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Play With Numbers (Part - 3)


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 11

The Day of the Month number is also sometimes referred to as the Personality or Character number. This number is strongly associated with the Life Path number, which if you will recall is calculated from your date of birth.

As this number reveals your personality traits and characteristic behaviors it can mitigate negative aspects of your life path number or enhance them. For instance if you are a number one Life Path Number with a Number 1 Birth Date number you might be a little too much for others to take at times as you would be especially arrogant or self centered. However if you were a Life Path One with a Birth Date number of Nine your arrogance may somewhat be tempered by the humble, self sacrificing nature of number nines.

To calculate this number, simply take the digit that refers to the day you were born. For instance X was born June 7, 1960. X Day of the Month number is 7.

Here is a list of the dominant personality traits that are revealed by your birth date number.


Positive Traits: determination, self-confidence, will power, dignity, and originality

Negative Traits: stubbornness, willfulness, over-sensitivity, arrogance, lack of foresight


Positive Traits: empathetic, compassionate, intuitive, loving, understanding

Negative Traits: insecurity, nervous, self-conscious, needy, moody


Positive Traits: adaptable, resilient, charismatic, communicative, persuasive

Negative Traits: cynicism, irresponsibility, superficiality, overbearing, promiscuity


Positive Traits: organized, perceptive, disciplined, balanced, just

Negative Traits: obsessive, compulsive, tyrannical, demanding, incommunicative


Positive Traits: cooperative, versatile, curious, clever, and analytical

Negative Traits: flippancy, sarcastic, restless, irresponsibility, passive-aggressive


Positive Traits: kind, generous, honest, trustworthy, responsible

Negative Traits: manipulative, a gossip, presumptive, codependency, controlling


Positive Traits: intelligent, ethical, analytical, photographic memory, intuitive

Negative Traits: overly introverted, eccentric, uncommunicative, selfishness, cynicism


Positive Traits: pragmatism, optimism, idealism, stamina, good judgement

Negative Traits: greed, obsessive, careless, controlling, thoughtless


Positive traits: tolerant, compassionate, idealistic, sensitive, sympathetic

Negative Traits: bad judgement, immorality, delusional, arrogance, bitterness


Positive Traits: proactive, positive attitude, energetic, ability, originality

Negative Traits: hasty, sloppy, bossy, ingratitude, overbearing


Positive Traits: imaginative, idealistic, persuasive, spiritual, intuitive

Negative Traits: procrastination, sloth, sarcastic, laziness, temperamental


Positive Traits: energetic, enthusiastic, generous, charismatic, visionary

Negative Traits: selfishness, unfocused, impracticality, irresponsibility, fanatical


Positive Traits: sincerity, honesty, determination, stamina, detailed

Negative Traits: workaholic, repression, resentful, intolerance, compulsive


Positive Traits: cooperative, versatile, organized, analytical, curious

Negative Traits: impatience, restlessness, rebellious, irresponsible, breaking promises


Positive Traits: nurturing, domestic, understanding, artistic, and generous

Negative Traits: codependency, resistance to change, stubborn, manipulative, needy


Positive Traits: technically brilliant, innovative, creative, analytical, original

Negative Traits: emotional repression, misanthropy, irrational, cynicism, coldness


Positive Traits: optimistic, organized, pragmatic, shrewd, good business sense

Negative Traits: lack of follow through, shallow, self-conscious, materialistic, greedy


Positive Traits: creative, humanitarian, philanthropic, generous, broad-minded

Negative Traits: drama queen, codependency, martyr complex, fickle, low-self-esteem


Positive Traits: leadership, self-confidence, charisma, vitality, and enthusiasm

Negative Traits: arrogance, selfishness, over-confidence, flippancy, rebellious


Positive Traits: humorous, sympathetic, charming, affectionate, imaginative

Negative Traits: sarcasm, self-pity, critical, unrealistic, irrational expectation


Positive Traits: versatile, energetic, easygoing, charismatic, good conversationalist

Negative Traits: scattered focus, restlessness, overly sensitive, glib, unreliability


