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Play With Numbers (Part - 4)


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 16

Continuing on with my investigation into the meaning of the Life Cycle Numbers, I now move on to discussing the interpretations of the Middle Life Cycle Numbers. As you may recall from the last lesson, the numerological calculations of the Middle Life Numbers describe what influences the second 28 years of any one person's life.

Here are the interpretations for all the Middle Life Cycle Numbers which cover the influences from age 29 to age 56.

Middle Life Cycle Number 1

You will enjoy a healthy, productive adult life. Usually this period is devoted to working hard to realize a great dream. Typically you have launched out on your own and are enjoying running a thriving business. The temptation is to live a life that is all work and no play. Taking time out to smell the flowers is recommended for these adults who are driven by an ambition and a need to be the best.

Middle Life Cycle Number 2

You are fated to work with others or as part of a team. Your success is very dependent on the success of those around you so during this period you have probably greatly enhanced your personal and social skills. Striking out on your own does not work as well for you as selling someone else's abilities. You are blessed with loving relationships and many friends who appreciate your loving support.

Middle Life Cycle Number 3

Things come easily to an adult number 3, especially money. However, you spend it as fast as you make it. You probably lead a creative and carefree life. You make the most money using your artistic talents. You are a very popular individual although your love life may be filled with a series of relationships rather than just one solute. Watch out for a tendency to be too generous or extravagant and remember to save money for your old age!

Number Middle Life Cycle Number 4

You are most likely a very calm, stable and reliable personality who can handle a great deal of responsibility. You are more likely to be in a conservative occupation. You are likely to save a great deal of money during these years. Your health can be risked by working too hard. You are a loyal individual who often lucks out by finding a mate for life. You are a great parent and are fated to have lots of children.

Middle Life Number Cycle 5

You may feel a bit lost in life or like you are having difficulty settling down. You are an impulsive individual who is fated to go through a series of jobs and relationships. This is because you become bored very easily. You prefer a life that is full of adventures over security and stability and as a result break many hearts. You are destined to travel or pursue exotic experiences simply to satisfy your endless curiosity.

Middle Life Cycle Number 6

You may feel like you have to work harder than others to make a living. This is a very karmic path and it may be difficult for you to get ahead in any way without first making personal sacrifices or promising to share your wealth with others. Even at this stage in your life you may find yourself taking care of your family or other people's families. Your adult years really do suit the phrase "you get your rewards in heaven, rather than on earth."

Middle Life Cycle Number 7

Sevens are often fated to continually pursue an academic career and if not they are usually passionate about learning about some subject on their own. Many adult sevens are loners and eccentrics so they may suffer from social problems that make it difficult to find a partner or suitable employment. The "real world" may seem boring to you so your challenge is to try not to drift so far away from society that you are penniless.

Middle Life Cycle Number 8

Your adult years are likely blessed with supremely high levels of attainment. You are destined to be wealthy and in a leadership position. You have a knack for making wise investments and when it comes to achieving your goals, the sky is the limit for you. You are probably a pillar of the community and if you are attentive to your friends and family you will probably enjoy harmonious relationships throughout your adult life.

Middle Life Cycle Number 9

Your adult years may be highly concerned with spiritual matters and self-investigation. You are probably a humanitarian who is less materialistic than others. Your natural generosity often hinders you from saving much money however others are deeply grateful for your compassion and empathy. You may not accomplish much in terms of career or education but you are sure to be blessed by many fans and friends.

Middle Life Cycle Number 11

You are so concerned with spiritual and ethical matters and changing the world for the better that it may be difficult for you to find suitable employment. Chances are that you will spend a lot of time travelling or seeking out the truth about life. Many of you are adept at metaphysics. Teaching, healing and uplifting others best maximizes your spiritual talents. Nervous disorders and nervous breakdowns are also common for adult 11s because they are so sensitive to everything.

Middle Life Cycle Number 22

You are a spiritually advanced individual who can achieve great things as an adult. However you need to be prepared to recognize the many opportunities that do come your way as opposed to cultivating a Zen like state of bliss. Usually 22s do very well in any occupation they choose but as they are master builders they should try to launch a great new scheme of some kind whether it be related to science, business, lifestyle or metaphysics.

Lesson 17

In previous lessons I revealed how to calculate and interpret your Early and Middle Life Cycle numbers. In this edition I am going to reveal the interpretations of the Later Life Cycle numbers which describe how you are destined to live out your later years.

Here are the interpretations for all the Later Life Cycle Numbers which cover the influences from age 57 to age 85.

Later Life Cycle Number 1

There is no such thing as early retirement for you. In fact you will probably recieve your greatest claim and fame in your later years. You are more active than most seniors and may even begin a new career while many others are simply kicking back and taking it easy!

