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Born for Education


Meethali Raol


The trade for education has been increasing as the generation passes. Education has become significant need and also key to success.

In today’s era, competition has made life difficult in child’s life at an early age. This thought of education arises in mind when birth of child takes place in any family. When child grows up after 2-3 years parents think about securing their kid’s future. A constant thought of making child competitive, parents start pushing their kids on studies as well as extra-curricular activities at an early age. They are struggling to find right balance between their daily school life and other extra- curricular activities. This trend will add an advantage to child’s future but somewhere at the expense of their childhood. Childhood life is which we all cherish throughout our lifetime. Nowadays, Jack and Jill have no time to play.

There are many reasons behind this type of development in thinking. One reason is that parents want their kids to be intelligent and smart enough to handle the life in future. If any problem arises they can easily face them whether it is job or business or crisis with experience of having multiple skills.

Secondly, kids are being compared constantly in school or society and somehow they asked to learn different skills in which they might not be interested. In few families, occupation of child is also decided at the time of birth. With increasing awareness regarding child’s freedom to choose career of their choice, the support and guidance of parents and teachers are also remarkable. It seems like there is long way to go for youngsters to understand what they want and want they are expected to do.

On positive side, children will be able to learn different skills and other important activities in which are needed to live life ahead. They can get better understanding of the life and can easily face the challenges which came across in future.

The negative effects which arise are that they do not get the opportunity to pursue what they like to do. Children miss their opportunity of what they want to become in future and in which field they are interested. They lose their innocence, fantasies and joy of being a child. Youngsters lose their confidence when they get average marks and start feeling depressed. Due to this, some take illegal steps at cost of their life. Many of them are pushed towards child labour, child trafficking and other illegal activities so that they can support their family.

Each and every child is unique in their own way of living life. They have their way of thinking and different skills. So every child should be motivated to learn different skills but not at the cost of their childhood. They should be motivated in field they are interested to learn and excel. Parents should give enough space to their children to grow and blossom with freedom & calmness. This will encourage them to give up their best in career or social life.

Meethali Raol