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Desolated truths of isolated society

Desolated Truths of Isolated Society

Throwing light on caste system/discrimination


I am obliged to my parents, who invariably supported me in all the walks of my life and took all the pain on them when I am in distress.

I am thankful to my friend/editor who has installed the curiosity for reading books in me and also encouraged me in writing.

I am thankful to various authors who helped me in having constructive thoughts.

I would also thank the draftsmen of the rule book of our country which gave me “freedom of speech and expression” under Art 19 (1) (a) of Fundamental Rights.

Above all, I would love to thank the Almighty; for me, it is “The Bholenath”.


My maiden story starts with the caste system that has been prevalent in the country from the beginning of our nation-state. Being moved by its gloomy impacts, I tried to show its hollowness in the light of science and philosophy.

All the views in this book are personal and not to hurt anyone. Above all, it's fictional. If you like, accept it if not forget it.

It begins here....

Once upon a time, there lived a conservative family, who were doing great in health and wealth. They had a child named Krishna. Though the family believed in the true essence of God which is “every person is a minute embodiment of the god”, they are also admitted to the vicious caste system (the so-called segregated society) and thus untouchability. They lived very pure following all rituals they need to perform, to get moksha. There also lived people of different castes in the same village who used to work really hard for a meal in a day. This wealthy person used to be so particular about his son interacting with other caste children. Krishna used to play with these “other” children and he never understood why his father repeats on saying not to touch them and have a bath whenever he touches. He saw them as equally as he sees his parents. He used to wonder what separates them, “When all of them have the same nose, eyes, ears and what not.”

As time aged, Krishna grew and came to know the world in his view. He never supported his father and his heinous system and used to argue with him to change. One of his friends named Shiva, who was the son of a barber, was a good student and Krishna used to admire him for his intelligence and presence of mind. They grew out to be best friends. Shiva was indeed a bright student and this pushed him to aim at studying in a good discipline. Despite being attentive, he was depressed by all these customs and atrocities and used to think how he and many people like him can come out of this. He used to question himself “how did the seed of this system drop in and what role he has to play in eradicating this?”

One day their science teacher started her lesson on D.N.A. The topic pulled Shiva with utmost curiosity. Suddenly he stood up and put a series of questions to his teacher “Is D.N.A the only way to determine ones, own forefathers? If so, up to how many generations of my forefathers D.N.A is in me? Can I really determine who are the other persons linked with my D.N.A? Is a person a matter of D.N.A or caste?” Surprised by his questions she patted him for his enthusiasm and told, “Okay that’s a lot of questions to take in and yes Shiva, you can determine and find out who are they. Also, there are many pieces of research going on to study D.N.A.”

Krishna has explained this to his father, fascinated by his friend's acumen. Being reactionary as usual, he made a sarcastic comment saying “probably he wanted to determine in which home his forefather’s have trimmed hair.” Angered by his criticism Krishna left the place. One day Krishna and Shiva were playing, being tired Shiva came to his shop to have some water. All of a sudden he has observed different strands of hair scattered on the floor which are all alike. Krishna's father who recently had a haircut turned satirically towards Shiva and asked: “did you find out in which shop did your forefathers work kid?” Shiva’s father couldn’t understand what he was asking about. He was silent habitually submitted to the course of society, where he should not react to a person in the upper caste, even if they ridiculed their son in front of them. He remained helpless. Angered by his ridicule Shiva answered gently “Yes uncle, and I’ll certainly say you who are they if you pass my test.” Enraged by his answer he replied, “you son of a barber, where have you got the guts to question me?” Shiva softly replied, “We will speak of my guts later uncle, please let me knew if you can pass my test?” Offended by him, he stringently replied: “ask me your bloody question.”

