Play With Numbers (Part - 6) in English Philosophy by Acharya. Deepak Sika books and stories PDF | Play With Numbers (Part - 6)

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Play With Numbers (Part - 6)


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 26

To refresh your memory, the Special Traits (talents numbers are the numbers that that repeat an average or above average number of times in your name. Once again here is the chart that you will use to find the value equivalencies to the letters of your full name.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Also for your reference here is the table that shows you what the average equivalence is for each number in a name.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Average 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 3


Occurrences _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In My Name.

Simply count up the letters in your name and compare them to the chart above to figure out which of your equivalences is your average and/or above average numbers. Then refer to the interpretations below which tell you a lot about your more positives or exaggerated character traits and talents.

Special Traits 1

Three 1's (average): You are a well-rounded individual of average intelligence who will have the means to take care of yourself in life.

Four or more 1's (above average): You are strong-willed, assertive and possibly destined to be a leader. The more 1's in your name, the more tyrannical others will probably find your personality.

Special Traits 2

One 2 (average): You are a cooperative and diplomatic individual who gets along well with others and who enjoys socializing.

Two 2 's or more (above average): You are a charming, considerate and charismatic individual who is very well spoken. Your persuasive talents are considerable and you probably have a great appreciation for the arts.

Special Traits 3

Two 3's (average): You express yourself in a normal, natural and heartfelt way. Your artistic talents are average.

Three 3's or more (above average): Chances are that you possess an extraordinary talent of some kind. The more threes that are in your name the more multi-faceted or stronger your talents are.

Special Traits 4

One 4 (average): You are a hard worker, disciplined and are blessed with common sense and the ability to develop long range goals.

Two 4's or more (above average): Your work is probably your passion and it consumes most of your time. The more 4's that you have in your name the more likely you are to have a tendency towards rigidity, obsessiveness and workaholicism.

Special Traits 5

Four 5's (average): You are an agreeable individual who is flexible and adaptable. However you also realize the value of having a strong home base or "roots."

Five 5's or more (above average): You are likely to be a bit of a maverick who enjoys travelling and meeting people. If you have a lot of fives you may be easily distracted and often accused of having too many projects going at one time. Staying in one place bores you.

Special Traits 6

Two 6's (average): You are a nurturer and caretaker and have the normal urges to procreate and have a family. You are gentle and responsible provider.

Three 6's or more (above average): You may be a strongly idealistic and stubborn individual who is a strict parent. The more sixes you have in your name the more likely you are to be fixed in your point of view when it comes to ethics and morality.

Special Traits 7

One 7 (average): You possess an inquisitive, questioning mind, but you are not abnormally studious or curious. Your academic talents are probably well balanced.

Two 7's or more (above average): The more sevens you have in your name the more brilliant academically you are likely to be. However a predominance of sevens can also mean being so smart that you do not relate easily to others. This number signifies academic, scientific and metaphysical achievement.

Special Traits 8

One 8 (average): You are business-like, self-sufficient and more likely a follower than a leader. You have a natural acumen for numbers and are probably more well off than most people.

Two 8's or more (above average): You have a natural talent for business and making money and are more than likely destined to be rich. The more 8's that you have in your name the more rich (and possibly famous) you are destined to be.

Special Traits 9

Three 9's (average): You are a compassionate, tolerant and good-natured individual who respects humanity and the rights of others. You are an optimist.

Four 9's or more (more than average): You are an idealistic individual who is probably generous and self-sacrificing to a fault. The more 9's you have in your name, the more likely you are to be perceived as a fanatic or religious extremist. Nines in your name can also signify psychic talent.

Keep in mind that in this lesson I have only discussed the Traits that are associated with the average and more than average presence of a number in the name. In the next lesson I will be giving you the interpretation for the Lesson numbers which account for lacking or missing values in a name.

Lesson 27

To refresh your memory, the Special Traits (talents) numbers are the numbers that repeat an average or above average number of times in your name. Once again here is the chart that you will use to find the value equivalencies to the letters of your full name.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Also for your reference here is the table that shows you what the average equivalence is for each number in a name.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Average 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 3


Occurrences _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In My Name.

