Play With Numbers (Part - 2) in English Philosophy by Acharya. Deepak Sika books and stories PDF | Play With Numbers (Part - 2)

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Play With Numbers (Part - 2)


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 6

Now that you know how to calculate your life expression number, you are ready to read the interpretations.

In case you've forgotten, all you need to do calculate your Life Expression number treat each of your names separately and add up the values according to the conversion chart below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Then you reduce all of your names to a single digit (unless it reduces to a master number such as 22 or 11 in which case the interpretations stand on their own).

Here are the interpretations for the Life Expression number that reveals hidden potential and personality traits that may not be so obvious! Remember that this number is very different from your Life Path number, which determines what you are born with.

The Life Expression number explores what you are able to achieve using latent talents or abilities that can be explored or developed.

Life Expression Number 1

You express yourself best through independence. Your talents include originality, creativity and the ability to launch plans into motion. You have the potential to become very prosperous as a result of applying these skills.

Socially or professionally, a number 1 is the person that makes "things happen." They make great entrepreneurs and do well by striking out on their own. Your highest potential in life is to become the leader of something great.

Life Expression Number 2

You express yourself best by relating to others. You are a diplomat and a peacemaker. Socially you make so many friends that you often develop the capability to pull strings behind the scenes. As you are so modest sometimes one of your challenges is to accept credit for your work.

You work best in a team and success in general for you is often about "who you know." You also do well when you ally yourself with a person who is much more powerful than you.

Life Expression Number 3

You express yourself best through the arts. These include writing, speaking, singing, acting, litigating, and teaching; selling, designing and composing music. One often-unexploited talent of a number 3 is their natural ability to uplift others with their words and ideas. Their true purpose in life is to inspire and motivate others with their creations and optimism.

You find happiness when you focus on your artistic goals. Fame is also often in the potential future of a 3 whose highest potential is performance.

Life Expression Number 4

You express yourself best by creating energy. You are highly systematic by nature. You thrive in orderly corporate atmospheres. Your unique skills include project management, administration and anything to do with organization.

Number 4's also make excellent surgeons, architects, engineers, musicians and teachers. They work well with their hands and have an innate understanding of structure, design and rhythm. Your highest potential is to invent or create a plan that eases mankind's burdens.

Life Expression Number 5

You express yourself best through the movement of energy. You are often blessed with numerous talents and abilities and have the potential to sustain a couple of careers at once. Your deepest desire is to travel and experience as many new things as possible.

You are a philosophical individual who is endlessly fascinated by human nature. Your highest potential is the imparting or delivery of the kind of wisdom that could never be taught in a school although many of you also make great teachers in the traditional sense.

Life Expression Number 6

You express yourself best through the balance of energy. Many sixes excel as doctors, nurses psychologists and any occupation that involves taking care of the elderly, the sick or the poor.

These exceptional individuals are born with an innate talent of uplifting the spirits of others, especially during hard times. Some of them do this through service and others accomplish this through art, music or writing. Your highest potential is restoring balance to ailing individuals or communities.

Life Expression Number 7

You express yourself best by not expressing yourself at all. This is because you are more than likely a genius. Your supreme intelligence often makes you so you often don't even bother communicating with others. You could excel at any area of science, literature or metaphysics.

You may have a secret passion for the occult, social anthropology or religion. The highest potential of your life expression number is the invention of new thought or theory and the finding of a single individual that is intelligent enough to comprehend you.

Life Expression Number 8

You express yourself best by creating prosperity. You have a natural knack for making money that is unrivalled by the other numbers. You have the potential for considerable achievement in business or other powerful positions, however many of you are simply born into wealthy families. Number 8s make excellent bankers, stockbrokers and accountants but you can succeed in any area as long as you have something to buy or sell. Your highest potential in life is to get rich and then share the wealth!

Life Expression Number 9

You express yourself best by seeking truth. Number 9's destiny often lies within the sphere of humanitarian causes. They make excellent teachers, counselors and priests.

Nines are not very career driven and are born with an innate understanding of human nature. These kind, considerate and compassionate individuals are often also blessed with literary or artistic gifts as well. Your highest potential in life is to achieve enlightenment.

Life Expression Number 11

You express yourself best through your spirituality. Number 11's are conduits of spiritual information that often feel a great need to transform the world with their visions. Many are involved in the occult or religion. You may feel drawn to becoming a priest, tarot reader, astrologer, metaphysician, light-worker or Reiki master.

11's have an innate spiritual strength and acute awareness of others that often has a positive transformative effect on other people's lives. Your highest potential in life is to lead others to enlightenment.