Positive Traits: idealism, pragmatism, creativity, ingenuity, and intuition

Negative Traits: rigidity, nervousness, workaholic, stubborn, fanatical


Positive Traits: charm, wit, charisma, inquisitiveness, persuasive

Negative Traits: restlessness, impatience, easily bored, shallow, disloyalty


Positive Traits: diplomacy, team-player, affection, just, loving

Negative Traits: self-pity, obsessive, workaholic, smothering, fearful


Positive Traits: logical, intuitive, rational, responsible, perfectionist

Negative traits: inflexibility, paranoia, introversion, misanthropy, obsessive


Positive Traits: sociable, cooperative, charming, efficient, ambitious

Negative Traits: manipulative, shallow, materialistic, greedy, exaggerates things


Positive Traits: humanistic, philosophical, broadminded, tolerant, and generous

Negative traits: nervous, linear thinker easily frustrated, stubborn, fanatical


Positive Traits: a leader, will power, self-confidence, originality, and stamina

Negative Traits: cold, unfeeling, workaholic, domineering, obsessive


Positive Traits: idealistic, creative, intuitive, analytic, a "people person"

Negative Traits: lack of follow through, pessimism, self-indulgent, unrealistic, impractical.


Positive Traits: charisma, wit, mimicry, writing ability, expressiveness

Negative Traits: self-centered, drama queen, lack of focus, dreaminess, laziness


Positive Traits: energetic, dependable, reliable, perceptive, detail oriented

Negative Traits: unimaginative, overly serious, over-sensitivity, insecurity, compulsive

In the next lesson I am going to explain how you can use numerology to learn more about the most important life path periods in your life and how you can use an understanding of this to determine your Personal Year number.

Lesson 12

Most people know that you can use numerology to analyze character, abilities, psychological interests and destinies but few people are also aware that you can also use it to predict life cycles.

In numerology the cycle is nine years with a Year 1 personal year signifying a rebirth and the number 9 representing the end or an era or phase in one's life.

Depending on what year it is you could be going through any one of nine cycles including a year 3 which is a year in which you are likely to find creative success or a year 6, which is the year when you are most likely to find a soul mate.

The value of this kind of numerology is that it can tell you what would be a waste of time and focus during a particular cycle. For instance if you are going through a year 7, which is better suited to self improvement and educational improvements you are better off to focus on yourself rather than finding a soulmate which is best accomplished in a year 6.

Have you ever had one of those years where suddenly you made a lot of money and you could do no wrong? In that case you were more than likely experiencing a personal year number 8 which is all about prosperity. In fact if you are entering a personal year number 8 that would be an indicator that it is time to ask for a raise, launch your own business or buy property or investments.

Another type of year that stands out for many is a year number 9. In this cycle it seems that everything that you are not making use of anymore is simply taken away. It is the number of revolution - the process of decay before a rebirth.

A year that might feel as if you are just treading water, might be a number 2 year for you. When you go through this year it feels like you don't get much accomplished no matter what you do!

To calculate your personal year reduce the month and day of your birth to a single digit. Then add this to the year you want to examine (2008)

The Personal Year is helpful in evaluating the trend of the coming calendar year. For a clue as to what lies ahead in the coming year, the current year or any year

calculate your personal year using this formula:

First, reduce the month and day of your birth, your birthday, to a single digit. Let's use George W. Bush as an example. He was born 7/6/1948.

I add together the month and the day of birth which in President Bush's case = 13. This is reduced to the single digit of 4. If your month and day reduce down to one of the master numbers (11 or 22) then reduce them down to 2 or 4 respectively.

I am interested in looking at George Bush's current year, which is 2008. Your next step would be to reduce 2008 down to a single digit. 2008 reduces to 1 (2+0+0+8=10, and 1+0=1).

Now add the reduction of President Bush's month and day which is the number 4 to the reduction of the current year which equals 1: 4+1= 5.

I can also use personal year calculations to look at present and past years as well. For instance during the World Trade Center Attack in 2001, George Bush was going through the a Personal Year 7. The number seven represents analysis, secrecy and genius.

Once again the calculation for figuring out your personal year is very simple. It is your BIRTHDAY plus the MONTH you were born plus the CURRENT YEAR.