Simply count up the letters in your name and compare them to the chart above to figure out which numbers repeat in your name at a low average rate or not at all. Then refer to the interpretations below, which tell you a lot about your karmic issues, obstacles in life and limitations that may be caused by your character traits.

Special Lessons 1

Two or less 1's (below average): You are a "born follower" and don't like to take charge. The less responsibility you have to worry about the more comfortable you are with life. You may lack self-esteem or confidence or be so scared of failure that you don't even try.

No 1's: You may be extremely irresponsible or limited intellectually or emotionally. You may have trouble taking care of your own basic needs.

Special Lessons 2

Note that as one 2 is the average occurrence, the only possible below average occurrence of 2's in a name is none.

No 2's: You lack patience and sensitivity. It may be difficult to acknowledge that there is more to reality than what goes on in your head. This limitation may be the result of emotional damage done in childhood or an actual physical limitation. At any rate, you lack the capacity to understand or relate to others.

Special Lessons 3

One or less 3's (below average): You may lack perception or be particularly clumsy especially when it comes to handling a paintbrush or musical instrument. You may be shy and suspicious of other people and prefer to spend time by yourself.

No 3's: You may have a pathological aversion to spending time with other people. You might also have a fear of crowds. The root of your fear is shame possibly caused by a traumatic event or bad childhood. You are more prone to paranoia then others.

Special Lessons 4

Note that as one 4 is the average occurrence, the only possible below average occurrence of 4's in a name is none.

No 4's: Chances are you will be unwilling or unable to work for most of your life. This could be due to a disability or to a permanent "Monday Morning" feeling. Your capacity to earn is compromised and economic hardship is very likely, as you are not willing to put an effort into much.

Special Lessons 5

Three or less 5's (below average): You are an introvert who does not feel at ease in a crowd. You may find facing changes to be very traumatic. You are a creature of routine.

No 5's: It is very rare to have no 5's in your name but this would represent a person who lives in his or her own little world. The worst case scenario would be autism or schizophrenia.

Special Lessons 6

One 6: You are likely to be a very disorganized, disloyal individual who finds it hard to keep their mind on one thing. You may find it too much "work" to get involved with others emotionally and prefer to be emotionally detached.

No 6's: A person with no 6's may be criminal or completely untrustworthy. There is no trust of the self or the perception of his or her reality. Addiction and escapism may be a problem.

Special Lessons 7

Note that as one 7 is the average number of occurrences, the only possible below average occurrence of 7's in a name is none.

No 7's: You may be limited intellectually or academically. Your ability to analyze and perceptions may be a bit "off" compared to other people. For this reason you are often misunderstood.

Special Lessons 8

Note that as one 8 is the average number of occurrences, the only possible below average occurrence of 8's in a name is none.

No 8's: Chances are you will not accumulate much wealth in your lifetime. You may have to work hard to earn every penny you make. However material things may not mean as much to you as someone with a more ambitious drive so you are probably accepting of this condition.

Special Lessons 9

Two or less 9's (less than average): You are a pessimist and not likely to believe in a higher power. You may find it difficult to connect with other people or to fall in love.

No nines: You may suffer from depression or another mood disorder. You have little faith in humanity or yourself possibly due to a very traumatic experience.

In the next lesson I going to tackle the complex but extremely intriguing matter of discovering the Essence of a name using numerological divination techniques.

Lesson 28

Essence numbers are complex calculations (so bear with us!) that are used to describe important transits in an individual’s life. In this case the cycle is based on the individual's name rather than the birth date (as was the case with the Pinnacle Number that was discussed in previous newsletters.)

Essence numbers describe dominant demanding influences or what seems to permeate the general atmosphere throughout a number of years. The interpretations define what is most in need of attention or focus during that numbered year. The method of calculating transits begins at birth with the first letter of your birth name, the first letter of your middle name and the first letter of your last name. These values are totaled and define the Essence of your year from birth to age 1. I then go on to calculate the Essence of each year of the life.

The best way to learn this method is to jump right into it so here is the worksheet you will be using. Keep in mind this work sheet can extend for as many years as you want it to or just a period of years.... It depends on what period of a person's life you want to examine.