Shiva suddenly scattered all the hair strand’s which are similar to Krishna’s father on the ground and asked him to find out which was his. Annoyed by his question, Krishna’s father with a straight look took a hair strand and showed him saying, “This is my hair strand”. Smiling, Shiva told, that is not your hair strand uncle, it was mine. People including Krishna who were all watching this conversation started laughing at Krishna's father. Seeing the fazed face of Krishna's father, Shiva gestured everyone around to stop smiling and told “We are all same like this hair strands. Speaking in its (hair) words some strands are curly, some are silky, some are short, and some are long but all are made of the same tough protein called Keratin. In the same way, some people are short, some people are tall, some people are fair and some people are dark which is due to a genetic instruction called D.N.A which runs in every one of us. But we are all same as we all carry the same soul of god. God never divided us; he always tried to unite us saying some or the other hunches of information from nature. Nature always gives us this essential information on “the power of being united”. Consider a giant tree, what if one root strand quarrels with the other saying that: “I am the one who is long and the first root of this tree who has been supplying more food and water to this tree and so I am the superior. What if one day this sought of ideology fosters in every root? Practically the tree no more lives if the roots are divided.” In the same way superiority in human nowadays is prevailing in the name of caste. The way the tree dies by incoordination of its roots, same way humanity disembodies when we get diverged. The roots which are more united provide more food to the tree and enable a longer life. We the human should learn every possible lesson from nature which is an embodiment of the god and thus knowing the strength of being united.” Startled by his saying, all of them clapped and appreciated him. Ashamed and not knowing how to respond, Krishna’s father left. Krishna who always supported his friend excitedly came to him and gave him a tight hug.

As time passed, these two grew and moved to different places to pursue their studies. Krishna turned to be Masters in Anthropology working as a professor in one of the good colleges. Shiva taking all the hurdles from the society as stepping stones from his childhood turned to be a professor come scientist in the topic which he was most fascinated on, i.e. “The study of D.N.A”. He also involved himself in a project to decode the D.N.A from the strands of pupil’s hair.

Heard of Krishna for his great movements and awareness programmes to abolish Untouchability and many social evils in parts of the country, Shiva wanted to meet him. One fine day they met in Krishna’s home. Meeting after many days, they were moved by remembering their childhood days. Seeing Krishna alone in his home Shiva asked: “where is your father? I can't wait getting criticised by him.” Krishna replied smiling “you didn't lose your wits”. You know right what kind of person he is, I have many times argued and tried to convince him to change his mentality towards the pupil. But being so proud and stubbornly stuck to his ideologies he never changed. My mother tried her best to change him in her time. Unable to bare him and his rules anymore I came out of my house.

Shiva: “I am sorry for your mother Krishna, but today I have a reason to be here. I can support your cause through my research. Please go through these papers of mine.” Having read them, which all keenly stated the same opinion of Shiva from the childhood that a person’s D.N.A determines who he is, where he is from, and who his forefathers were and whether there exist, people that are linked to his/her D.N.A; But this time D.N.A will be determined in a different way i.e., from hair. It's a new discovery in the field of science which shows D.N.A structure more accurately and easily from a person's hair strand. Perplexed and admired by his efforts he put in, Krishna said: “this is outstanding Shiva, but can I know how this is going to help my cause?”

With a soft smile on his face, Shiva took out another article and gave Krishna saying, “take a look at it. One of my best friends wrote this.” Taking papers of the article from him, Krishna asked “One of yours or only?”

Shiva: “well, only.”

Krishna: “Good. Anyhow, what point are you referring to this article of mine, Shiva?”

Shiva: “Please open page 18 which states some points referring to how caste system evolved in India and follow my highlighted statements.”

