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Terrorism and India

Problem of Terrorism

What is the Terrorism?

Terrorism is an anxiety-inspiring method of repeated violent action, employed by (semi-) clandestine individual, group or state actors, for idiosyncratic, criminal or political reasons, whereby the direct targets of violence are not the main targets. The immediate human victims of violence are generally chosen randomly (targets of opportunity) or selectively (representative or symbolic targets) from a target population, and serve as message generators.


Terrorism, in its broadest sense, describes the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious or ideological aim.

India subdivides terrorism in four major groups:

  • Ethno-nationalist terrorism - This form of terror focuses either (a) on creating a separate State within India or independent of India or in a neighboring country.
  • Religious terrorism - This form of terror focuses on religious imperatives, a presumed duty or in solidarity for a specific religious group, against one or more religious groups. Mumbai 26/11 terror attack, Uri Attack.
  • Left-wing terrorism - This form of terror focuses on economic ideology, where all the existing socio-political structures are seen to be economically exploitative in character and a revolutionary change through violent means is essential.
  • Narcoterrorism - This form of terror focuses on creating illegal narcotics traffic zones. Ex. Drug violence in northwest India.
  • Few terrorist attacks in India:

  • 26/11 terror attack, Taj Hotel in 2008.
  • August, 2016: Kokrajhar Attack at Kokrajhar, Assam.
  • September, 2016: Uri attack at Uri, J&K.
  • October, 2016: Baramulla attack at Baramulla, J&K.
  • October 2016: Handwara attack at rashtriya riffles camp, Handwara, J&K.
  • November 2016: Nagrota Attack at Nagrota, J&K.
  • March, 2017: Bhopal–Ujjain Passenger train bombing at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
  • July, 2017: Amarnath yatra attack in Anantnag, Officials suspect LeT, Hizbul handAnantnag, Jammu & Kashmir.
  • Global world-India View on Terrorism.