Lesson 13

This is the lesson you have been waiting for - the one that tells you the meaning of each personal year (i.e. each phase of your 9 year cycle).

Once again the calculation for figuring out your personal year is very simple. It is your BIRTHDAY plus the MONTH you were born plus the CURRENT YEAR.

For instance X birthday is June 7, 1960 and I want to see what the trends are for the year 2008. The calculation would be 6 + 7 = 13. This equals 4. I then reduce the year 2008 to 1 (2+0+0+8=10, and 1+0=1). 4 and 1 equals 5, so X Personal year for 2008 is 5.

Interpretations of the Numbers:

Personal Year 1:

Planting Seeds, Rebirth, Beginning of An Era This is the beginning of a new nine year cycle. Things that have concerned you for the past decade no longer matter at all, in fact you may find your priorities have changed altogether. Disappointments from the past simply don't matter anymore. Any work that you do during this year sets the tone and foundation for the next nine. This is the time to decide what your goals are and act on them. A personal year 1 also often brings new vitality and physical strength.

Personal Year 2:

Nurturing, Development, Waiting for the Right Moment This is a time during which the seeds of change you have planted during a year 1 cycle start to grow. Ideas or attempts to change can be compared to seeds that are nurtured in darkness and just pushing their tendrils up through the soil. A year 2 is all about patience. It is a year that you should spend finding new allies and kindred spirits and making any necessary personal changes that might be acting as obstacles to your success. Many people find the year 2 to be challenging as it is often filled with obstacles and delays but by the end any trials you experience will only refine your best qualities.

Personal Year 3:

Blossoming, Expansion, Personal and Business Success this is a very happy year during which you see your efforts begin to show fruit. You can expect delightful surprises and gratification in many areas of your life including business, career, friends and love. You exude such enthusiasm for life that others may find you irresistible. Usually during a year 3 you also find that the burden of responsibility is somehow lifted off your shoulders. The only drawback of this year is that it presents you with so many great opportunities that you might be tempted to take on more than you can handle.

Personal Year 4:

Maintenance, Work, Self Control and Responsibility This is a year of hard work and discipline in which you will be struggling to keep up with all the promises you made during year 3. Many find a year 4 to be very frustrating as responsibilities increase. A common metaphor used to describe this year is "one step forward and two steps back." Although it might seem that you are not making much headway, the whole point of a year four is to create a firm foundation that can support the maturing of your life goals over the next couple of years.

Personal Year 5:

Independence, Freedom, Connecting To Others This year positive opportunities may present themselves on all fronts. Many of the obstacles from previous years seem to slip away. Your hard work is rewarded with more personal freedom and a break from restrictive routines. Travel, adventure or additional education might be part of the overall picture. This year is also good for pursuing new employment opportunities or making new friends. You could also change residence. A drawback of this year is that it can make you feel like not working much or bring a tendency to shirk responsibility.

Personal Year 6:

Finding a Soul Mate, Love, Family and Home A personal year 6 intensifies feelings in existing relationships and enables you to make new emotional connections. Many people find a soul mate during this phase. You are most likely to get married or engaged during this harmonious year. Although this can be a wonderful experience it can also be sobering, as it often presents a choice: to make a commitment or not. You may also prefer to spend more time with family or an intimate circle of friends. A friend that you meet during this cycle is likely to become a friend for life.

Personal Year 7:

Reflection, Learning, Self Analysis Even if you have a reputation as an extrovert, a year 7 is likely to put you in the mood to be alone. You may feel like pursuing your interests, travelling or finding a way to escape from business pressures. A year 7 is like a cocooning stage for the psyche, in which you analyze, reflect and try to shed any behaviors, relationships or patterns that may be preventing your personal growth. This year also favors any kind of self-improvement including surgical operations, seeking counseling, therapy or seeking higher education.

Personal Year 8:

Health, Wealth and Abundance This is a potent year that usually gives all aspects of your life a big positive boost but it especially favors your career and money matters. This is a good year to buy a new home, find a new job or put a business plan into action. While you are in a year 8 others find you more attractive and charismatic and many people find themselves thrust into a position of great authority or power during 8's influence. If you focus on making money, you more than likely will during this prosperous cycle.