Krishna gave a quick glance and explained Shiva saying “Yeah there are many forms in which caste system has evolved in India from Aryan invasions followed by the Vedic periods. Manusmriti says on the naming of four Varna's, the Brahmins who are priests, scholars, and teachers, the Kshatriyas who are rulers, warriors, and administrators, the Vaishyas who are cattle herders, agriculturists, artisans and merchants and the Shudras who are labourers and service providers. Sometimes our past generations also took the same system as designation based i.e., on what kind of profession they choose. History also states that there are many royal communities who once became powerful and “declared” themselves as Brahmin and ruled over other. In fact, the Hindu society was so conservative and social customs were very tight. Anybody who violated any custom was thrown out of the village and was made untouchable. These restrictions and division margins made people join then uprising religions like Buddhism or Jainism which never showed discrimination and backed everyone in whatever way they want to be, but in a righteous way. This, to some extent, reduced the count of people who follow these systems. The great Adi Sankaracharya who was a great advocate of Brahmin caste and caste maker; he was also criticized the most for that. But later on, he has realized the real human when Lord Shiva appeared in front of him as a beggar. Ramanujacharya tried to eradicate caste system and declared all of his followers as Brahmins. Rammohan Roy and Swami Dayananda were also strong condemners of caste-system. Swami Vivekananda converted few thousands of Dalits into Brahmins by initiating them into Gayatri.” concluded Krishna.

Interested in his explanations, Shiva told there is a clean margin in your above statements. Did you observe Krishna? Thinking deeper Krishna told “my understating is like; it is a system which was transformed based on their needs. If people were out thrown or if people felt secluded they had a chance for transferring to another form of religion or caste for a new way of life.”

“Yes, that is the point I was trying to drive you through Krishna.” Shiva with excitement continued “So by this what we get is people who are Brahmins now might be a lineage of people who were Dalits once and have been transformed into Brahmins by some great leaders as you mentioned above. Who knows our lineage? We can generally trace up to few family trees. But beyond that, no one knew. We only follow practices as a norm. So, there is a chance that our forefathers might be Dalits and have been transformed into Brahmins unable to endure the atrocities of these caste systems.” Amazed by his conclusion, Krishna saw with a hope in Shiva’s eyes saying “so you want to prove all these superior people that they might be Dalits once?”

“Yes, but Krishna how can I prove this,” asked Shiva drawing the answer he wants to hear from Krishna.

Like a thunder strike, Krishna replied “D.N.A.”.That’s it, you want to test their D.N.A and prove whatever might be possible.

Giving a pat on the back, Shiva said “Exactly! That is where I am up to.”

Krishna was in Eureka moment for a while and Shiva gave him time to sink in.

Krishna with great excitement asked: “okay when are we going to start this? I can’t wait anymore”

Shiva: “We can start it today itself.”

Krishna: In our village, there are few people who strictly follow these systems.

Shiva: Well! We'll just need their names and a single strand of their hair to prove that their system is as trivial as their hair.

“I would love to start this with my father,” told Krishna winking at Shiva. But how can we get his hair? I think he is bald by now. How about checking with mine? Krishna asked.

With a sheepish smile, Shiva removed a small cover showing Krishna and told “I want to say you something, Krishna. Please don’t mind! This is your father’s hair. I have stored this on that day at my shop when I had a ruckus with him.”

“What! Now I get it why you asked about my father’s whereabouts” Krishna replied with little sarcasm and both laughed.

They two have set up a small laboratory in Krishna’s home. Krishna's work is to bring out those selected people hair strands and Shiva used to work in the lab studying their D.N.A. They have repeated the experiment with the different generations, classes, and castes of the society. It took them little more than four years to complete the research at a preliminary level.

Now that they have found the system of each person's D.N.A and a hard-coded process to unravel the truth they wanted to make out, they have started travelling to different parts of the country and collected different samples as required for their research. Travelling almost for six years, they have accumulated, interpolated and produced the whole thesis.

Being a social activist Krishna had many links with the press which enabled him to pass on the information, and thus the great postulation was published; “Desolated truths of isolated society”. Astounded by the thesis many people have appreciated them and some condemned them; various tags, tweets, status and many more. Suddenly they were in the limelight after a profound and sustained fight against this system in a very novel way of linking the subject matter of untouchability with the system of D.N.A.

