Start your morning positively... in English Health by Anuja Kulkarni books and stories PDF | Start your morning positively...

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Start your morning positively...

Start your morning in a mindful way..

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How does your day start? Happy, frustrated or sad? You don't have any answer? Mostly you might not have thought about this earlier. But from next time, when you get up always think on this. You might not be knowing, the mood by which you start your day is carried forward whole day. So when we start the morning, it should start on a positive note. And that positivity is reflected throughout the day and your day finishes off well. Morning is the best time of the day... In the morning everything is awesome. Likewise the mood should also be good. and morning has to start very fresh. When we start the day, you need to keep in mind few things which would give boost for remaining day. If you want to make your day energetic, don't forget to add these things in your routine.. It is always a good habit to enter your day happy and relaxed, and you greatly increase your chances of a healthy, productive day. 1. Start the day with meditation- After a good night sleep, it is simple to get up easily. But when we get up, mostly yesterday's fight or pending list start flashing in front of eyes. And suddenly tension arises. That mood is passed on the coming day and you might become angry while completing any work. Due to bad start of the day, body becomes stiff. To avoid this, you can do a very simple thing. When your eyes are opened, don't be in hurry to get up from the bed. It's indeed a bad idea. Instead, you can sit on the bed and meditate for few minutes. When all your thoughts are removed from the mind, the mind becomes clear and you can easily add good and positive thoughts in your mind. And with positive thoughts, don't forget to show gratitude towards God and people around you. Showing gratitude, fills your life with great energy and you cannot have a better start of the day!!

2. Hydrate-

Human body needs proper amount of water. You must b sleeping for say 7 hours a day. That 7 hours body doesn't get water. Your body wakens dehydrated. You might feel weakness in the body. To avoid this, the scarcity of water in the body is to be adjusted. So first thing which is to be done after getting up from bed is drinking a glass of water. Water is very important for proper functioning of the body, removing toxins from the body. So after getting up from bed a glass of water is a must!!

3. Stretching and worm up exercises-

How do you feel after getting up from your bed? bit stiff and lazy? You never wish to come out of the bed.. but to overcome this feeling there is a simple way to recharge your body. Exercise is the best thing which you can give it to your body!! When you get up from your bed, stretch your arms and legs a bit and a few jumps would be even better. Then after tea and breakfast you can continue your exercise routine. If time, doesn't allow you can skip heavy workout but for charging up the body a little bit of exercise plays an important role. Studies show that consistent stretching in the morning is not only effective for the body but for the mind also it is very helpful. It helps to increase flexibility, improve circulation, reduce stress throughout your day and the day becomes more and more energetic!!!

4. Start your day with learning something new-

When you get up from the bed and you are ready to start your day in a rocking mood, you can add a bit more into that. Every day is a new day and it brings new surprises. Be open to all the surprises which life is giving you. Every day you can learn many new things. It can be from the newspaper or day nature!! You have to find the ways by which you can learn new things..You must have experienced that the joy of learning new things makes you feel wonderful. So don't restrict yourself to the routine work. Keep adding new things in your life and enrich the life. Learning new things brings happiness and that happiness is reflected in whole day!! Also, you can inspire others to get motivated by you.

5. Challenge your brain-

Every day you must be following the same routine. Your mind and brain get tired with the same routine every day. Which might become boring for you. What is the way to come out of a boring routine? It is very simple.. you can challenge your brain by giving new and challenging activities. For example, you can solve riddles or crossword puzzle which you can find anywhere. You can always take out time for yourself. So without fail, every day at least take out some quality time for yourself. That will help you to improve your personality as well.

6. Think of a successful day-

When you are fresh enough to start your day, keep on thinking about a positive day. Your day might be busy... you might have tough jobs to complete, whatever you might be doing, think about completing the work successfully. First of all, make a list of the work to be done in a day. And then imagine that you have completed all your works successfully.. It is observed that, when you are positive, you get extra energy to complete simple as well as difficult tasks without any problem. So don't forget to add positive thoughts in your life. It won't take time to convert thoughts into reality.

7. Listen to music-

Do you get time from your busy morning to do anything creative? Mostly the answer will be no. The life has become so busy that you don't get time to think or try something new in your routine. And same tensions, stress follows you every day. But there is a good news to reduce of all the tensions.. You must be thinking, what will help me to reduce the tensions? If you want to start your day off right and without any stress or tensions, do add a habit of listening to good music in the morning. The music should be calm which in turn will reduce the stress on your nerves and automatically tensions are reduced and the day starts on a very positive note. And you will see a different mood whole day..

8. Say no to mobile phone when you wake up-

On which side you keep your smart phone while sleeping?? You must have noticed, it is the reason why you are not getting good night sleep. Smart phone is a need of new era but when you get up, it's a good idea to stay away from your smart phone. It is observed, If you wake up in the middle of the night to check your phone, you're not alone. and it spoils your sleep and that is reflected on your day. Same thing is observed when you check your messages immediately after getting up. Your whole day might get affected by getting addicted to smart phones when you get up. And it is not a good habit to follow. So say no to mobile phone immediately after getting up.

9. Health breakfast-

"An apple a day keeps doctor away.." Breakfast is the important meal of the day. Body needs a healthy breakfast. You can choose fruits or you can choose fruit juices for your breakfast. Also, make sure, whatever you eat is healthy enough and by eating that you will get energy for the whole day. You also choose any food which you like but make sure it is healthy for you. Avoid junk food for the breakfast!!

Last but the most important-

10. A smile-

How many times you laugh in a day? Mostly your answer will be "I hardly smile or laugh during the day!!" But that should not be the way you live your life. Healthy talk and healthy laugh are essential for keeping the mood fresh. And is you start your day with a smile, that sure will show good effects on the whole day. Research says that, when you laugh, your body and mind get relaxed. And that is very essential in the hectic life. So if you want to add a pinch of positivity in your life, don't forget to smile or laugh!!!


Name- Anuja Kulkarni.

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