The Clown s Game in English Moral Stories by VK Raval books and stories PDF | The Clown s Game

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The Clown s Game

After he stopped there, he was blocking our way, so I raised my hands in a 'What the hell, what are you doing' way. He climbed down from his cycle, put the side stand and stood with his hands turned into fists, head facing the wet mud and a little gap between his legs. 'Why you blocking our way, have you gone mad, do you want to encounter the mad Sanki again and get trapped' said krish in an angry manner. He lifted his head 'What did you say mad Sanki. Don't talk about me like that unless you want face death' he said in a double voice just like when a spirit enters a person and the way he or she speaks (it happens in horror movies frequently). I don't know about others but I was really scared, so scared that I literally started sweating, 'Yaksh can you stop it, you're pissing me off my pants, just stop all this nonsense and let's go' I said, wiping my sweat from my forehead. He lifted his head to face me; I observed that his face had turned red hot it seemed like he was very angry. 'You think it is NONSENSE!!' he yelled the last word so loud that it almost deafened my ears. Suddenly some changes occurred in his body, he grew long arms with thorns instead of finger nails, his height increased from 5''5' which is a normal teenager height to 9''5' which is not at all a normal height but instead is the height of a monster, his head became a fireplace and his hair became the firewood. His stomach turned into an octopus with huge tentacles and sharp teeth. His thighs broadened and feet grew in size. Before we could react to the situation, he said 'now tell me do you think it is nonsense', 'ha ha ha ha ha, you look clownish Mr. Whoever you are' Ansh giggled. We stared him astonished. 'Aaaaaaaaaaaah' the monster yelled and started running towards us, though we were a bit far from him we were so scared that we turned our cycles and started cycling towards the tent, we cycled so fast as we were in an official cycling race. We reached near the tent in less than 10 minutes. We didn't stop but in fact we climbed down our moving cycles and our cycles bumped at a tree altogether and we heard a sound of crashing. We went inside the tent to protect ourselves from the monster. We hid behind the Clown's seat where he was sitting. There we sat startled thinking what to do next. 'What are we going to do now' I said trying to catch my breath. Kush turned his head 'what's that' he said 'is it a secret passageway but who will go inside it' we started staring krish 'not again guys' actually he was the person we all forced to do such things. It was a door covered with purple cloth. Krish pushed the door; it creaked like it had not opened in a hundred years. He sneaked in 'What, you here' he shouted but no one answered from inside. We started crawling towards the door like a year old babies. We sneaked in and what we saw left us astonished, we saw Yaksh kept in a cage with his hands tied at his back and legs tied and his mouth taped. We moved towards Yaksh and removed his tape, 'what are you doing here and if you're here who is that’ Aisha asked. Yaksh replied 'I was kept here from the starting and that's Sanki, he swapped me with him. Now I understood about the lies Sanki told about his pocket knife cutting team metal chain, about him tying laces of his sandals, and ya the most awkward one, him getting a solid rope in the middle of a jungle. 'But how didn't the other guys know about the swap' I thought in my mind. Suddenly all of them except me the real Yaksh and Aisha turned into monsters similar to the monster we saw outside. Before we could react, one of the monsters took Aisha and threw her in the tub filled with blood. Aisha was covered fully in blood. She tried to come out but the thick blood won't let her do that, I was looking at her struggling when again a monster picked me up and did the same but he didn't throw me in the blood but instead he threw me in a slimy liquid. They called it as genocide. Finally Aisha came out of the blood tub and she looked like a bloody monster. Meanwhile the other monster which we saw outside the tent joined the other ones. Even though covered in genocide, I could clearly see Aisha moving towards the monsters. I observed that two of the very huge monsters ran away but two didn't. I tried to come out when my leg hit a button and all of a sudden a ball, a football hit my head and flied high in the air, I headed it and It reached Aisha when she took a shoot and boom, it hit the head of one of the monsters, I again observed that the ball turned again into slime and the other one too ran away and the other one fell on the ground fainted.

I struggled to come out after a minute I came out of the genocide and was wondering that how did the balls come out of the genocide. We came out of the tent and walked a few distance when Aisha said 'hey did you notice something, half of them are afraid from blood while the other half are afraid of the balls that then turn into genocide. But we don't know their individual weaknesses. So what will we do now' Aisha said to me. I moved towards her. Now there was only little distance between us, I gently lifted my hand and slapped her and she turned into a monster. I did so because I felt a little change in her attitude and her way of talking. I started running towards my cycle, I picked it up and headed towards the tent, I could still feel the presence of the monster behind me so I cycled faster, the monster followed me. I left some marbles on the wet mud and cycled faster. Finally I reached the tent, looked back, and the monster was lying on the ground. I went near the genocide tub and set my cycle in a position in which the front wheel would press the button and the handle or the seat would give direction to the ball that comes out. Then I thought that if the monster with a weakness of blood would come then what would I do. So I took out my shoe dipped it in blood and put it at the entrance of the tent.