After few days they were felicitated openly in a great public meeting and were asked to explain their journey in bringing out their thesis. Krishna and Shiva hugged and smiled at each other before going to the meeting. The whole country including people of their village was waiting out there to listen to their words.

It was a very large stage and all arrangements were made with tight security as Governor and C.M of the state are going to attend the meeting along with few scientists. The intensity of the hall was high. Shiva and Krishna could really feel the heat they have created in the public with their proposition.

“Good Evening all of you,” greeted Shiva in a quivering voice and started his speech. “It is my great honour to be here. I would thank the respectable Governor and C.M of the state for being here along with my colleagues who assisted me a lot in my work.”

To start with, “I being considered a lower caste individual was humiliated many times in my childhood; but I never took it to heart and answered them politely. Some people thought I was stupid and some people didn't even listen to me. Being a son of a barber, today I am here not only due to my father’s hard work but also a person whom I should mention, Ashok Uncle. Thank you! Uncle. He is my best friend Krishna’s father. Krishna and uncle might be perplexed at my statement, but that is true. I am not trying to humiliate him. I am sorry Krishna! I was many times downgraded by him. But that didn’t put me down; it has lightened a lamp in me which later turned in to fire and finally a glow in our work. I have spoken many times in my childhood against this caste system, but today here I am speaking with evidence I researched in my area of expertise, “Science”. Coming to our thesis, we started our research on D.N.A i.e.; Deoxyribonucleic acid which is also present in hair, along with our cells. As a son of barber probably I am connected to hair more than anything from my childhood.”

So, what is D.N.A? Making it simple I would say it’s a molecule that carries the genetic instructions which are very responsible for your physical and mental appearance. Physical in the sense colour, height and so on. Mental in the sense the way you think, the way you behave.

We have collected hair strands from our pick of people and have travelled around the country to collect all such possible strands from different people, to make it more comprehensive. More the strands, more admissible are the results.

I would like to explain our conclusion by setting me an example. I have tested my D.N.A in this process and found that my D.N.A has matched with many rich people of the northern part of the country and middle-income group of the north-eastern part of the country and poorer of the poorest in the western part. Ironically there were even actors, cricketers, many other people who were famous, whose D.N.A has matched with mine.

Suddenly a news reporter stood up and asked: “could we know who that actor is?”

Smiling, Shiva replied “we are not going to reveal any of their names as we don't want to touch any one's personal feelings in this process. That is the reason I have taken me and my friend as examples.”

Coming to my point, in the same way, I found myself in people of different religions too. So I have found me in different regions, religions, classes, professions, castes. So in this process on a whole, I could say that I have found myself everywhere in this country.

I am a son of a barber who was named after Lord Shiva who is everywhere, conducted a research to prove that we are the embodiment of god and we are everywhere as I am. In the same way, my friends Krishna's D.N.A has matched with many other regions, religions, classes of the society. In the name of caste, he is of higher society in this village. But on a significant output in our experiment, his D.N.A matched with the so considered lower class in another part of the country. So in the same country, if I consider another place, he is poor and I am rich talking in language of D.N.A. This country is one of many; we are two of many so in how many more countries, in how many more regions, in how many more classes, in how many more caste's, in how many more religions, in how many more classifications we would be???? Think??

Everyone had an inquisitive smile on their face.

This is mere science part of my thesis. I would love to ask my friend Krishna who was my inspiration, support and much more to connect this with our subject matter. Today after reading many papers he published, I would love to hear his words in live. I would invite my half-soul Krishna to take up the conversation.

Coming on the stage, hugging Shiva, Krishna told: “that was great speech man!” Smiling Shiva took his seat and Krishna started his speech.

“Good evening! This is going to be a quite long speech. So, I would request all the people out here to spare with me.”

