In Love 7 times in English Love Stories by Ambalika Sharma books and stories PDF | In Love 7 times

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In Love 7 times


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I moved on and concentrated on my studies. I was in sixth std. when this unexpected incident happened. His name was Mohit. I hated him more than anyone did. Since childhood he always used to tease me, fought with me on small things, many times he even broke my pencils. He was a nightmare.

I was standing near classroom door and he passed by hitting me with his shoulder.

“I will kill him someday”, I said to my friend.

“ha ha”, she laughed.

“ok come on class get inside”, teacher said entering.

We all settled down.

“Sooooo before starting I would like to amend few things in your class. As terminal exams are ahead and I want you all to pay more attention in class rather than talking and making noise. And for thaaat reason I am going to change your seats…aannn….”

“Nnoooooooooooooo maam! noo please. You cannot do that”, we all started shouting.

“Quite. Quite I said”, she spoke loudly. “It is necessary as I have got so many complaints of yours. It is temporary settlement and I want you all to be sincere now.”

She started changing seats. As someone’s seat was changed, we all would laugh because she was making pair of those who were in kind of war with each other. After finishing with half of the class, she announced my name. Then she started looking for boy who was to fit in with me.

“mmm ok Mohit get up. Ammy you have to share bench with him” she said smiling

“OHH MY GOD! not him” I murmured.

So all laughed as earlier I was. I wished for dying rather sitting with him.

The school bell rang.

“Hope you all enjoy your classes” teacher went out saying with a cunning smile, as she would get reward for this act.

We came out of classes.

From next day the torture began. He was so talkative. So many teachers would call my name to be quite. My reputation was on stake. He in the middle of class would tug my hairs.

“O GOD! please mujhe utha lo”

After tolerating him for one two months, it happened. He was absent.

“yesssss” I wished to fly. Whole bench was mine. I wanted to dance.

But as the day matured my happiness diminished. Everyone was busy with his or her bench mate.

I felt alone. At that time things reminded. Although he was a busy mouth but it was good.

“What is wrong with me? Why I am feeling so different?” I was unable to understand. He did not show up for three days. I was restless but could not show that. The next day as I entered the class I saw his bag on the bench. A smile automatically rolled over my face.

“Oooops” I looked here and there if anyone would have noticed me smiling.

I rushed towards desk. The bell rang and we all settled.

“Idiot where were you these days? I hit him on his shoulder.” You should at least confirm before taking holidays”

“Ooooo being concerned” he said smiling

“Do your work. Why would I care? If you wish, be absent for whole year” I was speaking to him but could not make an eye contact.

“I would tell you next time” and he hugged me from side.

A deep cold wave moved in from head to toe. Now I instead of getting irritated would smile on his mischiefs. Things were changing now and so were we.

“Hey Ammy can you please help me with this math’s assignment. I am not getting these theorems.”

If it was old Ammy she would have definitely said no but the new me said smiling,”Ok I will do it for you”

“Thank youuuuuuuuuuu”, he hugged me and kissed me on face.

He left but I felt him still there kissing me. I came home and fell on bed lost in his thoughts.

“huh”, I said and closed my eyes. I imagined I was falling from a height and he was there to catch me. I fall on his arms and weeeeee…..

“Ammy Ammy open the door. What are you doing?”

“No, nothing mom”

“Change your clothes and come down.”

I looked in mirror. I was not able to look into my own eyes. I was in love, in love with Mohit. I was happy actually feeling like a happiest person on this planet. After terminals, we all scored well.

“I am very happy to see your results and now your punishment is over. You can change back your seats.” The teacher said

“yeeeeeyeeee Thank you ma’am.” All rushed.

“No not now. You can do it after class”, she said.

It was now a punishment for me. Except me, whole class was happy.

“Bye Ammy”, he said and shifted on his friend’s bench and my friend on my bench.

Now I have to live with this cruel decision of teacher.

I always found him looking at me. His that one look would take my breadth. His smile that I hated the most now was my life. I loved him silently for four years. With this growing time, my love was getting deeper. One thing that was odd was my size. I gain weight. I knew true love matters and he would too love me. I decided to confess before him. It was our farewell. We were in 10th STD. We all gathered in the school hall. The party began and we all were entitled. After having, snacks all moved to dance floor. He was sitting on the chair in the corner. I gained all my strength and headed towards him. He woke up smiling and moved towards me. I was happy, as he too loved me. He was coming closer and my heart was beating faster and faster. I closed my eyes as he came closer.

“I love you,” he said

I opened my eyes a girl was hugging him.”I love you too,” she said. He did not used to look at me. It was she. She used to sit back to me in class. In practical, she used to stand beside me. He liked her. I walked back. I felt like the room is shrinking. In such a noise, I could hear nothing. I ran back to home and locked my room. Cried and cried and cried.

“How can I be so stupid? How can I not see the reality?”

Our final exams were ahead. It was hard for me to concentrate. I stopped talking and mostly used to sit alone in my room with lights turned off. I gathered all my frustration and put it in my studies, as I wanted to score high so that I could get admission in good school away from here. I liked nothing about that place, as it would remind me of him. I mostly saw him roaming with that girl in the market, which would freshen up my wounds. The exams were over and I hoped for good score.
