Sun and Stars in English Short Stories by P Kumar books and stories PDF | Sun and Stars

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Sun and Stars

Our Sun and Stars

It was a small tree. It grew as possible as it can deep into a thick dark forest. It was bearing very beautiful flowers. There was not a single tree of it’s kind, other than that in that forest. It was a wonder how it came there. Although the tribes saw it they never listened to it.

He was a small time story writer and a little unknown philosopher. In the morning he was reading news paper and taking tea as usual.

“North Korea exploded hydrogen bomb”, and their deputy UN ambassador Kim in Ryong told the UN General assembly’s disarmament committee that his country has the right to possess nuclear weapon in self-defence.

Yes that is correct. Not country anybody has the right to possess the weapon of his choice in self- defence, if the country’s law allow.

He told his country completed its state nuclear force and became the full-fledged nuclear power. The entire US main land is within their firing range and if the US dares to invade our sacred territory even an inch it will not escape our severe punishment in any part of the globe.

On hearing this, his wife who was busy in making breakfast in the kitchen asked .What is hydrogen bomb. Is it a big balloon filled with hydrogen gas or a big cylinder filled with hydrogen gas like cooking gas cylinder kept in our kitchen.

He laughed loudly and told.

No. No .No.

You fool, don’t ask questions like an illiterate village woman.

She asked, then what is hydrogen bomb. Is it like an atom bomb

Yes. Both are almost similar. Both are nuclear weapon.

Hi son was reading his text book. He closed it and came close to him

There are two types of nuclear weapon, and they make use of the strong nuclear forces, by either splitting very large atoms like uranium-235 or plutonium, nuclear fission in an atom bomb or by squeezing very small atoms, nuclear fusion in a hydrogen bomb.

Both process release vast amount of energy.

Very few types of atoms are both size and abundant enough to make a nuclear weapon.

It is either uranium-235 or plutonium for fission bomb otherwise called atom bomb .Or a mixture of deuterium and triton, both of them are rare forms of hydrogen, for nuclear fusion or the so called hydrogen bomb.

To collect weapon grade uranium is not easy. You need a concentrated, otherwise enriched uranium -235 which is only about 1% of naturally occurring uranium.

The other 99% uranium-238 does not work for an atom bomb, because it does not split apart easily enough. Separating these two forms, or isotopes - which are identical in almost every way but differ slightly in weight is hard.

In fission weapon or atom bomb, when one atom of uranium -235 for instance ,split apart ,just as nuclear power plants do, it releases two neutron. If each neutron hits another atom of uranium -235 those two will split, each releasing another two neutrons and so on. This happens only if there is enough uranium-235 in one place.

The problem with tritium- an isotope of hydrogen is even greater. First of all there is nearly no naturally occurring tritium. So it has to be synthesized which are not easy to build and generate tiny amount of tritium at a time.

The hydrogen bomb also called thermonuclear bomb, use fusion – or atomic nuclei coming together – to produce explosive energy. Nuclear fusion requires condition that exists inside Sun; extremely high temperature and pressure, millions of times of what we have on Earth. And the nuclear fuel needs to be held under those conditions for long enough to kick start fusion.

The technology of hydrogen bomb is very sophisticated and once attained it is a great threat. It can also be made small enough to fit in the head of an ICBM.

Although technical secrets remain secret, one way to create these Sun like condition is to first have a nuclear fission explosion. In other words, you need to make an atom bomb that then set off a hydrogen bomb. But, the pay off can be thousands of times more destructive than the relatively simple atomic bomb. In other words, hydrogen bombs are far more powerful than the relatively simple atomic weapon.

The biggest hydrogen bomb ever tested is said to be by the Soviet Union. When they demonstrated the power of “staging” concept in 1961,when they detonated the massive an unwieldy Tsar Bomb a 50 mega ton hydrogen bomb that derived almost 97% of its energy from fusion and yield 50000 kilo ton TNT. It was the largest nuclear weapon ever developed and tested by any country. It was more than 3000 times bigger than the atom bomb that was used in Hiroshima.

When it was tested in a remote part of Russia, it was predicted that anyone within 100 km of the blast would have suffered third degree burns from the radiation released. After the test it was observed that the blast wave broke window pans, 900 km away. That is if explosion have occurred in Delhi it would have broken windows of Mumbai and kolkata.

Such device could evaporate our entire national capital region completely. No one would stay alive.

The “little boy” atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima during the world war2 yielded roughly 15 kilo ton TNT.

The “fat man” bomb dropped on Nagasaki was about 20 kilo ton TNT.

The atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which together killed more than 200,000 people.

As opposed to the atomic bombs - the kind dropped on Japan by the US in the closing days of World War 2, the hydrogen bomb can be 1000 times more powerful.

Oh my God! Two lakh people! Where they civilians or soldiers?

Bomb doesn’t have the power to identify the civilian and soldiers.

Then so many animals and birds also may have dead.


During the regime of Kingdom when one king attacked another country to capture that country they never attacked civilians.

Yes. I know.

His son told .I have read in my text books that our Sun and Stars are nothing but massive fusion reactors. Sun is the star at the center of the solar system. It formed about 4.6 billion years ago from the collapse of part of a giant molecular cloud that consisted mostly of hydrogen and helium and that probably gave birth to the Sun and many other Stars. It is nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process. About 73% of Sun’s mass consists of hydrogen. Rest is mostly helium.

The central mass became so hot and dense that it eventually initiated nuclear fusion in its core. Nuclear fusion reaction in its core fuse hydrogen in to helium.

The Sun doesn’t have enough mass to explode as a Super nova. Instead it will exist in the main sequence in approximately 5 billion years and start to turn in to a red giant .As a red giant the Sun will grow so large that it will engulf Mercury, Venus and probably Earth.

Oh my God! Then all living things on the Earth will be vanished from the earth.

His wife again asked while washing the glasses in the kitchen.


Why you bother about what happens after 5 billion years? Do you know what is, 5 billion years.

He laughed loudly and continued.

By that time so many new philosophers and scientists will bourn and they will come with new definition for the Sun and stars and the world will accept them.

One of the first people to offer a scientific or philosophical explanation for the Sun was the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. He reasoned that it was not the chariot of Helios, but a giant flaming ball of metal even larger than the land of Peloponnesus and that the moon reflects the light of the Sun.

For teaching this heresy, he was imprisoned by the authorities and sentenced to death.

Have you read Bhagavad Gita, written by the ancient Indian saint cum story writer Veda Vyasa, millions of years ago. What he wrote.

Nothing existing will be destroyed

Nothing new will originate.

Sir Isaac Newton also told almost in the same manner.

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.

One day the hydrogen gas in the Sun will be fully fused into helium. Then there will be no fusion reaction in the Sun, like our power plants stop producing power when the fuel is fully burned out and no stock of fuel.

In that condition how the Sun can produce light and heat. And how the Sun can grow and engulf Mercury, Venus and Earth?

The theory of birth of Sun, stars and planets are imagination of scientists and philosophers. Nobody can prove it. It may or may not contain hydrogen and helium.

His wife asked. As a philosopher have you any explanation for the Sun?

Yes definitely!

Then what?

Sun is not an object.

It is a point where positive and negative charges collides each other.

Then you also will be imprisoned and sentence to death by the authorities!