Personal Year 9:

Death, Taking Personal Inventory, The End of an Era The number 9 year is one of completion and marks the beginning of the ending of everything you have managed to accomplish during the last decade. This is an uncomfortable year for many individuals, especially if they are unable to embrace change. You may feel restless and things that used to interest you may be replaced by new desires. If you are not able to let go of the past willingly, a situation may manifest that forces you to change. This is the year you reap what you sow.

Lesson 14

Now that you have learned how to calculate your personal year, you're about to learn a very sophisticated numerology calculation that is usually only used by professionals. This is called the Life Cycle Number. The Life Cycle Number incorporates the calculation of the Personal Year Number and integrates it with three 28-year cycles to give you an idea of the influences governing an individual's early, adult and later years. In numerology, the human life path is actually divided into three major cycles that are divided by 28 years. Exactly when you will be changing from one life cycle to the next is dependent on your life path number. Your life path number is added to 28, to determine when the change occurs. Don't fret about this too much now as the example below explains the calculation more fully!

Early Life Cycle - any time from age 25 to 35

Middle Life Cycle - any time from age 26 to 61

Later Life Cycle- from 58 to death

These major life cycles can each be assigned their own number and interpretation in numerology to give an overview of the major influences that will dominate your life during any one of these 28-year periods! This type of calculation is a little more complicated than usual because the time at which you will encounter these changes is all based on calculating your Life Path number. The age at which you make the transit from one cycle to the next is subtly determined by this so your next step is to refer to (or calculate) your Life Path Number.

The first thing I want to do is figure out the timing of these cycles. Let's use the celebrity O.J. Simpson as an example. O.J. Simpson was born July 9, 1947. First I will calculate his Life Path number, which if you will recall is the reduction of the birthday to a single number. Simpson's Life path number is 7+9+(1+9+4+7) = 7+9+3 = 21. Like many celebrities his Life Path number is a 3. Add 28 years to that Life Path Number (3) and you determine the age around which Simpson makes his transition to his next life cycle. In Simpson's case it is 31. His Middle Life cycle would span through the next 31 years (28+3) marking his entrance into his later life cycle at age 62.

Now for determining the numbers that rule each of your cycles, Your Early Cycle is your month of birth. In the example of July 9, 1947 (Simpson's case), numerologically July is reduced to 7. Your Mid Life Cycle is your day of birth reduced to a single-digit or until a Master number is encountered. In Simpson's case the number is 9. Your Late Life Cycle is your year of birth reduced to a single-digit or until a Master number is encountered. In our example, 1947 reduces to 21. (2+1 =3) Simpson's late life cycle is a 3.

The years you make your transition from one Life Cycle to the next, are always extremely important and quite often represent significant milestones in your life. As mentioned above, you can determine the year that these transitions will happen by adding your Life Path number to 28 years. Simpson's first life cycle ends at age 31 (28+3). His later life cycle will occur another 31 years after that when he turns age 62.

Just to be clear here is an example with a different date. Your First Period Cycle is your month of birth. In the example of October 12, 1936, the 10 for October is reduced to 1. Please note that if the number adds up to Master number 11 or 22 that you do not reduce them in the last part of the calculation.

Simpson's early Life Cycle number is 7. This is the mark of a loner and an eccentric who may be somewhat divorced from is emotions. It is also a marker of extreme intelligence, even brilliance. However emotionally, it may have been very difficult for him to relate to other people. Usually sevens tend to live in their own little world. This number suggests that O.J. had a very difficult, even traumatic childhood. Frustration and deprivation may have created a competitive individual who may have never matured emotionally.

After the age of thirty one, Simpson's middle life cycle was a nine. This is a number that symbolizes massive transformation and abrupt change. Nine symbolizes the long-term resolution of spiritual or physical issues so it is interesting that his court trial that took place at that time came to have such an impact on both the public and race relations.

When he turns 62 in 2009, he enters a later life cycle that is represented by the number 3. Three marks are period of fame or infamy. It could be that there is another incident that brings Simpson's behavior to the forefront of public knowledge or it could be simply suggesting that his controversial reputation will last beyond the grave.