One of the monsters came to the tent; I rushed to Sanki's seat and hid behind it. I sat there curious to know what will happen to the monster. I heard some noise from the back of the seat and a light flashed into my eye and almost blinded me. Suddenly I heard some noise, so I peeked out of the seat and saw the monster on the floor. I also saw some genocide on his face. I slowly crawled towards the door behind the seat. But I found no door behind the purple. Suddenly some strong force pulled me from behind and my head hit the seat.

I fell on the hard ground and opened my eyes; I stood up rubbing my head. I glanced around but saw nothing. I was very exhausted and thirsty so I looked around for water; I was also so tired that I didn't think that I had a water bottle in my bag. After a couple of minutes, a strong fragrance hit my nose. It was a smell of something being cooked. I followed the smell till about a mile when a small Hut appeared in front of me, I ran towards it and knocked the door. 'Who's there' a male voice called out. I didn't reply. A man came out and took me inside. I saw my friends trapped in a cage. 'What! Is it a trap' I said. Nobody responded and the man pushed me inside the cage. 'What are you doing here Vatshal' Aisha said. I didn't say a word and turned around to see the man. He took some liquid and poured it into a pot of boiling water. 'Maybe he was doing that to trap more people' I thought. The bottle of liquid slipped from his hand and fell down. He bent down to pick up the bottle. At the moment he bent down I saw some golden thing shining from the rear pocket. I didn't think for a second and swiftly took it out. I didn't want to do it but I had to. The man stood up and looked at us with an angry face. I didn't look towards him and started whistling. The man went to the pot and emptied the whole bottle into it. Beep Beep........ The man's phone started ringing. 'There are no towers here, how can he receive a call. I'm telling you guys, this is really crazy' Yaksh said. I looked towards him and shushed him. The man went outside of the Hut to relieve the call. He didn't return for a while, till that time I took out the key from my pocket and thought of the lock to which it belonged. I tried it on the cage lock and Kaching, it opened. We quickly ran out and ran towards the man, Yaksh slapped him on his back 'very bad security, must change the guard' he said. Till the time he could react, we ran far far away. We ran as fast as we could. After some time we stopped under a tree and rested for a minute. We slowly walked to the way from which I came. As we reached the spot, I saw a black spot in the sky, maybe from which I came here. It was not too high for a teen. We all jumped and reached it. We saw somebody else also with us, it was Rayan, and my friend whom I thought was dead. So was he travelling to and fro these worlds since years, I thought. At last we ended up on Sanki's seat, one on another.

We tried to get back on out feet but Rayan was on the top and let me tell you, he is really really fat and heavy. I tried to push him but he rolled down. We all stood on our feet and saw around. I saw no sign of my shoe, my cycle, the monsters, nothing but I was happy that my backpack was still with me and it consisted one of my favourite thing, my phone. I looked at my watch; it said half past seven wait did it happen in only two and a half hours. We came out of the tent started searching for our cycles. We searched for a while when krish shouted 'they're here. All of them. We rushed towards the spot and found our cycles in perfect condition. I checked my backpack for some water, there is found my phone working although the toughened glass was fully cracked due to the hit I had in the secret world. We rode our cycles to home, everything appeared normal expect one, Rayan, and he was back and alive. 'Hey what happened to Sanki man' I asked. 'The guy you saw in the secret world in the Hut, it was Sanki, he changed his form and now he is trapped in his own world forever' Rayan answered sitting at the carrier of my cycle. 'Why didn't you come back for so long' I continued. 'Actually when I was in the secret world, I escaped but found out that I had a small wall (Sanki's seat) in front of me and someone sitting over the other way and laughing (Sanki). Then I went back to that world and I saw that there was a Sanki in disguise. So I came back and did vica versa' he answered.

‘By the way why was the note put up on my house's I asked, 'that was just a joke by me, sorry about that' krish confessed.We reached our homes and I introduced Rayan to my mother and she offered him some lunch. He started eating like a hungry HAMLET.I called his mother quickly and

'Wake up Vatshal, wake up' somebody shouted and started to shake me up. It was my mother, 'come on champ, we're already there' my father said and I opened my eyes. 'What was that, I slept during a journey. Yay I broke out from my travel sickness. But was it really a dream' I took out my phone to check, it was in a perfect condition, not even a scratch. I sighed in relief. I came out of the car and washed my face with water. I saw the new home. ‘What the fish!’ I was about to say something else but changed my language according to the situation. I saw the same house that I saw in my dream. I went to the gate and found the same note. I walked to my neighbourhood to check out my neighbouring friends but when I saw them, I was relieved; they were totally different from the ones in my dream. I was very happy to have a new house and new friends.