  • The persisting salience of trans-national terrorism remains a primary security challenge, exacerbated by the interplay between states and non-state actors often used as proxies to spread extremist ideologies and foment violence. Large parts of West Asia, Afghanistan and Africa are afflicted by deep instability and violence, posing a rising threat to the stability of wider Asia and Europe. The re-emergence of territorial disputes, including in the maritime domain, has sharpened differences between states and could lead to militaristic approaches and challenges to norms of international law as well as standards of international behavior. The rise of nationalism, including in key Western nations, and continued challenges to democratic structures and processes in several countries, could limit the efficacy of efforts for dialogue and reconciliation within and among societies.
  • The situation in India’s immediate South Asian neighborhood remains difficult, with the overall security and political context in most neighboring states continuing to remain volatile. The growing recognition of the need to take a united view against cross border terrorism, leading to the cancellation of the SAARC Summit and calls for holding the meeting in an atmosphere free of terrorism, was a notable development. Efforts to provide a fresh impetus to Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), such as through the BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit and sub regional efforts such as BBIN (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal) could provide alternative structures to enhance cooperation and promote 3 economic development.
  • Due to the systematic and unrelenting efforts of Government, the internal security situation in the country is firmly under control. Broadly, the challenges to internal security in India can be categorized into four threats viz. cross border terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir, militancy in the North East, Left Wing Extremism (LWE) in certain states and terrorism in the hinterland. Of these, there is steep decline in terror attacks in the hinterland and the violence perpetrated by LWE. The security situation in J&K remained stable during the first half of the year. After the killing of a hardcore terrorist in July 2016, the separatists and terrorist tanzeems focused their efforts to mobilize protests and disturb public peace. Due to the continuous efforts of the state government and Security Forces, the situation in J&K is currently tense but under control.
  • Joint Exercises with FFCs constitute the most visible component of India’s defense cooperation activities. These events showcase its professionalism globally and provide valuable exposure to its troops. These involve sharing of experience, understanding the changing dynamics of military operations, developing inter-operability and streamlining the procurement procedures for combined operations including Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Exercises. As on date, Indian Army has 24 instituted exercises with 19 countries. For the year 2016-17, of the 20 exercises planned, 12 exercises have been conducted till end November 2016. The theme for the exercises is counter insurgency/ counter terrorism under UN Charter/ Humanitarian 18 Assistance and Disaster Relief. Exercises with Singapore are field firing exercises held in India. 3.28 Courses run in Indian training establishments are valued worldwide for their professional content and apolitical nature. 2426 foreign officers and NCOs have undertaken such training in 2015-16.
  • Army has undertaken a large number of Military Civic Action Programmers sponsored and funded by the Government of India aimed at “Winning Hearts and Minds” of the people in the areas affected by terrorism and insurgency in Jammu & Kashmir and North Eastern States under “Operation Sadbhavana”. The focus of Operation Sadbhavana in these regions has been towards development of core social indices of 19 ‘Quality Education, Women Empowerment, Community and Infrastructural Development, Health and Veterinary Care, Development of Gujjar/ Bakarwals and Nation Building’.
  • People Friendly Operations: A large number of people friendly activities were undertaken to shape the people’s perception about the Army which has made a visible change in the way people perceive the Army, besides increasing the comfort levels between 'Awaam' and 'Jawan'. Youth Employment and Guidance Nodes (YEGN), conducted by Rashtriya Rifles effectively targeted the unemployed youth of the state and helped them explore avenues of higher education and employment, thus guiding them away from the lure of easy money and a misplaced sense of power through terrorism. Creation of Rashtriya Rifles, the only specially structured Counter Insurgency/ Counter Terrorist (CI/CT) Force in the world has been one of the finest examples of a strategic decision with a long term perspective. The expertise gained is invaluable in building comprehensive National Power and needs to be preserved in perpetuity.
  • Counter Insurgency/ Counter Terrorism and Internal Security: Presently, approximately 75 percent of TA units are deployed in the Counter Insurgency/ Counter Terrorism environment in Jammu & Kashmir and North-East and are playing an important role as an adjunct to the Regular Army for carrying out assigned tasks in a professional manner.
  • INS Airavat participated in the ADMM Plus Exercise on Maritime Security and Counter Terrorism held at Brunei and Singapore from May 2-10, 2016. In pursuance of India’s ‘Act East Policy’, IN has been a regular participant in the ADMM Plus exercise for the last two years.
  • Defense Cooperation with Kazakhstan has been progressing well. The joint military exercise on Counter Terrorism “Prabal Dostyk” has been made into an annual event starting 2016 and was last held from September 3-17, 2016 in Kazakhstan. 3 Indian companies participated in KADEX-2016 during June 2-5, 2016. An 11 member delegation of Garuds participated in the “International Army Games 2016 Sniper Line’ from July 28 to August 10, 2016. Under the Youth Exchange programme, an NCC delegation consisting of 2 officers and 12 cadets visited Kazakhstan from September 26 – October 8, 2016.
  • November 23, 2016: IDSA International Conference on “Addressing the Challenge of International Terrorism and Radicalisation”.
  • March 3, 2016 : A Roundtable interaction with a six member delegation from the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) led by Prof. Lee Wonwoo, the Chief of Department of Asian and Pacific Studies, IFFANS, KNDA on the topics ‘India-China Relations, IndiaUS Relations, India-Pakistan Relations, South Asia and terrorism/ ISIS etc.’
  • May 5, 2016: A Roundtable interaction with a delegation of security experts from National Security Council, Thailand on “Issues Relating to the Emerging Trends in Terrorism.”
  • September 14, 2016: President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, delivered a talk on “Fifth Wave of Political Violence and Global Terrorism”.
  • Global Terrorism Index (GTI):

    The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) is a report published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), and was developed by IT entrepreneur and IEP's founder Steve Killelea.