Lesson 15

As you may recall from the previous lesson, the numerological calculations of the Early Life Numbers describe what influences the first 28 years of any one person's life.

Here are the interpretations for all the Early Life Cycle Numbers which cover the influences from age 0 to age 28.

Early Life Cycle Number 1

You were a strong-willed, talented and independent child. You may have left home at an early age. Your career often gets off to a great start, as you are so ambitious. Your self- confidence and individuality brings you prodigious successes in life. Although the influence is generally positive, you may have had difficulty with your parents or authority figures that may have never been able to manage your innate stubbornness.

Early Life Cycle Number 2

You were probably a very sensitive and difficult child. Your early years may have been traumatic, even abusive and many of your emotions may be suppressed as a result. You have a great deal of drive and ambition but usually this comes from a sense of insecurity that you need to prove you are better than others are. Handling your emotions and keeping relationships and situations in perspective might be difficult for you during the first three decades of your life.

Early Life Cycle Number 3

You were an intelligent, inquisitive child with a photographic memory and the ability to absorb information quickly. This number denotes you as possessing a creative talent that in some way may have been recognized or exploited by older people. You make friends (including the kind that can help you with your career) easily. Your first three decades may have been spent as a performer or artist and often this number brings some measure of fame (or infamy) with it.

Early Life Cycle Number 4

You were intelligent, patient and humanistic as a child but your expression may have been stifled by a childhood filled with discipline and restrictions. It can also indicate early years that were filled with poverty or abuse. Usually a person with this number has to fight great odds to succeed and often they do. The upside of this is that you have a stamina, empathy and self-sufficiency during this period that are normally not characteristic of others of comparable experience or age.

Early Life Cycle Number 5

Divorce, separation or an emotionally ill parent may have marked your childhood. You are sensitive, intelligent and have a wonderful imagination. However these virtues might fuel a tendency towards escapism and addictive behavior. You may also be plagued by insecurity and indecision, which makes it difficult for you to settle on one goal or vocation. Often 5s are late bloomers or switch careers every few years because they are so restless. It is a 5 who is most likely to interrupt education with travel.

Early Life Cycle Number 6

You were a bit of an old soul, even as a child. This number is about self-sacrifice for the greater good of the whole. You may have had to care for siblings or support a family thanks to an irresponsible or absent parent. You often stick close to your family well into your twenties and may fear reprisal if you leave the nest. Sixes are often late bloomers in life, as the first three decades of their lives are filled with a lack of opportunity to put themselves first.

Early Life Cycle Number 7

You will probably be identified as a genius early on in life and depending on your circumstances either be reviled for it or encouraged to be a prodigy. You may not have many friends, which is fine as you live in the world of books and knowledge. Chances are that you spend your first thirty years feeling left out of things and misunderstood. Rather than fight to gain approval, you may have opted to be alone. You find kindred spirits in academically minded friends and employers.

Early Life Cycle Number 8

You may have been born into wealthy circumstances or into a status conscious household where the prime focus was money. Children and young adults with this number often mistake sex for affection. They also appear shallow or materialistic. You may spend your first three decades feeling as if something is missing. You have the potential to make a great deal of money before you are thirty but this may create more strife than happiness in your life.

Early Path Number 9

This signifies a very difficult and emotionally stressful childhood. You may spend your first thirty years focusing on others rather than yourself in order to please an abusive or mentally ill parent. Behavioral issues and addictions may also plague a Life Cycle Number 9 who often gets off to a slow start with regards to academic or career. More than any other number, nines have the cruelest circumstances to overcome yet somehow their hardship also leads to more spiritual sophistication.

Early Path Number 11

This master number generally produces a child that may be a bit of a genius, but also to some extent crippled by a "gift" of some kind. Number 11 youngsters often feel very out of place as they often possess enhanced intuition or great intelligence however their parents usually cannot afford to cultivate these gifts. Many 11s often suffer from emotional imbalances and nervous problems until after age 28 when they learn to handle their talents.

Please note that there is no Early Path Number 22 as there is no month in the year that adds up to 22. However the master number 22 is read for Middle and Later Life Cycles.