“To all the people who are me and who are not me, I was the son of the so-called upper-caste person in my village, called as Krishna. Today I am proud to have a friend like Shiva who has entitled me as his half-soul. Being seen many things around me from my childhood, I never understood what it takes and gives to people to discriminate. I have never in my life supported my father or any other person in this so menial process and today, I am proud of it.”

There was a big round of applause.

My first inspiration was my mother who with her generosity, have shown how I have to be for myself and taught how I have to be to the lovely society we live in. As we all believe, a mother is the first embodiment of god which we can really feel, yeah! She has shown me how a god would really be, without discriminations at any level. Good or bad, rich or poor, black or white he/she has the same light on everyone.

My second inspiration is my friend Shiva. He has shown me what it is to be, like a flower shower of patience. I myself saw him many times in many distressing situations, including some situations which were voluntarily created by the society in the name of discrimination. But he has always responded to all of them with empathy and sympathy.

My third inspiration was this society. I like the way it gets moulded to good or bad situations. The most common predicament a person faces is “inadequacy”. Being a slave to this feeling he is literally involved in the brain game of building feelings which he will have towards the society.

For example: Jobless youth. “There is a situation where you get educated the most, might have achieved many awards and rewards but you couldn’t find a job. Here the inadequacy is where you don’t have a job even after being the most educated but others who have a job being less educated than you. This is at this point where many point to the government of the day for its failure in providing jobs. But is it only the responsibility of the government to create jobs? Or is it also your responsibility to take up any job on your path for a quick start? Am not saying the government should not have the responsibility, but am saying it is also your part of the process to try hard before blaming.”

“Thus the inadequacy made masses get attracted to the process of moving against the government and asking for more reservations.”

We have put some standards, regarding what job we have to do if someone studies to a standard. This makes many to show disinterest towards job’s which are low to their standard of education. Thus it is not a question of opportunity, but a question of options you make.

This is the same inadequacy of discrimination which made millions of Dalits or as Gandhi called “Harijans”, to fight against atrocities done against them and thus got a significant place in the rule book of our country “The Constitution”. This inadequacy was in terms of social, political, economic lives of many. These are more man-made. Thus society is how we mould it. How the majority of the day moulds it.

I have conducted many meetings, movements, social activities to abolish the caste system and untouchability starting from my village. I never was this happy and excited to say the truth and make people recognize that all are equal; because today am speaking more practical way, more scientific way and most importantly evidential way.

As my friend has already mentioned where we are and how we are all everywhere, what has stricken to you people apart from thinking that we are omnipresent?

“Let me bring the soul of our research, which is the thought of me and my friend to abolish this system of seclusion, discrimination, inadequacy, exclusions, untouchability and the degradation in our society.”

“In the past, we have many reasons, how this system has prevailed and thus has also taken many lives.”

People who support the system refer to great books like “Manusmriti”. The so-called book which was dated to be from the 2nd century BCE to 3rd century CE which presents itself as a discourse given by Manu on topics such as duties, rights, laws, conduct etc.

Another part of the truth is, many manuscripts of the book are not known, but the earliest discovered, most translated and the authentic version since the 18th century has been the Calcutta manuscript with “Kulluka Bhatta commentary”. Many say this credibility is false, and the various manuscripts of Manusmriti discovered in India are inconsistent with each other.

So we are following a philosophical interpretation of someone, whose existence and the book written is interpretations. It was almost a time gap of 1000-1100 years between the original text and the interpreted text. So it should absolutely be a farrago of thoughts. We should remember that one day the earth was the center of the system and today it is sun and tomorrow no one knew. Science itself is ever changing. Philosophy of the day also changes, but the one that remains constant is “Dharma”.

How could the society and great preachers of this country “Bharath” who had always pressed people to look inwards for real happiness and the real god, could discriminate others? Aren’t we degrading those great people’s interpretations following all these rules which we are not even sure of?

“If you really love these interpretations beyond realities, I would love to give mine too!”

