Got the bus... in English Short Stories by Umesh Kauche books and stories PDF | Got the bus...

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Got the bus...

Got the bus...

Encounter 2

She was here at the same bus stop once again, standing here with those same deep eyes, perfectly maintained hair. Lightining never strikes the same place twice, but it has happenned with me in her form. Standing and claiming eyes of passerbyes, making guys turn their head to get that extra moment of blissful beauty. I wonder if all the people engulfing her glow, can ever forget her face, or it would be carved on some part of their mind forever. Observed few things today during the long waiting for the bus, shes 5'5, not too tall, shes never busy on her phone. Her hypnotic eyes wander everywhere around while her mind is busy thinking something. She must be speaking to herself as a coy smile appears on her pretty face. I will be surprised if she is single, and no guy has ever tasted her lips, smelled her hair, touched her skin, laughed and lived with her heavenly presence.

Encounter 3

Earth is moving slowly, away from the son towards my dream, the evening, when I get to see her again. How often we try to separate reality from fantacy or actually try to make it same. It has been few days that I havent seen her around, waiting again at the same bus stop my eyes were surveying the surroundings. She was not to be seen, was she late or I had reached early. The place was little crowded than usual, which was making my task more difficult. Soon, I realised that she will not be coming, so I took out my mobile phone. I was reading about the seven wonders of the world and while reading just to give my eyes a break, I looked besides me... And it was her, I felt like I have seen the eighth wonder of the world. She was there, standing, waiting... Her sudden appearance had somehow made me little nervous, I was not ready for that sweet encounter. From edge of my left eye I tried to peep at her. Today she was wearing a half sleeved shirt and black pant. Same hypnotic eyes were looking at the buses coming with anticipation, wishing for the desired figure to emanate on bus. Suddenly, her eyes widened, faded smile with relief appeared on her angelic face, so, I realised her bus has arrived. Out of curiosity, I too turned my head to read the number, & to my surprise, it was the same for which I was waiting. My heart started beating faster, and adrenaline was rushing thru my veins, as I thought that she would be around for some more time, in close proximity. I usually used to board the bus in rush to catch the window seat but today I was not rushing. I waited till she entered and I sheepishly followed. I didnt want to look out while that beauty was sitting in the same bus. I tried to catch the seat closer to her, however, as she sat on "reserved for women" seat, I sat in the other row. She was only stones' throw away from me, but still for my eyes it was far. I pulled out my headphones, and attached to my phone, kept the earplugs in my ear. But, I never started the music player, it was just a camouflage. Soon, the bus started filling with passengers, and the beautiful view of her side face was covered behind beer belly of a guy. I was still trying to peep thru on every possible opportunity, but largely I failed. And as soon as that calm thoughts dissappeared, I suddenly felt the chaos around me. Few passangers were, managing themselves alongwith their baggages. Conductor was squeezing himself just to reach every corner of the bus. Realising my hidden staring can cost me if any co - passenger catch me, I drifted my mind in her thoughts. I wasnt seeing or hearing anything, only her hour glass figure was infront of my eyes. Her deep eyes has surely possesed me, her hair which were actually not my type had tangled my mind.

Encounter 4

I am waiting at this same bus stop for few months now, always pissed, irritated or annoyed. But since I have seen her, it has become my favourite place to hang out(!!??). One place where I want to reach on, or before time, now the waiting has also become interesting like sight seeing. On the other day, as my mind was submerged in deep thoughts, I failed to check where she got down. So, my todays agenda was to find out her cuccoon, where that butterfly came from. As usual, she hasnt come and my eyes were on their mission. In last few days the stop is becoming crowded, one though brushed my mind, are these people coming here to witness her beauty? Is she teasing & testing my patience unintentionally? She gave a full stop to my thoughts by appearing there, adjusting her hair with one hand. Her routine eye rolls on the bus numbers started, & as I saw her eye radar is reaching me, unknowingly I pulled my tummy back to look FIT. With the constant speed she looked around, including me and then frozen her eyes on the tree opposite to her. I also checked what attracted her eyes, to find out a parakeet sitting on one of the branch. I again looked at that eye magnet, & saw a minute curves appearing on her lips, proclaming she liked what she saw. So, she likes birding, or she likes nature or may be just happy to see the bird in the jungle of concrete and people. Whatever it is, her mind was occupied & my eyes were too.

Just by looking at her from Safe distance, was giving me satisfaction, thought of interactinh with her in person never even brushed my mind. May be I was scared, or shy to utter anything. I have heard that girls can read eyes of men, so I am still wondering weather she has read my thoughts!!!

Meanwhile our bus came and we settlled, today I made sure to sit in the same row, so distraction of crowd coming inbetween would be avoided. Now I realised why sometimes its not the destination but the journey is interesting. I could only see her head from behind, but that also gave me mental satisfaction of her seeing that goddess. The journey was not eventful but I succeded to find that she gets down two stops before me; so, we are distant neighbours.