Contradiction in English Philosophy by Asif Darediya KAASID books and stories PDF | Contradiction

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Right from our birth till our death we feel to come across various contradictions every day. When a child is born in India, there are two possibilities: either it is a male or a female. If he is a male, the contradiction is that he was expected most by his parents but their emotions are hurt when the same child misbehaves or does something inappropriate once he is an adult. The parents cry over the same boy for whom they were very eager when he was not yet born. If the child happened to be a girl, the parents and the family members who worship many Goddesses get sad over the birth of a girl child. But exceptions cannot be neglected in any of the above or below case.

You are able to read this article and i was able to write this article only because of the teachers and the education system of our country. Or may be to be more precise it is due to the private educational instituitions. I do not criticize the government bodies but all of us know the situation of government schools/collages (Engineering students prefer government collages to private collages due to employment reasons!!). Everyone wants a government job but no one wants to study in a government school/collage. Contradiction. On the last teacher’s day, we had a celebration in our collage. Students would teach other students to show their respect towards the teachers and to understand how difficult it is to be one. I came across a student who was teaching Communication Skills. Rather he was READING the subject. Contradiction. The student was there to teach Communication Skill and wasn’t able to communicate! But anyway failing is far better than never trying.

Even in the Education Board, there are many people who are not up to the mark with their post. There are people who do not have any relation with education since ages but are education minister *AWESOME!!*. So is with many other departments of government and other sectors & areas.

One is said to have been born in an independent, democratic and republic country but on the contradiction is tied by the chains of religions, culture and other nonsense stuff. When one is small, is dressed as Krishna on occasion of Janmasthmi but can’t be tolerated roaming with a girl. Same way people preach of non-violence, observe fast the whole month but kill in the name of Allah and impose rules and regulations only on females. This is done by some people but on the contradiction, the whole community has to bear so many other things due to such morons. I don’t intend to defame any religion but it is the reality.

People fake humanity by sharing photos/stories on social media but when the time comes to lend a helping hand they shrink away.

Everyone wants change but no one wants to change. We should not forget that charity begins at home.


Asif Darediya