For me, the word Manusmriti means “Manu” and “Smriti”. Here Manu for me is “heart and mind”. It was a text written to show how a person in every walk of his life keeping these in control and reality achieve the greatest. For example, the class which he designated as “Brahmana/Brahman” which today also called “Brahmin” is “the one who seeks to move from finite to infinite.” That is the one who can understand the real nature of life by moving towards the correct path in life. So in that context anyone irrespective of their nature of birth whoever tries to achieve this is “Brahman” at least for me, he is.

In that context, does many of those who call themselves as “Brahmin” or any such subtypes which were created in the process of our history, have this differentiation of finite to infinite? Did they really learn to make this out? I wonder if it is really so! And will be happy if it is so.

Other added postulate to this division of class is the distribution of work. For example, to live, we need many things in our lives like food, clothes, water, home, protection. If all of it is to be done by a single person to himself alone it would be a burden. Practically it’s not possible. So we have distributed this work. There are some people who are designated to produce, some people who are designated to bring those produced to people, some people to protect this whole process, some people as a bridge of philosophical support to humanity. It does not really mean to “discriminate” but to “distribute”.

“So it’s not by birth but it’s just by the work we accomplish we were segregated. So, every human has the right to do whatever work he wants to. As a fellow human no one has the right to discriminate.”

I would like to give an example to this; my friend has concluded that I was observed poor in another part of the world where here I belonged to a rich family. There is one point in the above conclusion which my friend wanted me to address to you all. I who belong to this orthodox family was once a Dalit. All were astounded, suddenly it was all silent. “Yes, I was a Dalit by D.N.A.” When we have tested my D.N.A I was found that one of my forefathers who was a Dalit, unable to carry this system of caste was once converted by Swami Vivekananda as Brahmin taking Gayatri. So I would like to question who am I know? I would love to question my father who is he know?

All the people applauded, “I am not the only one like this, there are many people on our list of the experiment who were Dalits were once very upper caste society.” Another story of a person we observed is; He belonged to an upper caste but was of low income. Though he belonged to an upper caste he was suppressed into so weak conditions that time made him a cobbler to earn his living. So as he became history not one knew which caste he belonged to. His grandchildren due to the work they do, they are recognized as lower caste person and now they are facing discrimination from his own caste. So knowingly it was done in the past, unknowingly it is done in the present. But the problem has been prevailing.

All of them had an expression of agony on their faces.

Continuing to this, Krishna told: Now I really want to throw light on one thing that I am really proud of; all our epical or mythological (whatever you call it) knowledge of our country are magnificently brilliant. When the entire world was searching for the material happiness it understood at the earliest that man needs immaterial happiness. These are tremendous philosophical texts. Yes! Philosophy is very hard to preach and reach than science. Science is where a single person works hard to prove what he is trying to say. But the preachers of the philosophy need to move into the people ideologically and make them believe and keep trust on what someone is saying which is more difficult than reaching with facts. It is not just a blind belief but it always remained as a ray of support. They made this complex process possible in the very initial days our formation as a nation. Unfortunately, we see it through the bad lens and interpret them in a wrong way. We see Manusmriti in the bad lens and forget the most important “Bhagavad Gita” which says “God is everywhere”.

“Sarvatah pani-padam tat

sarvato ’ksi-siro-mukham

sarvatah shrutimal loke

sarvam avrtya tishthati”

“Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna everywhere is his (God's) hands and feet, his eyes, heads, and faces, and he has ears everywhere. In this way, the Super Soul exists, with everything in this world.”

So even in the people, you are discriminating there is a god. So indirectly you are discriminating god. So you are not following the correct path and thus not the correct caste which you are clinging to and thus you have no right to discriminate. Today it is so unfortunate that we listen to such a “live” text as “Bhagavad Gita” only when someone dies. The one which has to be in our walks of life is becoming a mere chant at the end of life.

It’s not only this text but every religious or philosophical or mythological text of every society and religion was saying this. They all wanted an inclusive society.

