: You tend to distance yourself from the very people who can help you succeed. A sense of self-importance also makes others reluctant to support your endeavors.


Cornerstone: You have the ability to attract money but oftensquander it on the wrong things. You like to talk about getting a big idea going more than you like to see it succeed.

Capstone: You are not easily understood because you have compulsive behaviors that sometimes scare supportive types off. You also will not follow through on a project if the success of it will not be public somehow.


Cornerstone: You are intense, driven and can apply a lot of energy to launching a project. You are willing to sacrifice you time and energy to make things happen.

Capstone: You tend to exhaust yourself which results in mood swings and other problems. Emotional issues often sabotage half of all the things you start out trying to do.


Cornerstone: People are willing to work with you because you are so charming and often handsome or beautiful as well. However you have an impulsive nature and scattered nature that makes it hard for you to get anything off the ground.

Capstone: Your emotional ups and downs tend to sabotage your efforts every time. You are only successful if you reign in your feelings and take your time before reacting or making decisions.


Cornerstone: You are an expansive, enthusiastic personality that initiates things easily. You have the energy and abilities to launch projects quickly and efficiently.

Capstone: You can be too aggressive which causes others to be turned off your ideas or working with you. Many of your projects are not followed through on, despite strong optimistic outlooks, because an escalating personal drama almost always gets in the way.


Cornerstone: A shortage of money usually prevents you from setting goals for your life in the first place. The U Cornerstone person may also have problems with confidence and self-esteem.

Capstone: Despite disadvantages and setbacks, the U Capstone person almost always makes it in life. They are brilliant when it comes to being in the right place at the right time.


Cornerstone: You are insightful, intuitive but way too personal when it comes to doing business. Your lack of objectivity makes it hard for you to get cooperation from others so you can get things started.

Capstone: Your projects rarely get off the ground because you can be so hard to get along with. You are also much too impatient to see results and often expect too much from others.


Cornerstone: You have determination, intuition and a strong sense of purpose that allows you to launch projects quickly and efficiently. You have the charisma necessary to make people want to help you.

Capstone: Sometimes you don't make your goals because you take too many shortcuts. However you almost always make your goals as long as you are not too cheap and reward others for their contributions.


Cornerstone: You have a temperamental artistic personality that easily buckles under pressure you rarely are able to get a project going. You often also have problems raising capital for projects.

Capstone: Your excesses and addictive personality often cost you great success. However you may actually become well known for being a bit of a failure.


Cornerstone: You only tend to start projects if you can do them all by yourself and be the boss of it all every step of the way. You are courage and stylish personality often helps you get projects launched.

Capstone: Overwork and arrogance often sabotages your best efforts. For you to succeed it is also very important not to be too snobbish about who you work with, or too extravagant in your expenses.


Cornerstone: You are optimistic, dynamic and have a great talent for organization. Your talent for understanding others helps you get things done.

Capstone: Your perception and quick reflexes make you more successful than most. If you do not succeed it is because you have been impatient.

As you can see, reading "special letters" is a great way to come up with a great variety of individual personality profiles. Perhaps it can explain to you why some people seem to be able to follow through on their projects while others can't.

Lesson 49

The Karma number is not really of Western numerology but more a Vedic or Indian invention. You may not relate to the idea of having a karma number if you do not believe in reincarnation however it is an interesting exercise in numerology if you do subscribe to the concept.

The Karma number is supposed to tell you about the "baggage" you are carrying over from your last lifetime that is giving you lessons to learning in this lifetime. In this sense numerology can tell you what types of karma you are carrying over from a previous life. All you need to do is calculate your Karma number.

Your Karmic number is not calculated in any way that you may have been familiar with so far. It is figured out using fadic addition.

Technically the number is based on a Magic Square that incorporates your birth date numbers and the values.

The shortcut to calculating your Karma number is found by taking the day of the month of your birth day, subtracting 1 and then reducing the number to single digit.

For instance if your birth day is June 7, 1960 you would take the day of the month of your birth day and subtract 1. You would then reduce the result by fadic addition.

The calculation would be 7-1 = 6. If the person was born on June 17th you would reduce it like this: 17-1 =16 and 1+6 = 7. The Karma number values and their meanings are listed below.

Karma Number (0)

If you reduce to a zero then it is possible you are a new soul or one that has cleared up a lot of karmic debt in your past life. This current life is one where you get to start again with a clean slate.

Karma Number (1)

The lesson of this karma number is learning to be independent. You may start off this life by being very dependent on others, with the life lesson being that you need to stand on your own two feet. This might manifest as spending most of your life single or being very successful but alone.

Karma Number (2)

The karma of this life has to do with learning how to get along with others. You may have taken advantage of others in your past life and now it is payback time. You may find yourself saddled with the responsibility of taking care of someone who is dependent on you. You may also have to learn to be less skeptical and how to trust your intuition...

Karma Number (3)

You may have been frivolous, wasteful and guilty of not taking things seriously enough. You may have also taken credit for someone else's accomplishment or cheated to get to the top somehow. Your lesson in this life is to be balanced, serious and responsible.

Karma Number (4)

You may have been lazy in your past life so in this life you will be asked to fulfill your potential. You may have to work harder than most people just to make a living. Your karma requires you to be persistent; great riches are possible if you keep doing the right thing without complaint.