Note that in the chart below F M L is where you will be entering the values for the First, Middle and Last Names

Notice that in the above example that you could extend for as many years in the past or the future as you want (just not before birth.) Usually a professional would expand this chart to span 70 or 80 years or he or she would isolate just a few years that a client specifically wanted a reading about. You could a span of 70 years if you like but for the purpose of this example we have only done four to show you what the Essences chart that you will be doing your calculations in should look like.

First fill in the following:

* Year: Start with the year of birth and calculate the timing as if the year begins on the birthday (not January 1).

* Age: Start with the age at from birth and then fill it in as you go down. Begin with 0-1, then 1-2, and so on.

* Letter Transits: Insert the letters of the first name under the letter F, middle name under M, and last name under L. Repeat the letters of name as explained here.

* Letter Values: Insert the numeric value of the numbers in the letter transit.

* Essence of Transit: To come up with the total add the numeric value of the numbers in the letter transit together and then reduce them to a single digit.

You'll need to recall those letter values, so here is chart for easy reference:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




You must place the letters of your name on this worksheet. Begin with the first letter of your first name. Each letter in this name will last a number of years (from 1 to 9) depending on its numerology number designation.

In the interest of keeping this lesson short and sweet let's use a very simple name for this example: Sue Ann Dunn and lets say she was born in 1960 and I want to do a chart for her from birth to age 20.

Thus, if the first name is Sue I would note that the first letter S it is valued at 1 year. This would be placed under the F (for First Name) column for one year. Next I notice that the value of U is 3. U would be filled in under the F column for the next 3 years. This would be followed by the value for E, which is five years. When the end of the name is reached you then start repeating the cycle at S.

You would then repeat the same process for the Middle (Ann) and Last name (Dunn), finding the number values and using their value to find the length of the transit and also their numerological value.

In the end the chart would look like this

* Notice that values that add up 11 and 22 will have two interpretations - ones for the master numbers and ones for 2 and 4.

You next step would be to evaluate the chart by examining the interpretations for each number and then looking at the total values and seeing how long these influences last in a person's chart.

In the next lesson you will be receiving the basic interpretations for the Life Essence numbers. Then in the lesson after that I will come back to this short fictional chart to show you how to identify major periods of transformation in a Life Essences Chart.

Lesson 29

Interpreting the Essence numbers can be a complex, intuitive process as it is not only just interpreting what each year might be like for the individual but also the length of the transits.

In the next lesson I will go back to our fictional chart from the last lesson about how to calculate the Essence Numbers to give you an idea of how they might be interpreted for a chart ... but for now, here are the base interpretations that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Essence Number 1


The Essence of the number 1 signals a time of initiation, birth and rebirth. It is generally a healthy exciting time when new ideas are developed and a general atmosphere of optimism prevails.

Essence #1 can also denote a period of growth that can lead to recognition, respect and fame. It can also denote a happy time in your career when you are finally making money doing something you love.

Of course there is no birth without labor and a one Essence period can denote a time of great change. However it is also a period of strength and stamina so you can handle anything that comes your way.

If this essence remains in effect for 3 years or more... it can indicate a tumultuous time in which their might be too many changes for a person to handle It can signify a series of dramatic changes that (for better or worse) keep the person hopping. Whatever the event or change is, its' impact is felt for years.

It is also a period of time when you can expect a great deal of assistance and nurturing from others.

Essence Number 2


The Essence of number 2 is a time of consolidation and organization. It is also a period of growth but it may also contain setbacks.

Usually during this Essence period people are very focused on their relationships and making them work. Teamwork is also a focus of this aspect and it is not very likely you will get very far in life without the cooperation of other people.

Energy and vitality are often low during this cycle and you may need to be nurtured or mentored by others. The Two cycle is also associated with frustrations, obstacles, delays and setbacks that are all part of a larger, often spiritual learning curve.

If this essence remains in effect for 3 years or more ... you may experience a period of nervous or psychological difficulties due to the frustrations and tensions this period brings.

Essence Number 3


The Essence of the number 3 denotes a joyous and gratifying period in life. Friends both old and new may be the focus of your life. It can also indicate a time when you find a love or have an old love renewed.

