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Play With Numbers (Part - 10)


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 45

So far, in these lessons, I have discussed just about every aspect of numerology except for it's history! By now many of you who have been marveling at the incredible complexity and accuracy of this ancient system of divination and character analysis might be wondering where exactly it came from.

Like many of these really old magical or metaphysical systems the absolute origins of numerology are a bit muddled. Like many pseudo-sciences numerology did not necessarily enjoy any attention until it was brought to the attention of the public or powers that be by a famous personality.

It was the Greek mathematician and mystic Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century B.C. who is credited with bringing to the attention of the world by stating that "number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and daemons."

Our modern day interpretations of numbers are largely based on the numerical correspondences that Pythagorus established. Nowadays though most mathematicians regard his ideas as "pseudoscience" Astronomers see astrology in a similar way.

The truth is modern numerology is a mish mash of evolutionary contributions from a variety of different teachers and cultures including Babylonian magic, astrological pholisophy from Hellenistic Alexandria, the Jewish Kabbalah. The Indian Vedas, the Chinese "Circle of the Dead", and the Egyptian "Book of the Master of the Secret House" (Ritual of the Dead). A lot of these texts are sacred and misunderstood and not really available to the public until this day. Of course that means that there were many famous numerologists in the world working in all of these cultures - it is just that their achievements are lost in the sands of time.

Probably the second most famous "founding father" of numerology was St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354-43) who wrote that Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth." Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have them revealed by the Divine Grace of God.

In 325 A.D., following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from the beliefs of the state Church were classified as civil violations within the Roman Empire. This means that numerology was no longer a science bestowed by God, but rather than the devil. Astrology, magic and other forms of magic were also purged from society by the Catholic Church at this time.

However the Christian science of Gematria still thrived simply because many early biblical texts were written in Greek and Hebrew and the letters of these alphabets also had numerical equivlents. It was difficult to interpret or read these texts without taking the numerical vibration of the letter into account as well. There are many "sacred numbers" within Christianity that were analyzed by a priest name Dorotheus of Gaza. Numerology is still used in some Greek orthodox circles.

An early example of the influence of numerology in English literature is Sir Thomas Browne's 1658 Discourse "The Garden of Cyrus."In it, the author whimsically indulges in Pythagorean numerology to demonstrate that the number five and the related Quincunx pattern can be found throughout the arts, in design, and in nature - particularly botany.

Modern numerology has various antecedents. Ruth A. Drayer's book, Numerology, The Power in Numbers (Square One Publishers) says that around the turn of the century (from 1800 to 1900 A.D.) Mrs. L. Dow Balliett combined Pythagoras' work with Biblical reference. Then on Oct 23, 1972, Balliett's student, Dr. Juno Jordan, changed Numerology further and helped it to become the system known today under the title "Pythagorean".

In modern times there are many authors that have written great works about numerology.

One of the first books on the subject was published in the early 1800s and written by Mrs. L. Dow Balliett. This numerologist went back to the ancient sacred numbers found in the Bible and combined that knowledge with the basic vibrations of numbers as established by Pythagorus. Her works were later revamped by a contemporary author named Dr. Juno Jordan who established Balliett's initial works as a Pythagorean system.

Most numerologists and automatic numerology programs you access on the inherent working today use the vibrational and meanings established by Pythagorus, Balliett and Jordan. Just to refresh your memory those established vibrations are –

0. Everything or absoluteness. All

1. Individual. Aggressor. Yang.

2. Balance. Union. Receptive. Yin.

3. Communication/interaction. Neutrality.

4. Creation.

5. Action. Restlessness.

6. Reaction/flux. Responsibility.

7. Thought/consciousness.

8. Power/sacrifice.

9. Highest level of change.

10. Rebirth.

It is important to remember that even though this is the most commonly used interpretation of numbers in the world that numerology does not stop at Pythagoras. In fact, since the seventies many New Age writers have made even more equivalences to numbers including the chakras, the archangels and other factors.