Karma Number (5)

You may have been an addict, wasteful or sexually over active in your last lifetime. Your lesson in this lifetime will be symbolized by situations that necessitate that you work hard and make sacrifices so you can get ahead later. You may also be dealing with health crisis that force you to stay on the straight and narrow.

Karma Number (6)

You are dealing with the karma of betraying or abandoning your family in a past lifetime. In this lifetime you may find yourself in the position of having to care for your family or take care of someone who is ill. You may also find it hard to strike out on your own and leave the family nest.

Karma Number (7)

You are dealing with the karma of failing to pay attention to the spiritual side of your life. You may have been too focused on money in your past life so in this life it may be more challenging for you to make money. You may be dealing with an illness or chronic problem that also tests your faith.

Karma Number (8)

You may have been in a position of power and abused it somehow in your past life. It is also possible you may have exploited others for financial gain. In this life you are doomed to be a follower. You will probably have to get by in this lifetime with less money than most and you will likely have to work hard to get ahead in life.

Karma Number (9)

You are dealing with the karma of avoiding assisting or loving other people in a past life. Your lesson in this lifetime is to learn to be kind, compassionate and help others. You will probably start this life with great personal needs of your own, and will only progress in life once you learn how to be a teacher or a philanthropist in your own life.

As you can see this is not the usual way that numbers are calculated but it is interesting as the interpretations are practically the opposite of what we would normally associate with these particular number values.

Lesson 50

2010 marks the end of a 3 Universal Year which means that many of us made new friends and contacts and spent a great deal of our time socializing. As we go in to 2011, which if you reduce it adds up to a 4, the overall theme is going to being getting back to fulfilling our obligations.

Hard work of a mental or physical nature will be required of almost every number this year. In 2011 it is going to be time to get serious.

However aside from the Universal Year number (4), the year 2011 is also going to add up to a Personal Year Number for you as well.

Your Personal Year numbers are considered to be a twelve month long interlude in an epicycle that consists of the nine numbers. These Personal Year numbers run concurrently with the calendar year which has its own personal year number.

For instance let's say that your birthdates is June 7, 1960.

The Universal Year calculation for 2011 is 2+0+1+1= 4

Your Life Path number is 6 + 7 + 1+9+6+0 = 29 =2+9= 11 = 1+1 = 2

You add your 2 Life Path number to the Universal Year number 4 and you get a 6.

4 (Universal Year) +2 (Life Path number) = 6 (2011 Personal Year)

Just as a refresher your Personal Year is calculated by adding your month and day of birth to the digits of the current year. This number is unique in that it pinpoints which areas need the most development in your current nine-year cycle.

Here are the different interpretations for the Personal Year numbers:

Personal Year of 1


If you are a one that is also going through a number 1 year you have a lot to look forward to. Your rise will be rapid and profitable the drawback of this is that there may be a surplus of that driven number 1 energy. This could annoy people who are close to you because they may not understand why you insist on being so independent. Remember that you are starting a new nine year cycle. Everything you do now will affect your future. Do not hold back the inner force of creation. Be direct, daring and confident.

Personal Year of 2


The focus is on relationships whether it be for better or worse. Many of you could fall in love. Some people also break up if they get too close and are prone to codependency. The 2 Year is usually educational or karmic in some way; not so much fun as intense. Choose your companions wisely as the ups and downs it offers will require the support of good friends.

Personal Year of 3


In general, this is an optimistic and enthusiastic year. The time will just fly by you will feel like you are having so much fun. It is also often a good financial year particularly if you surround yourself with positive people. All in all the timing is right for you to strike out on your own, especially if you are an artist or in a creative field. In love you will also be lucky, but possibly a little too lucky.

Personal Year of 4


If you are experiencing a personal year of 4 going to finally have the opportunity to address a health challenge. The year favors healers of the brilliant medical sort so if you need a good doctor you will find one. This will be a year of hard work but there will be some time for play. It is crucial that you fulfill your obligations and try to build a more solid foundation for your finances and body.

Personal Year of 5


This is a year of unpredictable extremes. Expect a lot of travel and exciting new relationships but also a whole new set of unique new challenges and problems. Many people break up during a year 5 or face a change of residence. Finally, this is a year when you can get away with more risks than usual. It is okay to gamble a little and also take more chances for love.

Personal Year of 6


A year six is usually one of financial prosperity. Usually new career opportunities present themselves. However usually increased responsibilities are also part of the deal. However wonderful rewards are yours if you do not shun the new. The key is to eagerly embrace each new thing that life brings you this year and not fear having to work hard to get ahead.

Personal Year of 7


A personal year of 7 often creates a need to spend more time alone in reflection or meditation. You might feel more depressed or like you have a need to escape the world. Some people also become very obsessed with one particular creative project or one person during a 7 Personal Year.

Personal Year of 8


This is a year when things seem to finally work out, all by themselves, without too much effort or angst. The 8 year often feels like a big relief to many especially in terms of finances. You have time to relax and focus on expansion and creating your own happiness. You may also be asked to step up to the plate and be a leader of some kind.

Personal Year of 9


If you are going through a personal year then you may still be mourning the loss of something big in your life such as a family member, a spouse through divorce or job that you held for a very long time. The good news is that the two and the eight means that even through these challenges you will be embraced by the support of loved ones and you will also not want for money. All in all this is a very spiritual year, full of karmic justice and saying good-bye to those things that no longer serve you.