Life Expression 22

You express yourself best through building a better world. The number 22 is called the Master Builder because they are capable of manifesting great changes on the earthly plane. They usually do this through the construction of some kind of empire, whether it is of a social, financial or religious nature.

They are masters of manifestation who know how the power of a negative thought or image can destroy potential. You fulfill your highest potential by bringing ideals into every day reality.

Now that you have mastered the calculation and interpretation of both your Life Path and Life Expression you are ready to move onto a higher plane - the calculation of the Soul Urge Number.

Lesson 7

There is living and then there is feeling alive! Calculating your soul number can help you get back in touch with what really moves you in your life, your reason for being and what gives you true fulfillment.

If you are depressed or seem to be going in the wrong direction in life, the calculation of the soul number can remind you what puts a lift in your step and the sparkle back in your eyes.

Your Soul Number, which defines your very essence or heart's desire, is calculated using the vowels in the name that appeared on your birth certificate.

First of all, eliminate all the consonants from your birth name by adding together the numerical equivalents displayed on the chart below.

A 1

E 5

I 9

O 6

U 3

For amusement's sake let's take the example of Paris Hilton as this case study. A person who seems very materialistic and a little shallow; in other words it is difficult to see what her real heart's desire might be on the surface.

Paris' full birth name is Paris Whitney Hilton. After we eliminate all the consonants from her name I end up with:


I then would refer to the above chart and add the numerical equivilents of the vowels in her name together as in:

1+9 + 9+5 + 9+6 = 39

Adding 3 + 9 gives us 12. Adding 1 + 2 gives us 3.

So Paris Hilton's soul number is a 3.

There are no surprises here. Paris Hilton's soul urge is to delight and amuse others. Threes are the performers and entertainers of the numerology system and one mark of a three is that they will always crave fame. Three is definitely the number of the showoff, which is fully displayed by her love of outrageous clothing.

The fact that she is a three also explains why Hllton, who does not need to work for a living, spends so much of her time modeling, acting and making personal appearances. This call to greater things can make her quite inflexible emotionally. All of her energy would be channeled into career and travel as opposed to putting down roots anywhere.

The romantic life of a three is often marked by very rocky phases. It is difficult for others to understand the three's need to find approval outside the sphere of a relationship. This is because mass approval often means more to them than an individual intimacy.

In love three is the number of separation and people with a soul urge number three may often find something coming between them and love. Usually this issue is career or travel but many threes find themselves being the odd man out in a love triangle.

Because of their mercurial natures threes often always find themselves in a series of relationships and rarely stay put in one relationship for life. In the case of Hilton's most recent relationship with another Paris, it seems that her scandalous reputation was the element that came between her and the approval of his billionaire parents.

Lesson 8

In the last newsletter, I introduced you to the concept of the Soul Urge number, which is constructed from the vowels of your name. As a bit of a refresher here is the chart that tells you how to calculate this number which reveals the passions that feed your spirit.

A 1

E 5

O 6

U 3

Only count the value of the vowels in your name and add them together and reduce to a single digit as usual to calculate your soul number.

Here are the interpretations.

Soul Urge #1

Your soul urge is to be the best. As you believe you are directly connected to a higher power you just can't bear it when you let yourself and others down. In your universe you are the sun and everything and everybody else rotates around you. You live to be the center of attention. One of your soul lessons might be to recognize that "to rule is truly to serve."

Soul Urge #2

Your soul urge is to be admired and loved by all. The height of personal gratification for you is to be desired by a special someone. You have an enormous faith in other people and if they do let you down you tend to behave as if it's the end of the world. One of your soul challenges is to realize that only God is perfect and others are not god-like in their actions.

Soul Urge #3

Your soul urge is about the cultivation and expression of your personality. Usually this energy manifests as a great achievement in the theatrical or artistic world. You shine at any kind of activity that involves public performance including acting, singing or politics. You desire to be admired for your craft and one of your soul challenges might be to recognize that there will always be a critic.

Soul Urge #4

Stability, beauty and order satiate your soul. You find a Zen-like satisfaction in performing the simplest of repetitive chores as you feel closest to God when you are restoring harmony to unbalanced situations. You are a perfectionist that loves art and design. One of the challenges of your number is that sometimes others don't understand your need for everything to be perfect and see you as controlling.

Soul Urge #5

Change fuels the fires of your inner passions. You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only satisfied by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth. One of the challenges of this soul number is setting down real roots and foundations in life.

Soul Urge #6

Your soul urge is to nurture and take care of others. You love people and believe the greatest expression of your inner divinity is through teaching and guidance. You are happiest when you see the positive results of your influence blossom in other people. However, you also have a tendency to become very attached to a perceived soulmate. One of your challenges is to learn to "let go" when relationships end.