Lesson 46

One should never take any impure science and make that all about the maintenance or protection of their health as it is not quite ethical however it is interesting to note that health matters can be part of the interpretation of the numbers.

To find out more about your health you can easily look at either your life path or expression number. The Life Path is probably a little more correct as it is symbolizes your birth so it gives you a little more information about your physicality. By contrast the expression number is more about the personality and probably less indicative of physical health but a little bit more informative when it comes to the interpreting whether or not there is a likelihood of mental illness or a personality disorder.

Here is a breakdown of the numbers and what they mean when it comes to your health.

Number 1

The number 1 governs the back, heart, arteries, head, liver and stomach. They are particular vulnerable to high blood pressure and heart attacks. However the number 1 is incredibly resilient and can smoke or drink without much consequence for many years but when an illness such as cancer finally hits it kills the number 1 quickly. They need a lot of sleep in order to stay sane. They also need to stay warm and be careful about developing eye and throat issues.

Number 2

The diseases associated with the number 2 are consumption, rheumatism, vertigo, colic, palsy, apoplexy, smallpox, dropsy, piles, tumor, cough and cold. They are also vulnerable to contracting eye disease and dental problems. They need to be warm, comfortable and feel they are living in a stylish abode to feel psychologically healthy and well. They need to avoid dark, cool and dirty places.

Number 3

The number 3 is a very intuitive number that is masterful when it comes to regeneration and healing the self however the number is still very vulnerable to contracting skin diseases, joint pain, gastritis, cough diabetes, paralysis and heart failure. They need to avoid consuming fatty foods and gravies. They also work better on their own as working too much with others makes them nervous and causes them to develop migraines and other nervous complaints.

Number 4

This is a shaky number that suffers from extreme emotional ups and down. They often attract accidents and illnesses but like cats seem to have 9 lives. They get sick a lot but have a lot of stamina. They often suffer from piles, constipation, tumors, colds, the flu and problems with their kidneys and urinary tracts. They are also very prone to becoming addicted to alcohol and liver problems as the result of eating too many fatty foods!

Number 5

Number 5 governs speech, memory, nostrils, hands and the nervous system. Sleeplessness, diabetes, physical and mental depression, stammering lisping, dumbness, tumor in the nose or head, nervousness, cough, hoarseness, gout in hands and feet and vertigo are the main diseases that afflict this number. They need lots of time to themselves, timely meals, sleep and plenty of rest to stay well.

Number 6

Those who are born as a number 6 need to watch out for diseases related to the lungs, heart throat, nose and head. Their love of decadence and promiscuity also makes them vulnerable to diseases of the reproduction and urinary system. They are prone to eating a lot of junk food so reigning in temptations and developing the discipline to eat well can help them avoid developing cancer.

Number 7

This is a very psychic and nervous number that is often made ill by the environment and even people. The 7 suffers from a lot of mental and psychological tension. They need to live somewhere very clean. They are prone to many ailments including bronchitis, colds, nasal congestion, bad eye sight, tonsillitis, lung problems and skin afflictions. They should avoid intoxicants and fumes from cleaners. Sleep and fresh air keeps this number stress free and healthy

Number 8

This is a solid number health wise but when they do get sick they tend to develop chronic toothaches or backaches. They are also prone to developing epilepsy, deafness, leprosy, dropsy, glandular swelling, blood infections, joint pains, constipation, paralysis and anaemia. They should avoid any kind of intoxicant or cigarette smoke to stay well. Early rising, exercises and breathing fresh air are essential for them to maintain their overall health.

Number 9

This number is extremely sensitive. It governs the head, face, kidneys, knees, groin, and bladder, organs of generation, heart throb and circulation. Inflammatory conditions such as tumors, small pox, measles, and headache, fevers of all kinds, sexual diseases and high blood pressure are also a risk for them. This is an impulsive number that is anxious and prone to accidents and many of their health are the results of self-injury or accidents.

Lesson 47

When you study numerology the question of whether or not your fate is predetermined by the number that you happen to be often comes up.