Later Life Cycle Number 2

You are destined to live out your later years with one special loved one. This is a harmonious number that promises you health, love and a comfortable finacial situation. There will be plenty of time and money for socializing, spending quality time with family and pursuing your favorite hobbies.

Later Life Cycle Number 3

You may develop a second career as an artist or an entertainer. If you already are one you may keep performing or producing work until your health prohibits it. This life cycle number can also indicate fame later in life. Things should come easily to you and you are sure to enjoy the company of both old and young friends.

Later Life Cycle Number 4

Either through necessity or choice you may find yourself working many years longer than most people. Many people with this life cycle find it hard to give up control of the empire they have worked so hard to achieve. As you probably have spawned a huge family you may continue working to support your brood. Taking care of others makes you the happiest at this stage.

Later Life Cycle Number 5

You are likely to spend your later years travelling around the world or pursuing some eclectic hobby or interest. You are likely to be unburdened by financial problems and will have the freedom to chase any dream that you like. Your natural friendliness, curiosity, and ability to tell a good story makes you especially beloved by children and grand children. It is very important for you to avoid boredom.

Later Life Cycle Number 6

You are likely to be very content and financially secure. Your family and especially your partner and grandchildren become the most important concerns in your life. Chances are that you will become very active in your family life and act as a secondary provider to your own children. It is a six that is most likely to adopt a child later in life.

Later Life Cycle Number 7

In your later years you may prefer to be by yourself to the extent that you are percieved as too introverted or isolated by others. This is because you prefer reading or pursuing studies that you never were able to in the earlier part of your life. You will be very independent and most likely develop an interest in metaphysical or spiritual hobbies. Quantum physics is a familiar passion of elderly 7s.

Later Life Cycle Number 8

You are a pillar of the community who has probably amassed a prodigious amount of wealth. As you have few concerns, you can pursue any recreational or adventuroous activities that you choose. However your responsible nature often finds you pursuing a second career that might have something to do with politics, religion or philanathropy. You may also be singled out for an award or some kind of specialized acclaim.

Later Life Cycle Number 9

You are a cheery and content individual who is grateful for all of the lessons that life has provided you. You are a big believer in positive thought and believe that mankind can be healed by maintaining a positive attitude. You live by your convictions and often demonstrate your benevolence through acts of charity, healing and educating others.

Later Life Cycle Number 11

In your later years you are mainly concerned with spirituality and in particular, finding peace of mind in a troubled world. You may explore new religions or travel far and wide to find answers to the human condition. Your religious bent may also lead you to a religious or spiritual career of some kind. Money may also matter little to you and you may give a great deal of your wealth away.

Later Life Cycle Number 22

You are likely to enjoy health and vitality in your later years but age may bring out latent psychic talents and sensitivities. This is why it is crucial for you to take time out to soothe your nerves. This might be a challenge for you as 22 number seniors are always on the go. This may not be a time of retirement for you but rather a time when you achieve more than you have in your entire life!

Lesson 18

In numerology, practitioners use subtraction to find three individual numbers that represent life challenges. The interpretations of these numbers represent the obstacles, hurdles and difficulties that one is most likely to face during certain phases of life.

The first number that is calculated is your Early Challenge number. This represents difficulties that you will face during the first 28 years of your life.

The second number that is calculated is the Middle Challenge number. This represents difficulties that you are likely to face during the second 28 years of life.

The third number is the Main Challenge number. This number not only emphasizes the difficulties that you will face during the latter part of your life but it also represents the chronic obstacles that you will face during your entire life.

The Main challenge number is considered to be the most dominant of all the challenge numbers. The main challenge number takes precedence over the other two because it represents obstacles that may come from within. It is the devil (the issue) that you often find yourself wrestling with your entire life. It is the question that burns inside you that you have always hoped would somehow be answered before you die.

The Early Challenge number is less influential which may represent more episodic or situational problems. Early challenge numbers can indicate problems due to circumstances or parents. It can also represent internal. These problems of course can disappear as the child matures and enters the middle years of the life cycle.

The Middle Challenge number is also situational and usually the result of hardship or complications brought on by other individuals in your life. The number can also represent behavioral problems as well as interference from natural forces that are beyond your control.

Your first step to calculating any of the challenge numbers is to reduce your day, month and birthday down into a single digit. For example, X birthday June 7, 1960 reduces down to:

Month 6

Day 7

Year 7 (1+ 9 + 6 + 0 = 16 = 1+6 = 7)

Remember to reduce all numbers including master numbers down to a single digit in order to perform this calculation properly.

Calculating life challenge numbers is slightly different than other numerology calculation because the sums that comprise the Month, Day and Year of birth are not added together. Instead they are treated as individual sums that can be subtracted from each other.