Soul Urge #7

The highest calling of your soul is to learn about everything scientific and esoteric. It is knowledge that feeds your soul. You love to read and subjects such as history, science, metaphysics, physics, archaeology and religion fuel your rich imagination with inspiration and ideas. Many of you are geniuses and because of this one of the challenges of your number is to be understood by a stupid world.

Soul Urge #8

Your soul urge is to "go forth and multiply" especially when it comes to family dynasties and aggregating wealth. The highest expression of your soul urge number is when you are in power and improving the lives of those that work for you or love you. You support anything that brings beauty, meaning and profit to the world. The challenge of this number is to realize that "money isn't everything."

Soul Urge #9

The highest expression of your soul's urge is to connect in a mystical way with others. Although your aspirations are lofty, you are also a humanitarian who is often gifted with a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Your faith in yourself, God and the future is so strong that you live by your convictions. Your challenge in life is to be understood as more than a fanatic or flake by others who may not understand your idealism.

Soul Urge #11

Your soul's purpose is to manifest ideals into reality; Your highest calling is to become the master of a religion or of a spiritual realm. You are the ultimate seeker of truth and will go to any lengths to find a spiritual teacher or guru. This search often leads you on a path that is full of many pitfalls and disappointments as you realize that one spiritual system doesn't work for you or that a guru or teacher is only human after all.

Soul Urge #22

You have the highest soul calling of all of the numbers, as it is the call to transform the world permanently and for the better. Usually you are born with all of the tools that you need to accomplish this including a stable personality, intelligence, courage and charisma. Perhaps the most healing thing for your soul is simply to read out loud the words of ancient texts as these writings resonate very strongly with the noblest aspirations of your higher self.

Lesson 9

Your karmic number interpretation tells you what you need to do in order to correct your actions from previous lives. It can also help provide invaluable instruction as to what to do so that you can reap the rewards of the seeds that you sow in this life.

The karmic number, which is created from the consonants in your name as it appeared on your birth certificate, can also reveal your deepest hopes, desires, fears and anxieties. This number is an indicator of the subconscious mind and it's inner workings particularly when it comes to compulsive or irrational urges and behavior.

It describes your Achilles heel and where you may be bound to go wrong in life even though you are well intentioned. It can also help you figure out why you may be achieving the opposite of what you want to achieve in life. Another interesting aspect of the karmic number is that it can give you an idea of how others see you when it comes to first impressions.

To divine your karmic number, you must first add together all of the letters of your full birth name. For example, let's take the example of actor Jennifer Aniston, whose full name is Jennifer Lynn Aniston. Using the chart below we would take all of the consonants in her name and assign them the numerical equivalents as designated on the chart below.

A J S 1

B K T 2

C L U 3

D M V 4

E N W 5

F O X 6

G P Y 7

H Q Z 8

I R 9

Her name without the vowels reads as:

Jnnfr Lnn nstn

This adds up to

1+5+5+6+9+3+5+5+5+1+2+5 = 52

5+2 is reduced to a 7

Jennifer Aniston's karmic number is seven.

Being a karmic number seven Aniston may have a lot of difficulty being understood. She may be a bad communicator, especially in a one on one relationship. The unfortunate thing here is that because number sevens are so bright they are almost always right. Unfortunately, the truth that they uncover about situations is usually very painful.

A seven's life is also sometimes marked by introversion and a dislike of being in the public eye. Many of them also feel superior to the masses. This would make the beneficent Angelina Jolie, who relates well to people of all walks of life, a very mysterious and formidable foe for Aniston.

Sevens who find themselves in a situation that publicly humiliates them as Aniston has been by the love triangle between her husband Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie do not easily recover. As sevens are very delicate individuals who are very sensitive there is no doubt that Aniston is really hurt by the failure of her marriage. Sevens also have very rich imaginations so there is no doubt that she is tortured by the memory of her lost love.

Typical of many sevens, Aniston has also been fated to have a difficult relationship with one parent, in this case her mother, who she is currently estranged from. Sometimes these difficulties can also cause riffs in their personal lives as adults.

This was certainly true of Aniston's relationship with Brad Pitt. True to the "damned if you do and damned if you don't" element of the number seven karmic number, Aniston may have let her family problems influence her potential to have her own family as her husband was distressed by her inability to get along with her mother. In this case her insecurity and fear of her own family may have repelled her ultimate objective - to live happily ever after with Brad Pitt.