I really want everyone to look into the society through good eyes. Don’t become preys of these inadequacies. It is the responsibility of everybody out there to have some empathy and sympathy for these people who are being discriminated and to start these misinterpreted things differently. Most importantly it’s the responsibility of youth to get out of these clutches of ignorance.

Today many of us consider that there are many policies to protect the so-called discriminated which were merely put into tags like “Scheduled caste”, “Scheduled tribes”.

That is wrong. Policies have not worked the way it has to. Indeed the great Dr.B.R.Ambedkar who has utmost foresight, which can be observed in the way our constitution is drafted; wanted the so much argued “reservations” only for a certain period of time i.e. 10 years, to up bring and make them equal among others. But today even after 70 years the so-called inequalities remain, the so-called untouchability still prevail. Most disturbingly, this discrimination prevails in minds of people, even if the rich-poor inequality is ignored (as this is a common phenomenon in economies).If something did not work for 70 years, we should be sure that it should be changed.

The added plight is that the rich among these tagged groups generally snatch away the benefits, while the deserving continue to “bite the dust”. Thus, it’s like double jeopardy to the remaining section. (This goes on...)

Giving jobs really doesn’t solve this problem. They were never part of the economy building process. We don’t have great business magnets out there from these societies. Only when this is enabled, they can be brought up. (This is one of the suggestions, and doesn’t end up here.).

So on a concluding note, I would suggest to; Learn things, make it to yourself, take the real knowledge in your walks of life and see the society through your two true lenses rather than through lens which is not credible. Yeah! There may be a question “what if my interpretation is wrong?”

Always remember a policy: “Anything can be good if it is constructive if it is favourable to the society if it is for a sustainable and inclusive world. Something which contradicts this is not good in the long run even if it is good today.”

A loud clap burst the ground.

“Society should live to the fullest, but due to these discriminations, we as a country have not lived to our potential. Being segregated and separated we were prey to our invaders at one point in time. I don't want to see my country again like that.”

“We will pledge today to keep an end to this dilemma. No one here can snatch the “right to live with dignity” from people, in the name of caste. Give whatever you can to the society and take whatever comes in your way following a righteous path. Apart from very few generations before you, you might never know where you are from, whose D.N.A is running in you. As I told your whole data is coded on your chip called D.N.A. People whom you humiliated in the name of caste, might be your relation too, your caste too, your class too, your religion too, above all he belongs to the same species!”

We are indeed associated with each other; as my friend told, we are all the embodiment of the same god. The difference is I and you call him differently and address him differently. Do good to people as far as you can, it will be paid back in some or the other way.

“I would love to say an interesting thing out of our experiment; Shiva has referred me as his half-soul because we match with one-tenth of our D.N.A.”

All had a soulful smile on their faces with a huge burst of claps.

Finally, “United we stand divided we fall.”

“Thank you! Thank the almighty! Thank my mother! Thank my half-soul! Also, thank my father! As he was indirectly responsible for this fire in both of us.”

A standing ovation, with a 3-minute clap reverberated in the auditorium.

The meeting ended and today Krishna and Shiva lived the fullest. They were happy with what they have done what they have concluded and what they have taught, hoping that this work of theirs would bring at least some change in the society.

They continued their journey of life.......


I would like to conclude this by quoting;

“What belongs to you today belonged to someone yesterday and will be someone else’s tomorrow.”

Change is the law of the universe.

I want this Change to happen for a more constructive society, for a more constructive India, for a more constructive world and by this most constructive “homo-sapiens”.

I want everyone to acknowledge that we are here for a reason and we are all like connected blocks in a domino effect. If you seclude one in this arrangement everything will collapse; if not now, someday.

So, let’s all stop this man-made social disaster. Let equality live long!

Acknowledgments & References

In the process of putting my ideas forward, I used some websites as below:

Quotes from “The Bhagavad-Gita” copyrights @ Sage Vyasa