To calculate your Early Life Challenge number subtract the difference between the MONTH and the DAY of your birth. In X case it would be 7-6 = 1. X early life challenge number is 1.

The second calculation is for the Middle Life Challenge. This means finding the difference between the DAY of birth and the Year of Birth. I chose X birthday because it leads to a unique calculation. 7-7 = 0. In this particular numerology reading there is an interpretation for the number 0.

To find your Main Life Challenge number find the difference between your Early Life Challenge Number and your Middle Life Challenge Number. Subtract the lower number from the higher number. In X example the resulting equation is 1 (Early Life Number) - 0 (Middle Life Number) =1. X main challenge number is one.

If you get the same number twice or even three times it means that challenge may be doubly emphasized in your life. For example if your Early Life Challenge number is the same as your Middle Life Challenge Number then problems from your childhood may dominate all of your years. It can also mean that many of the obstacles that you have had to face were not of your own making.

If your Main Challenge Number is the same as your Middle Life Number then many of the problems you encounter could be caused by the decisions you are making as an adult. Reading the interpretation of that number could give you clues as to how you often manage to be your own worst enemy.

If all three of your numbers are the same then it is safe to assume that the cosmos is trying to make you learn a life lesson by manifesting unpleasant situations wherever you go!

In next lesson I will provide you with the interpretations for all eight of the Challenge numbers. The reason there are only eight interpretations is because no difference results to more of than the sum of eight when performing Life Challenge Number calculations.

Lesson 19

In the previous lesson I explained how to calculate your life challenge numbers. Just in case you have forgotten how to do this here are the formulas again.

First reduce your day, month and birth year separately down single digits. To calculate your Early Life Challenge number find the difference between the Month and Day of your birth by subtracting the lower number for the higher. To find your Middle Life Challenge find the difference the YEAR and the DAY of birth. To find your Main Life Number find the difference between the Early Life Challenge and the Middle Life number by subtracting the lower figure from the higher one.

Once you have found the three numbers you can read about the challenges that they indicate for that particular life period. Remember that the Early Life Challenge number equates to your first 28 years and the Middle Life Challenge number equates to your second 28 years on earth. The Main Challenge number describes your final phase of life as well as influences the course of your entire life as a primary difficulty or challenge that you will always have to face.

Life Challenge Number 0

People with a challenge Number 0 may feel in general like they are being confronted with difficulties that seem to be relentless and coming from all directions. Usually people who are zeros are very sophisticated spiritually and thought to possess the abilities of all the other numbers. However they have problems making definitive decisions and sticking with them. In early life this can manifest as a difficult or abusive childhood. In adult life you may overcome great obstacles to succeed.

Life Challenge Number 1

People with a life challenge Number 1 may feel as if every dream and ambition that they have is being thwarted by unfair circumstances. Bitterness, defensiveness and blaming others may be a chronic problem. Usually this is due to being too pushy or aggressive. Even if you are not unreliable or unpredictable, others may perceive you as so. A gentler touch plus a well focused, methodical plan can help you achieve your aims. You self-sabotage by plunging ahead blindly.

Life Challenge Number 2

The challenges presented for a number two are oversensitivity and a tendency towards self-centeredness. It may be difficult for you to realize that you are not the center of the universe. In your early years your lack of ambition, status consciousness and need for approval from others may cause you to have a poor self image. In adult life twos are very prone to codependency, addiction and troubled relationships if they cannot learn to let go of their resentments and blame.

Life Challenge Number 3

This represents a period in your life when you might find it hard to focus either because of emotional or psychological disturbances or because of boredom. Your attention may be scattered and you might also suffer from shyness. You may have a great imagination or talent but have difficulty expressing it. In childhood this can result in frustration and introversion. In your adult years you may come off as too arrogant or eccentric to be taken seriously by anyone.

Life Challenge Number 4

This number often suggests a difficulty with finding employment or a gratifying the career. You just may not feel like working or suffer from a disorder or disability that prevents you from working. In your early years your opportunities to learn may have been truncated by physical or financial circumstances. In adulthood you may become an irresponsible or impractical individual who can't be trusted.

Life Challenge Number 5

This number usually defines a character that is unreasonable, indecisive and easily irritated. You have an impulsive nature and often run into trouble because you are unable to see the consequences of your actions beforehand. In your early years this may result in an incomplete education or a number of false starts in your career. As an adult your challenges manifest as an inability to make decisions and acting in an overly emotional as opposed to logical way.

Life Challenge Number 6

You may be a perfectionist and set standards for yourself and others that are impossible to meet. You may come off as very arrogant, controlling and demanding to others. As a child you may have seriously butted horns with several authority figures. As an adult you may have many unsettling relationships because of your refusal to recognize that others are entitled to their point of view. Your rigidity could lead to a disorder such as obsessive compulsiveness.