Predetermination is a huge issue when it comes to all systems of prediction and character analysis and like many of these intuitive interpretative systems numerology can quite often be used much like an oracle.

However the problem with treating your Life Expression or Destiny number like an oracle is that it does lock you into predetermination or into somehow thinking that your fate is sealed.

Nothing could be further from the truth as you can use the symbolism of the number to figure out where you come up lacking in terms of certain personality traits and skills and focus on what you can do to improve them.

Here is a look at many of the fates that are assigned the numbers in numerology and what you can do to transcend them.

Number 1

The fate of a number 1 is supposed to be that of an autocratic leader or charismatic auteur who is able to develop a relationship with many but is often destined to be unloved by a special someone. The number 1 does not always have to fall into that delusion that things have got to be "lonely at the top." If the 1 learns how to be less self-centered and devote time to a family and spouse they are less likely to live out their destiny as a successful loner.

Number 2

The fate of a number 2 is supposed to be a life of slavish devotion to one person in a relationship that is so obsessive that they do not have time for anything else in their life including a career. The fact is that if a 2 knows that he or she is prone to codependency there are things that he or she can do to combat that including making a conscious effort to develop oneself. The 2 can have his or her cake and eat it too despite what the number 2 fate dictates!

Number 3

The number 3 fate is to forever be like a wandering minstrel who spreads joy and charm wherever he or she goes but will never have the inclination to settle down and build a home. The 3 also has a reputation for being unfaithful and is also destined to be famous. By exercising free will a 3 can actually stay out of the spotlight as well as be faithful. It only takes a little determination and focus. A 3 is usually quite wealthy as well so they do have the capacity to build an empire if the desire is there.

Number 4

The number 4 fate is one fraught with challenges of all sorts. The 4 may be born poor or have health problems and the idea is that they must transcend terrible odds in order to achieve great success. It might very well be that the Number 4 does have all of these challenges to take on but probably the worst thing that could happen is that the 4 subscribes to the interpretation of the number as being one that always has "bad luck." The danger here is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is much better that the Number 4 think positively instead.

Number 5

The number 5 fate is supposed to be one that is restless and preoccupied with adventure. This number is supposed to never settle down and develop roots and becomes anxious if saddled with one person or situation for too long. The truth is that the number 5 is capable of being quite rich particularly if they focus on inner travels and being creative with their lifestyles. Many of them also make great farmers.

Number 6

The number 6 fate is one that is destined to settle down, have lots of children and also stay within the confines of the status quo or moral majority. Many of them also end up supporting extended families. The truth is that much number 6's will passionately fight for a cause and become warriors when it comes to defending the underdogs. They are also brilliant when it comes to starting thriving family businesses. They seem gentle but can be quite tough when it comes to standing up for them and can also end up being quite rich.

Number 7

The number 7 fate number is one that describes a more homely individual who will be living out his or her life as a lonely eccentric genius. This individual is supposed to be easily misunderstood and troubles relating to the opposite sex. The truth is that there are a lot of people out there who appreciate artistic talent or a genius and many 7s do end up in a relationship with a person that acts almost like a caretaker. Many 7s are also very sexy simply because they have a quality of character that is very attractive.

Number 8

The number 8 fate number is blessed because he or she is supposed to be born rich, marry rich or quite simply just attract a lot of money. However along with this good fortune the number 8 is also supposed to attract a great deal of intrigue and misfortune in the form of personal problems. The truth is that not all Number 8s have to become the equivalent in personality of J.R. Ewing on "Dallas". Many of them marry for love despite their love of money. The 8 can also reign in their talent for creating drama and quite easily use their powers for good instead of evil.

Number 9

The number 9 fate number is a "wounded healer" type number. Destiny wise this type usually has a rough time with their health, finances or romance and then experiences a spiritual breakthrough that turns them into a helper of others. The number 9 can easily take his or her destiny into their own hands by vowing not to be a martyr in life. Focusing on their own needs instead of always putting others first is one way they can get ahead and take better care of their health, money and love matters.