Number sevens can also naturally seem very selfish or self- centered. This is a reaction to what they perceive as a lack of support and understanding in their lives from day one. When the facts are not supporting their inner reality a seven will often retreat into work or shut off emotionally completely.

When traumatized by a bad experience with a relationship, it would be typical of a seven to escape into their own little world. As sevens are usually very emotionally complex and have relationships that are often overly influenced by a difficult childhood or past, it is very probable that Jennifer Aniston may find it nearly impossible to put all of her trust in a partner again.

Lesson 10

In the last lesson I discussed the unique nature of the karmic number, which tells you about your psychological vulnerabilities and strengths, the limitations that fate may have to offer you and the first impression that you make on others.

To refresh your memory, calculate your Karmic number by eliminating all the vowels from your name. Assign the consonants the numerical equivalents as designated on the chart below and then reduce the number to a single digit.

A J S 1

B K T 2

C L U 3

D M V 4

E N W 5

F O X 6

G P Y 7

H Q Z 8

I R 9

Karmic Number 1

Your best way to reap good karma in this life is to concentrate less on your own aims, and show others the way to their success. Practicing stewardship, mentorship and philanthropy helps you make decisions about the course of your own life. Your biggest fear is to be ignored. You may appear as controlling or selfish to others at first impression.

Karmic Number 2

Loving yourself and taking care of yourself will enable you to love and take care of others in this life without sacrificing your dignity and self-esteem. Practice letting go of such toxic emotional habits as possessiveness, jealousy and obsession. Your biggest fear is abandonment. Others' first impression of you may be that of a needy or manipulative individual.

Karmic Number 3

Do the creative things you love just for the sheer joy of doing them and the money will come. If you start feeling that the world owes you a living, immediately go out and practice an act of random kindness or charity to humble yourself. Being smothered, bored or trapped are among your biggest fears. You may appear threatening or meddlesome to others at first impression.

Karmic Number 4

Achieving world peace is one thing, but first one must be harmonious inside. As you are such a caretaker of others, you are advised to take time out from your focus on others and regularly reconnect with your higher self by practicing yoga or meditation. Your biggest fear is that things will slide into disorder or chaos. You may appear to others as fanatical or boring at first impression.

Karmic Number 5

You attract the best karma by sacrificing the spotlight to others once in a while, no matter how untalented they may seem to you. Realize that everybody has a right to express themselves without judgement or criticism from you. Dispensing with pride and learning to be humble is often corrective to your karma. Others first impression of you might be of an egotistical or judgmental individual.

Karmic Number 6

You attract the best fortune by doing unto others, as they would do unto you. Your karma is vastly improved if you can get past the idea that you must save up your love for that one special someone and treat everyone you meet as specially as you would your soul mate. Your biggest fear is that others will take credit for your work. On first impression, others may see you as a social climber or as taking others for granted.

Karmic Number 7

Number 7's can improve their karma by extending a helping hand to those they would normally consider to be contemptible in behavior. Snobbishness can also be a problem. 7's can also create good karma by learning to master their greatest fears such as fear of abandonment and fear of "letting go." The first impression that others may have of you is that you are too complicated or neurotic to get to know well.

Karmic Number 8

Number 8's reap the greatest karmic rewards by having faith and working diligently to accomplish their goals no matter what others say. As 8s are often wealthy, they reap what they sow by donating at least 10% of their income to charities. Your biggest fear is poverty. Others' first impressions of you might be of a greedy or shallow individual.

Karmic Number 9

Number 9's can correct their karma by displaying more faith in the concept that the universe is a benevolent, rather than a cruel place. Detaching from their emotions and consistently displaying an upbeat and positive attitude usually brings them great rewards. Your biggest fear is that others will never trust you or vice versa. Others' first impression of you might be of a person that is desperately seeking approval or as passive aggressive.

Karmic Number 11

Master number 11's reap the greatest karmic rewards by having faith in their intuition as opposed to their rational minds. Elevens's need to work on their faith and trust in other people as fate has a way of only bringing them what they expect. If an 11 expects the worst than he or she will get the worst. If she or he expects the best, then they are usually blessed. Your biggest fear is that there is no God. Othe people's first impression of you might include words such as "flaky" or "eccentric."

Karmic Number 22

Master number 22's succeed the best if they learn to control the thoughts that rule their subconscious mind. As they are the ultimate manifesters of dreams into reality, a 22 reaps the greatest rewards by choosing his or her thoughts carefully. Positive thoughts bring a 22 positive things. Negative thoughts often manifest as roadblocks to success or prosperity. Your biggest fear is that you will let others down. Others first impression of you is often very positive. They see you as a leader or mentor and they are right.