Life Challenge Number 7

This number has a great deal of trouble dealing with emotions. During this time in your life you may feel as if you have to repress your feelings in order to survive. As a child this can lead to introversion, obsessiveness and a complete retreat from reality. As an adult you may suffer from chronically negative thoughts and express them through constant complaining or criticism of others. Many sevens are hypochondriacs or manifest disease as a result of suppressed anger or grief.

Life Challenge Number 8

A number 8 challenge indicates a kind of shallowness and greed. You might define yourself and others by appearance, possessions and by the amount of money that they have. As a child you may have been clever, manipulative and insistent on having your own way. As an adult you might value the pursuit of money, power and status to the exclusion of all other things. This can cost you dearly in terms of relationships, family and friends.

Please note that there are only eight interpretations because no difference results to more than the sum of eight when performing Life Challenge Number calculations.

Lesson 20

Pinnacle numbers are another one of those calculations that are based on your life path number. A pinnacle is an experience occurring over a specific time in our life. Each person is thought to have four pinnacle periods and depending on the numerology each of these periods of life experience will have their own unique flavor or theme to them.

The First Pinnacle covers the early maturation years from roughly 0 years to 28-35, depending on your Life Path Number. The Second Pinnacle covers what is normally for most people the child bearing or family raising years. The Third Pinnacle covers middle age and growing maturity. The Fourth Pinnacle covers the senior years.

The timing of pinnacles varies for each of the first nine Life Path numbers. Here is a chart for determining the timing of pinnacles keyed to your Life Path number:

The Pinnacles (age span for each of the 4 pinnacles)

Life 1st 2nd 3rd Final

Path # Pinnacle Pinnacle Pinnacle Pinnacle

1 0-35 36-44 45-53 54 & beyond

2/11 0-34 35-43 44-52 53 & beyond

3 0-33 34-42 43-51 52 & beyond

4/22 0-32 33-41 42-50 51 & beyond

5 0-31 32-40 41-49 50 & beyond

6 0-30 31-39 40-48 49 & beyond

7 0-29 30-38 39-47 48 & beyond

8 0-28 29-37 38-46 47 & beyond

9 0-27 28-36 37-45 46 & beyond

For this example I am using Martha Stewart who was born August 3, 1941. Our first step would be to calculate her Life Path number. The Life Path number is calculated by reducing the birthday to a single digit. In her case, the calculation would look like this: 8 + 3 + (1+9+4+1) = 8+3 + 6 = 17 & 1+7 = 8

Martha Stewart's Life Path number is 8. From looking at the chart above we can see that her first life Pinnacle period lasted from birth to age 28, the second life period lasted from age 29 to 37, the third pinnacle period lasted from 38 to 46 and the fourth lasts from age 47 and beyond.

The First Pinnacle is defined by adding the month and day of birth. In her case 8 +3 = 11. Note that master numbers are not reduced in any of these equations.

The Second Pinnacle is defined by adding the number that was arrived at by reducing your year of birth plus the day of birth. In Martha's case the equation is 3+6 = 9

The Third Pinnacle is arrived at by adding together the sum of the first and second pinnacle numbers. In Martha's case the equation is: 11 (First Pinnacle) + 9 (Second Pinnacle) = 20. 2+0 = 2. Martha Stewart's Third Pinnacle Number is 2.

The Fourth Pinnacle number is arrived at by adding the month and year of birth. In Martha's case the equation is: 8 + (1+9+4+1) = 8 + 6 = 14. This reduces to 1+4 =5. Martha's Fourth Pinnacle year is 5.

From looking at this I can interpret Martha Stewart's four life pinnacles in the following way:

Her First Life Pinnacle was dominated by the number 11. This of course is a master number and Martha Stewart probably spent her early years being the master of many different disciplines. It can also mean extreme sensitivity and being motivated by a desire to please parents.

Her Second Life Pinnacle is a number 9. This marked a period in Stewart's life where she made dramatic sweeping changes. It is a period that marked the beginning of her great success as well as the end of her marriage. The flavor of this era in her life would have been very emotional. Any move she made for better or worse would have been drastic.

Her Third Life Pinnacle number is 2, which is all about partnerships. This is the period in Stewart's life when she broke free with the help of her business partner and orchestrated massive deals with broadcasters and K-Mart.

Her Fourth Life Pinnacle number is 5. This is the period Stewart is in now. This means that her career is not likely to show any signs of slowing down and that she will likely be influential until very late her in life. It is also a karmic number that can indicate freedom from financial or domestic worries.

The next three lessons will cover the numerous interpretations for all of the Pinnacle numbers. I will start with the interpretations of the First Pinnacle (early life) Pinnacle numbers in the next lesson and will continue on with the interpretations of the Second, Third and Fourth Pinnacle Numbers in subsequent lessons.