Mom is uncommon in English Letter by Parth Panchal books and stories PDF | Mom is uncommon - Letter to your Valentine

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Mom is uncommon - Letter to your Valentine

Mom is uncommon

Parth Panchal

Dear special valentine,


Hope my valentine person is doing well.

I don’t know where to start to express my feelings towards you. It has always been difficult for me.

Whenever you are front of me, I stay silent but believe me I have sea of pity and love for you.

It’s been long time since we met but Combination of Courageous, passionate, lovable and good teacher is my heart’s beat. Yes, you are my valentine mom.

My lady teacher, I am missing you so much and your paratha also.

I’m really thanks to you for birthed me, care me, teach me, be patient with me and cheering for me

The way you taught me how to fight, be normal while facing up and downs of life, you became special person of my life.

You are the one who spread the smell of rose in my life with your love, care and respect.

Whole life you have done so much hard work for me and made me well educated and brave so I can tell anyone that yes I am the one fortunate person.

Though here living in other city beyond of love and communication but you will always be my life partner.

With this letter I am sending one automatic light bulb, consider it as my special valentine gift.

I won’t stop finding new ways to give you such gift but dear mom this light bulb will help you to read my letter as there is electricity problem.

Our government team is working on project through which we are helping villagers and solving their problems.

I feel sorry to say that you have to live in village till our government work team reaches over there.

You have to be the confident one and I have to you rock.

I want to make you proud. I hope I make you proud and never feel alone in life I am always with you and will be with you, around you.

With all love, care and our friendship I must tell you that HAPPY VALENTINE DAY MOM.

I want to share one thing with you, Day before yesterday one project function was organized by us and I gave speech on mother love. You know mom all ladies who were present over there had cried. The more time I took for speech, tears were rolling down from my eyes.

Moreover, one lady came to me and said, “You are the great son, Will you be my valentine? “

Mom, that time only one thing was coming in my mind …

Lady who proposed me on propose day and want to be my valentine without doing anything for me, why do I give her place in my heart?

But that lady who accepted me in my bad days, has she done anything wrong?

But mom, I remember the sentence that you used to speak when I had fight with friend in childhood, the person who gives you respect and so much love without any kind of expectation and want to be best friend, don’t hurt them and accept them with so much happiness. I'm thankful that you correct me when I'm wrong.

Mom, I did the same accepted that lady’s proposal but believe me those things which you have done for me neither that lady nor other relatives can do same because mom means a lot.

That lady means your daughter in law’s name is supriya, this is the second gift for you. I am valentine for supriya and you are special valentine for me. How relationship it is mom? Right?

Still I remember your fight with all villagers for me.

All villagers were considered me as an orphan but I believe that having mother like you, no one in this world is alone or orphan.

I want two promises from you, and I have faith you will endure for sure. First you don’t go temple alone in this age. God has already given you boon. Second don’t send your pension to me because you have already done so much for me please, now it’s time for me to return.

Thank you so much my dear mom, you gave me birth in this beautiful world and showed me beautiful life which is already great because you are always there for me. Your love has served as my rock for as long as I can remember. Mom, if I had done something that makes your heart broken, please trust me that I don’t mean to do it.

Mom, your trusts are the most important to me, Mom, please stay at my sides until the end.

Last but not least if I had the choice of who my mother would be, I would choose you a million times over.

I really love you lady teacher.

Your Son