Adventures, travels and the opportunity to expand your horizons in every aspect of your life also characterize this period. Its' emphasis is on good times and successful ventures.

An Essence 3 number is also associated with fame and recognition for artists and performers of every kind. It is a good time for creativity and entrepreneurship.

If this period extends for 3 years or more it indicates a turning point for a creative individual in which they become very famous.

Essence Number 4


This cycle indicates a more serious or sober time. It is a time of organization and discipline. Struggles with financial, health and career matters are indicated.

Usually an Essence 4 period is not that fun as nothing seems to fall in your lap and you have to earn every penny you make. It is a time that requires a practical, rational outlook on life. Things build slowly and although success is possible it does not come easily.

This period is also identified with limitations or restrictions that could occur in an area of your life. Often these health, financial or relationship setbacks serve to make you stronger and build your character.

If this essence is in effect for 3 years or more life might feel like an endless struggle. However at the end of this type of cycle usually lies a major personal triumph or career accomplishment.

Essence Number 5


This Essence number indicates a period of time when you may experience more independence and freedom. You may find yourself single at this time and life may seem like an endless number of adventures.

Travel or a change of residence is also indicated by an Essence 5 period. The influence also stresses changes, opportunities and rapidly changing circumstances that require constant flexibility.

One drawback of this period is loneliness and another is a tendency to scatter your interests in so many directions that you don't accomplish anything at all.

If an Essence 5 period lasts for 3 or more years it can reflect a period of financial or mental instability or having to constantly relocate or be "on the run" because of circumstances you can't control.

Essence Number 6


This denotes a very cozy and domestic period of time when home and the family will be the main focus. It can also indicate marriage or starting a family.

This is a very dutiful, civic-minded influence and during a Number 6 period people are more likely to devote themselves to good causes to do with improving their community.

This influence can also mean assuming extra responsibility for elderly relatives or cousins or dealing with a family member's health problems.

If an Essence 6 period extends for three years or longer then it might indicate a period during which you are completely at the mercy of a family member's problems. It might also mean having a lot of children in a short period of time. It can also indicate the giving up one's ambition to support a family, adoption and foster care.

Essence Number 7


This period denotes a time of introversion or self-imposed isolation. You may not feel like connecting to other people much. Your focus may only be on your own self-growth, hobbies and interests.

A Number 7 Essence period can also indicate a retreat in order to try and heal oneself psychological or emotionally. It is a good period to embark on therapy.

The period can also indicate an intense period of learning or study or a period when a focus on one's education does not leave much time for anything else.

If the Number 7 Essence is in effect for 3 years or more it can indicate that a traumatic event has turned you away from society. Mental illness is a possibility as is incarceration. It can also indicate a person not in touch with reality.

Essence Number 8


This is a lucky time in which it is very easy for you to get ahead financially. Usually people acquire a lot of valuable material things during this period.

The Number 8 Essence denotes a time when your professional reputation and credibility is enhanced. It is easily to build a business or career and many come to respect you as an expert or a pillar of the community.

It is a period during which you are likely to meet a lot of people who can help you with your career. The drawback is that you are so busy that you might not have much time for family, romance or health.

If the Essence 8 period lasts more than three years it can mean a period where you achieve wealth, fame, power and status to an extreme degree.

Essence Number 9


This can designate a period in your life when you are very much ruled by your emotions. Many people either meet or break up with a soul mate during this influence.

The Essence Number 9 also denotes a period where you may experience many endings and upsetting changes. Things that used to interest you may become dull and your tastes and hobbies may change. This period can also describe a time of soul searching anda devotion to religious or philanthropic causes.

If the Number 9 Essence period lasts for more than 3 years it can denote a non-stop catastrophic love affair or being deluded by a cultist religious beliefs.

For the Essences of the number 11 and 22, refer to 2 and 4 respectively. However, the 11 Essence has a very strong spiritual overtone about it, while the 22 Essence may signal a time of significant achievement or fame.

In the next lesson I will take these observations and apply them to the chart of the fictional Sue Ann Dunn that you were introduced to in an earlier lesson so you can see how an intuitive reading of the Essences Numbers might be done.