    The index provides a comprehensive summary of the key global trends and patterns in terrorism since 2000. It produces a composite score in order to provide an ordinal ranking of countries on the impact of terrorism. It is an attempt to systematically rank the nations of the world according to terrorist activity.

    The GTI is based on data from the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) which is collected and collated by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland. The GTD has codified over 150,000 cases of terrorism.

    The GTI covers 163 countries, covering 99.7% of the world’s population.

    The first edition of Global Terrorism Index was published in 2012. The study covered analysis of 158 countries. Only 20 nations scored a zero for terrorist impact over the 2002-2011 period, indicating the impact of terror, while heavily concentrated in some places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, was widely distributed around the world.

    The fourth edition of Global Terrorism Index was published in November 2016. The study covered analysis of 163 countries.

    In 2016, 4th edition of GTI, Twenty-one of the 34 OECD countries experienced at least one terrorist attack with the majority of deaths occurring in Turkey and France.

    India ranked 8 with score of 7.484. (GTI ranks and scores, 2016)

    Most dangerous terrorist group in world:

  • FARC
  • How terrorist group did mind wash with the help of false social or false religious verses.

    I would say:

  • Providing a completely misinterpreted understanding of religion.
  • Forbidding them (common ignorant people) to read different books and interacting with 'foreign' people,
  • Building on the deep rooted hatred that some have towards the societies and particular communities.
  • Creating new artificial means to ignite the flame of hatred in the minds of the weak (as happened in Iraq after the formation of the new interim government).
  • Dehumanization of humans by extreme psychological, sexual, emotional tortures as seen in Abu-Gharaib, Guantanamo, Israeli prisons, and in today's ISIS.
  • Usage of drugs and various biological agents to weaken the intellectual capabilities. Like Viagra, etc.
  • Immense promises of financial support to their families and friends,
  • Extreme propaganda of their might via social networking sites, etc.
  • Few steps taken by the Indian government to stop terror attacks.

  • There exists a close and effective coordination between intelligence and security agencies at the Centre and the states level.
  • To deal with the internal security challenges, government has augmented the strength of Central Armed Police Forces.
  • In order to assess the threat posed by terrorist groups, meetings will be held by the MHA with all the central agencies and the state governments.
  • Empowerment of DG, NSG to requisition aircraft for movement of NSG personnel in the event of any emergency.
  • The government has imposed tighter controls to prevent increased immigration.
  • The government has ordered effective border management through round the clock surveillance & patrolling on the border areas.
  • Observation posts have been established. Border fencing, flood lighting, deployment of modern and hi-tech surveillance equipment are among other measures taken by the Centre.
  • Intelligence setup has been upgraded.
  • Coastal security has been strengthened.
  • Amendments to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 in 2008 and 2012 have been done to strengthen the punitive measures to combat terrorism.
  • Government has established the National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) with an intention to link data bases for collecting actionable intelligence to combat terrorism and internal security threats.
  • Raising of the issues of Cross-Border Terrorism in all its manifestations including its financing in various multi-lateral and bilateral fora as part of India’s zero tolerance policy towards terrorism.
  • World need to do global steps to control terrorism activities.

    I said,

  • Stop Overthrowing the Moderates and Arming the Crazies.
  • Stop Supporting the Dictators Who Fund Terrorists.
  • Stop Bombing and Invading When a Negotiated Settlement Is Offered.
  • Stop Drone Assassinations of Innocent Civilians.
  • Stop Torture.
  • According to me:

    No man comes from mother’s belly to do terrorism activities or want to become a terrorist.

    In today’s world, when a person is physically, mentally or religiously harmed by communities or Groups which has taboo to criticize the peoples always, so after some limitation person cannot tolerate his or her temper. When people who has poor mental instincts go into wrong direction and perform terrorist activities. When child develops properly, its future and nation future are very bright. According to me, Govt. should be able to awaking the new generation against the terrorism. When roots of terrorism and concept about the wrong propaganda will be understood, no person or community will run toward the terrorism act in the name of religion.